Spanish Sentences using hecho
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Boys, would you all have done the homework if we had helped you?
We thought that by today the accountants would already have made out the budgets.
We had written the check when the employee helped us.
I think that the boys would have done the homework if we had helped them.
We would have gone to the park if it had been sunny.
Voy a hacerle un examen general y también uno del pulmón. Quiero saber si le han hecho una prueba de la tuberculosis.

I am going to perform a general examination and also a lung one. I want to know if they ever performed a TB test.
If I had done the homework in the afternoon I would have been able to go to bed earlier.
I thought María would have already made the soup. I didn't think María would have made the soup.
He he couldn't go to bed early because he hadn't done his homework.
If he had done his homework this afternoon he would be able to go to bed now.
What a homework! It's almost impossible that you did all that they gave you.
I would have been able to see the movie if I had done my homework this afternoon.
The travel agency has booked 'bed and breakfast'.
You would have been able to go to bed at ten o'clock if you had done the homework in the afternoon.
No one will ever make me regret what I did.
I have already made the reservation, you may pass by to pick up the tickets this afternoon
If I could have bought this house I would have done it.
Mary would have done the work if she had been able to.
The boys would have gone to the park if it had been sunny.
It didn't seem right to me that you made the doctor wait.
I don't like to sleep in the afternoon, that's why I don't take a nap.
A prisoner of war is a soldier who is imprisoned.
I hope that you have done the homework for the history class.
We would have gone to the park with them if it had been sunny.
¿Han hecho ustedes la tarea?
Have you done the homework?
Creo que se ha caído y se ha hecho daño.
I think she's fallen and hurt herself.
Yo creía que ustedes habían hecho la tarea.
I thought that you all had done the homework.
Creo que se ha hecho popo, porque puedo olerlo.
I think he pooped, because I can smell it.
Creo que los muchachos han hecho la tarea.
I believe that the boys have done the homework.
Yo creía que los muchachos habían hecho la tarea.
I thought that the boys had done the homework.
Yo no he hecho la tarea todavía.
I haven't done the homework yet.
¿Has hecho la tarea?
Have you done the homework?
¿Cuánto llevaron? Llevaron mucho, de hecho, llevaron más que yo esperé.
How much did they carry? They carried a lot, in fact, they carried more than I expected.
No sé si los muchachos han hecho la tarea para la clase de historia.
I don't know if the boys have done the homework for the history class.
Yo no sabía si los muchachos habían hecho la tarea para la clase de historia.
I didn't know if the boys had done the homework for the history class.
Yo no sé si María ha hecho la tarea.
I don't know if Mary hast done the homework.
Hoy ha hecho calor.
Today has been hot.
Aprecio mucho lo que has hecho por mi.
I really appreciate what you have done for me.
¿Salma Hayek habrá hecho otra película para el año que viene?
Will Salma Hayek have made another film by next year?
Sí, habrá hecho dos.
Yes, she will have made two.
¿Has hecho la lista de la compra?
Did you make the shopping list?
¿Has hecho tus tareas?
Have you done your homework?
María, ¿Has hecho tus tareas?
Mary, have you done your homework?
¡Ojalá (que) hubiese hecho sol cuando escalamos la montaña!
We wish it had been sunny when we went mountain climbing! (In reality, it was raining.)
Hecho de vidrio.
Made of glass
¿Qué has hecho últimamente?
What have you been doing lately?
Yo no sé si María ha hecho la tarea.
I don't know if Mary has done the homework.
El estudiante había hecho la tarea.
The student had done the homework.
Ellos habían hecho la tarea.
They had done their homework.
Hecho de goma
made of rubber
El estudiante había hecho la tarea.
The student had done the homework.
¿No se avergüenza de lo que ha hecho?
Aren’t you ashamed of what you have done?
Yo he hecho el trabajo.
I have done the work.
¿Has hecho el trabajo?
Have you done the work?
Juan ha hecho el trabajo.
John has done the work.
Nosotros hemos hecho el trabajo.
We have done the work.
Ellos habían hecho la tarea.
They had done their homework.
Los muchachos han hecho el trabajo.
The boys have done the work.
¿Todavía no te has hecho una cuenta?
You still haven't made an account?
Han hecho una gran remodelación del local.
They've done a big remodel of the place.
Todavía no he hecho ningún plan.
I still haven't made any plans.
No siento haberte hecho daño.
I'm not sorry that I hurt you.
Es un hecho indiscutible.
It's an indisputable fact.
Crudo. Medio hecho. Bien hecho.
Raw. Medium. Well-done.
¿Por qué lo has hecho?
Why have you done that?
Le dije que yo había hecho la tarea antes de la clase.
I told him that I had done the homework before the class.
¿Has hecho la tarea para la clase de historia?
Have you done the homework for the history class?
No he hecho la compra semanal.
I haven't done the weekly shopping.
(Élla) me ha hecho daño
She has hurt me
María dijo que habías hecho la tarea antes de la clase.
Mary said that you had done the homework before the class.
Yo no sabía si tú habías hecho la tarea antes de llegar a la clase.
I didn't known if you had done the homework before arriving to the class.
Quiero saber si has hecho la tarea para la clase de historia.
I want to know if you have done the homework for the history class.
Como pueden apreciar, el altar está hecho de mero mármol.
As you can see, the altar is made of pure marble.
El señor de la moto me ha hecho un corte de mangas.
The guy on on the motorbike flipped me off.
Creo que Juan ha hecho la tarea.
I believe that John has done the homework.
Todavía no lo he hecho.
I still haven't done it yet.
Yo creía que Juan había hecho la tarea antes de llegar a la clase.
I thought that John had done the homework before arriving to the class.
Yo no sé si Juan ha hecho la tarea.
I don't know if John has done the homework.
¿Sabías que Juan no había hecho la tarea?
Did you know that John hadn't done the homework?
Juan se ha hecho abogado.
Juan has become a lawyer.
Lo hecho, hecho está.
What's done is done.
No hemos hecho la tarea todavía.
We haven't done the homework yet.
Del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho.
There is a great distance from saying to doing.(It's easier said than done).
Dicho y hecho.
No sooner said than done.
El profesor creía que habíamos hecho la tarea antes de llegar a la clase.
The teacher thought that we had done the homework before arriving to the class.
Lo que ocurrió es un hecho real.
What happened is an actual fact.
Lo hecho, hecho está.
What is done is done.
Lo hecho, hecho está.
What is done is done.
¡Bien hecho!
Well done for this initiative!
Señorías, lo hecho hecho está.
Ladies and gentlemen, what is done is done.
No es un hecho habitual.
This is not the usual state of affairs.
También lo ha hecho.
It did this as well.
Así lo hemos hecho.
This is something we have borne in mind.
No lo ha hecho.
The Commission did not do that.
No lo han hecho.
They have failed to do that.
Y así lo he hecho.
And that is what I have done.
Se ha hecho correctamente.
It is a good idea.
Debería haberlo hecho.
It should have done so.
Me arrepiento de no haberlo hecho.
Unfortunately, I did not do this.
Lo ha hecho.
In fact, it has done so.
No lo hemos hecho.
We have not done that.
Hemos hecho nuestras tareas.
We have done our homework.
¿Estará hecho para 2003?
Will it have done so by 2003?
Ya las hemos hecho.
We have already done that.
El mal está hecho.
What is done is done.
¿Qué habríamos hecho entonces?
What would we have done?
De hecho no es así.
The fact is, it is not.
No lo hemos hecho bien.
We have not got it right.
Ha hecho bien.
You were right to do so.
El hecho es que no.
The fact is that it does not.
Pero todavía no está hecho.
These objectives, however, have yet to be achieved.
Ya lo ha hecho.
It has done so already.
Debemos aceptar este hecho.
We need to face up to that fact.
De hecho, no es así.
As a matter of fact, that is not the case.
Lo hemos hecho saber.
We have made this known.
De hecho, puede renovarse.
Instead, it can be renewed.
Pero no lo ha hecho.
It has not done so.
Reconozcamos este hecho.
Let us acknowledge the fact.
De hecho no es así.
In fact, it does not.
(DE) Lo hemos hecho.
(DE) We have done so.
Podríamos haber hecho más.
We could have done more.
Y ¿qué hemos hecho?
And what have we done?
Ahora se ha hecho.
This has now been done.
Este hecho resulta intolerable.
This is something quite intolerable.
Pero no lo hemos hecho.
We have not done so.
Me gustaría comentarles este hecho.
We will now speak to them about this.
¿Qué más hemos hecho?
What else did we do?
Eso es un hecho.
That is a matter of fact.
Es un hecho lamentable.
This is a regrettable fact.
He hecho una propuesta.
I have made a proposal.
No debemos ocultar este hecho.
We should not hide this fact.
Quiero subrayar ese hecho.
I wish to highlight that fact.
No se ha hecho.
It has not been done.
También he hecho referencia a Islandia.
I alluded to Iceland too.
Nosotros no hemos hecho eso.
We did not do that.
Debería haber hecho más.
It ought to have done more.
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