Spanish Sentences using hizo
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I know that he understood me, but he pretended not to.
The spokesperson was highly critical of the advisor's attitude.
The charge was made without the customer's consent.
Which president do you think did the most to protect the environment?
Did you follow my instructions? Yes, I followed your instructions and it made me late.
He became a teacher because he thought this was the easiest thing.
With the time, he became so famous that people would recognize him in the streets.
How about George, did he do his assignment too? No, he did not do his assignment yesterday but he did do today’s work.
It was easy, he did everything, and since he was older than me there was no problem.
Did you believe the politician when he made his promises? No, I did not believe him.
His friends wanted him to get drunk, but he didn't do it.
He really wanted to study physiology, but he ended up being a doctor.
Su afán de aventuras le hizo embarcarse en un viaje hacia el Extremo Oriente.
His desire for adventures drove him to take a trip to the Far East.
(Él) hizo la traducción de español a inglés.
He did a translation from Spanish to English.
Ángela habría dicho la verdad, pero no lo hizo.
Ángela would have told the truth, but she didn’t.
(Él) hizo la traducción ruso-francesa.
He did the Russian to French translation.
Desde las tres hizo frío.
From three o'clock (on) it was cold.
Ayer fue un día horrible. Llovió e hizo mucho viento.
Yesterday was a horrible day. It rained and was very windy.
¿Qué hizo Ud. mientras su esposa se arreglaba para ir al baile?
What did you do while your wife was getting ready to go to the dance?
El estallido de la guerra hizo que emigrase a Francia.
The outbreak of the war made him immigrate to France.
Ellos hicieron una fiesta de Nochevieja.
They partied on New Year's eve.
¿Hizo Mary su tarea ayer? Sí, Mary hizo su tarea muy bien.
Did Mary do her assignment yesterday? Yes, Mary did her assignment very well.
El profesor hizo unas preguntas difíciles. Lo pedimos al profesor ayuda.
The teacher asked some difficult questions. We asked the teacher for help.
Su fuerte carácter le hizo entrar en conflicto con el Rey.
His strong character caused him to enter into conflict with the king.
El niño no le hizo caso a su mamá.
The boy did not obey his mother.
En la mañana hizo calor y en la tarde llovió.
It was hot in the morning and it rained in the afternoon.
Él hizo un dibujo en su libro.
He made a drawing in his book.
Hizo un viaje de ida y vuelta.
He took a round trip.
No lo hizo.
You did not do so.
No lo hizo.
That action was not carried through.
No lo hizo.
He did not do so.
No lo hizo sin motivo.
It did not do so without reason.
¿Qué hizo Arafat?
What did Mr Arafat do?
Me hizo una segunda pregunta.
He asked a second question.
Lo hizo a puerta cerrada.
He did so behind closed doors.
¿Qué hizo la Comisión?
What did the Commission do?
Entonces, ¿quién lo hizo?
In that case, who did?
Pero no lo hizo.
It did not do so.
¿Qué se hizo?
So what did you do?
Pero usted no lo hizo.
You did not do that.
¿Por qué lo hizo?
Why did it do that?
Pero esto no se hizo.
But that did not happen.
¿Qué hizo el fabricante?
What did the manufacturer do?
Hizo la vista gorda.
They closed their eyes to it.
No se hizo en Niza, se hizo de tapadillo.
This was not done in Nice, it was done in secret.
Se hizo una descripción interesante.
Their description was most interesting.
Antes hizo exactamente lo mismo.
You did exactly the same earlier.
Hizo legal una situación ilegal.
It has made an illegal situation legal.
Y creo que hizo bien.
I think he was right.
Sinceramente, eso no nos hizo avanzar.
Quite frankly, that was not leading us forward.
No se hizo nada al respecto.
Nothing was done about this.
Eso no lo hizo la Comisión.
It was not what the Commission did.
Ello hizo prósperas a las naciones.
That order made nations prosperous.
Hizo usted bien al defendernos.
You were right to defend us.
Lo hizo por cuenta propia.
You did it off your own bat.
No hizo su declaración el lunes.
He failed to make this statement on Monday.
Sabemos por qué se hizo.
We know why it happened.
¿Y por qué lo hizo?
And why did they do that?
Se hizo en la UE.
It was made in the EU.
Lo hizo unánimemente, a propuesta mía.
It did so unanimously, in response to a proposal by myself.
Usted hizo concesiones totalmente inaceptables.
You made completely unacceptable concessions.
Pero políticamente hizo esa elección.
But politically it made the choice.
Su Señoría hizo muy bien.
You were quite right to do so.
Lo hizo en octubre del pasado año.
They did that in October last year.
Nuestra comisión hizo dos enmiendas a este informe.
Our committee tabled two amendments for the report.
Todo esto no se hizo y lo lamentamos.
We regret that this has not been the case.
Esto se hizo en febrero de 2001.
This was announced in February 2001.
La Comisión hizo un estudio en Grecia.
The Commission has conducted an investigation in Greece.
Lo hizo antes del 11 de septiembre.
It did so before 11 September.
Fue él quien hizo este comentario.
He made this very point.
Esto, por supuesto, no se hizo sin dificultades.
This was of course not without problems.
Esto nos hizo perder muchos años.
That delay set us back years.
De hecho, se hizo en la comisión.
It was in fact done in committee.
Si es así, ¿cuándo se hizo exactamente?
If it has come to an end, when, exactly, did that happen?
La Comisión lo hizo de cuatro años.
The Commission made it four years.
No me interesa saber quién hizo el estudio.
I am not interested in who did the study.
Observo que eso no se hizo en 2002.
I note that this did not happen in 2002.
Eso se hizo en Luxemburgo en mayo.
That was done in Luxembourg in May.
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