Spanish Sentences using indispensable
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The These lessons should provide you all with the essential Spanish.
It was indispensable that you turned in the passport.
Su papel en esta empresa no es indispensable.
His role in the company is not indispensable.
Para trabajar en las Naciones Unidas, es indispensable que sepa usted por los menos tres idiomas.
You must know at least three languages in order to work for the United Nations.
Es indispensable hacerlo correctamente.
It is critical that we get it right.
Lo considero indispensable.
I think this is essential.
Un corredor humanitario es indispensable.
A humanitarian corridor is essential in this respect.
Es indispensable un nuevo método.
A new method is vital.
La cooperación internacional será indispensable.
International cooperation will be indispensable.
Es indispensable, absolutamente imperativo, hacerlo.
This is essential – absolutely imperative.
Considero que esto es indispensable.
I feel that this is essential.
Esta voluntad política es indispensable.
This political will is indispensible.
Como instrumento, no obstante, es indispensable.
As an instrument, however, it is indispensable.
Es indispensable poner un alto.
It is essential to curb this trend.
Es indispensable un acuerdo israelo-palestino.
An Israeli-Palestinian agreement is indispensable.
Perfeccionable, pero un primer paso indispensable.
Not perfect, but an essential first step.
Parece, pues, indispensable una ayuda exterior.
Outside help now appears essential.
Por eso es indispensable una mayor transparencia.
This is why greater transparency is essential.
Evidentemente, la investigación también es indispensable.
Research is, of course, equally essential.
Para mí es un elemento indispensable.
As far as I am concerned, it is an essential factor.
Es un elemento indispensable del universo.
It is an indispensable element of the universe.
resulta indispensable aumentar la edad de jubilación;
it is essential to raise the retirement age;
La ampliación la hace todavía más indispensable.
The prospect of enlargement makes it all the more vital.
Esto llevará tiempo, pero es indispensable.
It will take time, but it is has to be done.
Además resulta indispensable proporcionar una mayor información.
It is also essential to make the provision of information more effective.
La unión monetaria es indispensable pero no suficiente.
Monetary union is vital but not enough.
Esta rastreabilidad es indispensable a la seguridad alimentaria.
This traceability is essential for food safety.
Ésta es la condición indispensable para reconciliarlos con la política.
This is the sine qua non condition for reconciling the popular and political spheres.
Está claro que entonces es indispensable reunir los tres procesos.
It is clear that, at this point, the three processes have to be combined.
En cualquier caso, está en juego lo indispensable.
The very essence of Europe is under threat.
En ese caso es indispensable recurrir al ferrocarril.
It is absolutely essential, in this eventuality, to have recourse to rail transport.
¿En qué plazo será propuesto este texto indispensable, señor Comisario?
Within what timeframe, Commissioner, will this crucial text be proposed?
De todos modos, el cambio es totalmente indispensable.
However, change is absolutely essential.
La aplicación sistemática del principio de precaución es indispensable.
We must automatically apply the precautionary principle.
La primera de esas cualidades es que resulta indispensable.
The first of the good qualities is the fact that it is essential.
Es indispensable analizar esta cuestión y someterla a debate.
It is of the absolute essence that this matter be looked into and raised for discussion.
Resulta absolutamente indispensable revisar la directiva sobre envases.
It is absolutely necessary to revise the packaging directive.
Las patentes son un componente indispensable de ella.
Patents are an indispensable part of that.
La gobernanza es indispensable al igual que la estabilidad.
Good governance is just as vital as stability.
En estas difíciles circunstancias resulta indispensable la capacidad de mando.
In these difficult circumstances, leadership is indispensable.
La integración es un elemento absolutamente indispensable del proceso.
Integration is an absolutely vital part of the process.
En junio ya dije que era indispensable alcanzar un acuerdo.
I said in June that this will be essential in reaching a deal.
Pero hoy es indispensable un compromiso político más firme.
However, a firmer political commitment is now vital.
Es indispensable y el informe lo señala claramente.
That is essential and that has been clearly stated in the report.
Era indispensable reforzar la financiación de Natura 2000.
It was crucial to increase this funding for Natura 2000.
Por ello considero absolutamente indispensable adoptar una interpretación menos restrictiva.
That is why I believe a rather less restrictive interpretation is absolutely essential.
En esos lugares la pulverización aérea es indispensable.
In those places crop spraying from the air is indispensable.
Para que ello ocurra es indispensable realizar una reforma.
For this to happen, reform is indispensable.
Dicho respeto constituye un requisito indispensable de cualquier gobierno no dictatorial.
Such respect is an indispensable requirement of any non-dictatorial government.
Llevar a cabo un seguimiento sobre este punto es indispensable.
A follow-up assessment here is indispensable.
Ha desempeñado un papel útil e incluso indispensable.
It played a useful, even essential role.
Es indispensable que se celebren elecciones libres y justas.
Holding free and fair elections is crucial.
Es indispensable ofrecer a Ucrania una perspectiva europea en varias fases.
It is essential to offer Ukraine a European perspective in several steps.
Como ya he dicho, es indispensable adoptar un planteamiento crítico.
A critical approach is essential, as I have said.
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