Spanish Sentences using injusticia
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The ¿Podrán acabar con la injusticia?
Can they end injustice?
¡No reclamen justicia cometiendo injusticia!
Do not demand justice whilst being unjust yourselves.
Incluso votada por mayoría, una injusticia sigue siendo una injusticia.
Even when voted through by a majority, an injustice is still an injustice.
¿Cuándo pondremos fin a esta injusticia?
When will we put an end to this injustice?
¿Es o no una profunda injusticia?
Is this or is this not a profound injustice?
Esta es la primera injusticia.
This is the first injustice.
¿Cómo podemos rectificar esta injusticia?
How do we right this wrong?
Pongo esta injusticia ante su conciencia.
I challenge your conscience with this injustice.
Representa una injusticia y una amenaza.
It represents an injustice and a threat.
Es una locura y una injusticia.
That is really too crazy for words and very unfair.
Pero qué injusticia para los demás.
How unfair for the others, though.
Aquí, hay pues una primera injusticia.
That is the first injustice.
Intervengo para poner al descubierto una injusticia.
I am taking the floor so that I can expose an injustice.
Luchó contra la injusticia en general.
He fought against injustice generally.
Es una injusticia que debemos combatir.
This is an injustice which we must battle against.
Esta es la primera injusticia a resolver.
This is the first injustice that must be rectified.
Es una injusticia a la que hay que poner remedio.
This is an injustice which needs remedying.
En realidad, ello crea una triple injusticia hacia esos niños.
What this in fact means is that these children suffer a triple injustice.
Existe injusticia por ambas partes, no hay duda de que existe.
There is wrong on both sides, of course there is.
El terrorismo existe, el fanatismo existe, la injusticia existe.
For terrorism exists, fanaticism exists, injustice exists.
Esto es reparar la injusticia y garantizar la justicia.
This would make up for the injustice and ensure justice is done.
El Presidente Bush aceptó la injusticia de estos ataques.
President Bush admitted these accusations were unfair.
En mi opinión, se ha hecho una injusticia con ellos.
In my view, an injustice has been done to them.
Por otra, también deseamos corregir una vieja injusticia.
On the other hand, we also want to put right an old injustice.
Celebro que la Comisión sea sensible a esta injusticia.
I welcome the fact that the Commission is sensitive to this injustice.
Lo cierto es que han sido víctimas de una injusticia.
They have simply been the victims of injustice.
La injusticia sufrida por Tenzin Deleg debe repararse.
The miscarriage of justice suffered by Tenzin Delek must be put right.
Pienso que en muchos casos sería una grave injusticia.
I believe that in many cases that would be a serious injustice.
¿Cómo pueden ser competitivas las empresas británicas ante esta injusticia?
How can United Kingdom companies be competitive in the face of that kind of inequity?
Cometemos con ellos una injusticia social e histórica.
We do them an injustice both socially and historically.
La injusticia legitimada está en marcha y es necesario combatirla.
Injustice in legal form is on the march, and it must be fought against.
¿Qué medidas podría adoptar la Comisión para paliar esta injusticia?
Are there any steps that the Commission can take to alleviate that unfairness?
Es una decisión irreversible muchas veces basada en la injusticia.
This is an irreparable decision which is at times even based on a miscarriage of justice.
¿Cómo y cuándo se eliminará esta injusticia y desigualdad?
How and when will this injustice and inequity be eliminated?
Los Decretos Benes no pueden de ninguna manera legitimar la injusticia.
The Beneš Decrees absolutely cannot legitimise injustice.
Desconectar a las personas del suministro energético equivale a una injusticia social.
Disconnecting people from the energy supply is a question of social injustice.
Por supuesto, esta injusticia no puede refinanciarse a través de la UE.
This unfairness cannot, of course, be refinanced via the EU.
Lo que ven son "desigualdades, un sentimiento de injusticia, inseguridad".
What they see are 'inequalities, a feeling of injustice, insecurity'.
Sin embargo no se repara una injusticia cometiendo otra.
But that is not to say that one injustice can be remedied by committing another.
Toda esta construcción se desmorona en base a su propia injusticia.
The whole concept falls as a result of its own absurdity.
¿No es ésta una injusticia real que hay que reparar?
Is this not an injustice that should be rectified?
La injusticia reside en el reparto de la carga.
The injustice lies in how the burden is distributed.
Ni las votaciones por mayoría, ni las indemnizaciones al vuelo pueden hacer que una injusticia no sea una injusticia.
Neither majority votes nor fleeting compensation can prevent an injustice from being an injustice.
Sabemos que todos los actos violentos tienen su raíz en la injusticia, y nos interesa dotarnos de medios para luchar contra la injusticia.
We know that all forms of violence are rooted in injustice, and it is in our interests to equip ourselves with the resources to fight against injustice.
Por supuesto habrá que plantearse si las reglas pueden llevar a alguna injusticia para embarcaciones más pequeñas.
The question is, of course, raised as to whether rules can have an adverse effect on smaller vessels.
Por lo tanto, espero que se pueda intervenir en el reglamento para remediar esta injusticia.
I therefore call for measures to be included in the regulation that will put a stop to this injustice.
Esto constituye una evidente injusticia, de la que es víctima el pueblo chipriota.
The people of Cyprus are clearly being wronged here.
Entonces, probablemente con total injusticia, no nos hacíamos la pregunta que nos hacemos ahora.
We did not ask ourselves the questions which we probably should have asked and which we are asking ourselves today.
En tercer lugar, existe una injusticia en términos de la responsabilidad de correr con los gastos.
Thirdly, there is in equity in terms of the responsibility for meeting the costs.
Pero lo que hemos intentado hacer, fundamentalmente, es corregir dicha injusticia.
But in essence what we have tried to do is to rectify that inequity.
Está claro que la estabilidad es otra cosa que la injusticia.
Stability means something else besides stripping people of rights.
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