Spanish Sentences using hiciera
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The The teacher wanted me to do the homework last night.
I was hoping that Mary would do the homework last night.
Hello, would you mind answering some questions?
Mom told me to do the homework when I got home at three o'clock.
Mom said that she wanted me to do the homework as soon as I arrived home.
If I exercised a little every morning, I wouldn't be so fat.
The teacher wanted me to do the homework before the class.
I was hoping that John would do the homework before arriving to the class.
Nosotros iríamos al parque si hiciera sol.
We would go to the park if it were sunny.
Los muchachos irían al parque si hiciera sol.
The boys would go to the park if it were sunny.
Iríamos al parque con ellos si hiciera sol.
We would go to the park with them if it were sunny.
Me gustaría que lo hiciera.
I would be glad if you were to do so.
Lamento que no lo hiciera.
I regret that it did not do so.
Yo preferiría que no lo hiciera.
I would rather that they did not.
No estaría bien que lo hiciera.
It would not be appropriate for me to do so.
Nadie pidió que no se hiciera.
No one asked for that report not to be put on the agenda.
Le recomendaría que lo hiciera.
I would recommend that he do so.
Se comprende perfectamente que lo hiciera.
It should be understood that Portugal has indeed played this active role.
Si se hiciera, no habría necesidad más coordinación.
To do that would make for enough coordination!
Sería bueno y conveniente que lo hiciera.
It would be right and proper that they should do that.
Es de lamentar que no se hiciera.
It is unfortunate that that was not done.
Casi nadie esperaba que lo hiciera.
Hardly anyone expected him to either.
¿Pero y si se hiciera realidad?
What if it were to come true, though?
Ojalá mi gobierno hiciera lo mismo.
I wish my government did the same.
Le pediría firmemente que así lo hiciera.
I would strongly ask you to do that.
Si lo hiciera, se plantearían graves peligros.
There are real dangers in leading Turkey on.
Si hiciera esto, sería ridículamente aleccionador.
If I did so I would sound like a primary school teacher.
Nos gustaría que lo hiciera hoy.
There are many issues that we want to hear from you about, Mr Prodi.
¡Sería preferible que lo hiciera usted mismo ya de entrada!
And you would be well advised to do likewise from the outset.
Agradecería profundamente que se hiciera esa pequeña corrección técnica.
I would be most grateful if that small technical correction could be made.
Yo recomendaría que se hiciera la votación en papeletas secretas.
I would recommend that the vote be carried out by means of secret ballot papers.
Señor Sakellariou, preferiría que no hiciera una solicitud como esta.
Mr Sakellariou, I would prefer you not to make such a request.
Estaría bien que el Consejo hiciera lo mismo.
It would be good if the Council could do the same.
Señorías, me gustaría que se hiciera una revisión de las normas.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to see a revision of the rules.
Me gustaría que se hiciera más hincapié en el desempleo juvenil.
I would like to see more emphasis placed on youth unemployment.
Si lo hiciera enviaría el mensaje inadecuado al Gobierno guineano.
Doing so would send out the wrong message to the Guinean Government.
Le agradecería hiciera rectificar el acta en este punto.
I would therefore be grateful for any instructions you can give to have the minutes corrected about this.
Quisiera que el Comisario hiciera algunos comentarios a este respecto.
I should like to hear from the Commissioner on this.
Le rogaría que no hiciera alusiones personales, porque si no no vamos a terminar.
I would ask him not to make personal allusions or we will never finish.
Me gustaría que hiciera unos comentarios sobre estas propuestas.
I would be grateful for comments on these suggestions.
Me gustaría que la Comisión hiciera un comentario al respecto.
I would be pleased to hear the Commission's comments on this.
Pues si lo hiciera nos daría dinero para este asunto.
If it had, it would have given us the funds for this venture.
Así me gustaría que se hiciera constar en el Acta.
I would be grateful if the correct date could be added to the Minutes.
Por lo tanto, desearía que esta vez lo hiciera realmente.
As a result, I would like to make sure that it is properly examined this time round.
He insistido varias veces al Comisario para que lo hiciera.
I have pressed the Commissioner for it on several occasions.
No creo que haya hecho, ni que hiciera en el pasado, lo que este Parlamento le pidió que hiciera en 1990.
I do not think it has done, and I do not think it did in the past what this Parliament asked it to do in 1990.
Era indispensable que Europa hiciera oír esta posición, y lo hiciera con fuerza en el día de hoy.
It was essential that Europe should declare this to be its position and should do so in the strongest terms, here and now.
Me gustaría que se hiciera constar en el Acta lo que acabo de decir.
I wonder if that could be added to the Minutes.
Pero, si lo hiciera, estaría engañando, mintiendo, a los electores de una parte de su Gobierno.
If Austria does this, however, it will be lying to and duping the very people who voted for one of the parties in its government.
Sin embargo, esta cifra sería engañosa si no diera dos cifras, o hiciera dos comentarios, adicionales.
Nevertheless, this figure would be deceptive if I were not to give two additional figures, or make two additional comments.
Por eso, creo que sería una cuestión de sentido común que así se hiciera.
I therefore think that it would make sense to arrange the debate as I have suggested.
No quisiera que se me hiciera el reproche de que confundo fines y medios.
I would not like to be accused of confusing the ends with the means.
A la Comisión, que hiciera avanzar el Consejo, aunque no se había solicitado nada específicamente a la Comisión.
It is the Commission' s responsibility to ensure that the Council makes progress, even though the Commission itself was not specifically asked to do anything.
No estaría de más que Europa hiciera un llamamiento a las autoridades sudafricanas por este motivo.
Consequently, a European appeal to the South African authorities, in particular, is just as much called for.
No he oído en ninguna de sus palabras que hiciera usted ninguna propuesta sobre procedimiento.
I did not hear in any of it that you made any procedural proposal.
Ahí ha habido cinco directivas que han estado esperando que el Consejo hiciera su trabajo.
There have been five directives that have been waiting for the Council to do its work.
Pedimos entonces que se hiciera una llamada, que se ejerciera una presión.
At that time we asked for an appeal to be made, for pressure to be exerted.
Quizá sería mejor que lo hiciera en esta Cámara, pero no puedo.
Perhaps I should do that better in this House, but I am unable to.
Hasta ahora, no he visto que se hiciera mucho para llevar a término el programa.
So far, I have not seen much action in winding the programme up.
Pedí a mi personal que hiciera un seguimiento atento, y presentamos un nuevo proyecto de reglamento.
I told my staff to follow it closely and we brought a new draft regulation.
Me decepciona que no hiciera nada con respecto al Estatuto del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo.
I am disappointed that it did not manage to do something about the Statute of the Ombudsman.
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