Spanish Sentences using haya
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I apologize that the product was not up to your standards.
We like that he has played with the football team.
When he has run in the motorcycle, put it away in the garage.
I think Pablo has studies to be a doctor. I don't think he has studied to be a journalist.
Who will be in charge of making sure there's enough charcoal?
I think the plane has flown to Paris. I don't think it has flown over there.
I think you have worked a lot in this life. I don't think I have worked a lot.
I think Luis will have studied for the test. I don't think Luisa have studied yet.
I think Marta will have sewed the dress for the party. I don't think she has sewed it yet.
I think the movie will have finished at 6:00 p.m. I don't think it has finished yet.
I don't think that John has gone to the beach this week.
If he is offered the job, let him accept it. It is terrible that there are no other options.
I hope that Mary has come to the class early today.
I'm going to go to the movies tonight, unless there is a lot of homework.
Provided that there are tickets, I will be at the airport tomorrow.
He/she had stolen my change purse without me having realized it.
I hope that John has told Mary that we are going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
When the war has ended everyting will be detroyed.
There isn't anyone who hasn't enjoyed a good movie.
I'm extremely happy that the baby was born. Congratulations!
I'm very sorry that your father had to punish you, but it was necessary.
I don't like at all that he got so thin. He should see a doctor.
Even though I had slept ten hours, I feel I have not slept at all.
As soon as there are apartments to rent I will let you know.
Would you be willing to accept a job in which you have to travel often?
We are sorry you had a problem with the product.
We hope that he had repented of all his sins.
Do any of you remember whether Inés has said she was going to have a party?
She said she wanted to have a party, but I don't remember her saying she was going to have one.
Yo espero que Juan haya comprado los boletos para el partido.
I hope that John has bought the tickets for the game.
Dudo que el veredicto haya dependido de su testimonio.
I doubt that the verdict had depended on his testimony.
Espero que Juan no se haya sentido enfermo.
I hope that John hasn't felt sick.
Arregle usted el jardín como el señor le haya indicado.
Fix the garden as the man has told you.
¿Sabes de alguna profecía que se haya cumplido?
Do you know of any prophesy that has come true?
Espero que María se haya acostado.
I hope that Mary has gone to bed.
Espero que María se haya podido acostar.
I hope that Mary has been able to go to bed.
Nos gusta que usted haya tomado un crucero.
We are glad that you have taken a cruise.
Me alegro de que ella haya llegado.
I'm glad she (has) arrived.
Dudo que ella haya llegado.
I doubt she (has) arrived.
Niego que ella haya llegado.
I deny she (has) arrived.
Es posible que ella haya llegado.
It's possible she (has) arrived.
Espero que Juan le haya entregado el cheque.
I hope that John has delivered the check to him.
Espero que no haya mucha gente en el partido.
I hope there aren't many people at the game.
Quiero que haya muchas bebidas en la fiesta.
I want there to be a lot of drinks at the party.
No creo que haya más de cien casetas.
I don't think there are more than a hundred booths.
Que haya una posibilidad de ayuda mutua entre ellos.
Let there be the possibility of mutual help among them.
Usted será puesto en libertad cuando haya pagado la fianza.
You will be released from jail after you post bond.
Encárguese usted de que haya suficientes cubiertos.
See to it that there are enough knives, forks and spoons on the table.
¿No se sabe el motivo que haya desencadenado la carambola?
They don't know what caused the pile-up?
Ojalá que haya asientos disponibles.
I hope that there are seats available.
A ninguno de nosotros le conviene que haya huelga.
A strike wouldn't do any of us any good.
No es posible que haya ocurrido un atasco de 100 carros.
It's not possible that there was a 100 car pile-up.
Espero que haya hablado sobre sus sospechas.
I hope he has spoken about his suspicion.
Cabe la posibilidad de que ella haya perdido el vuelo.
It is possible that she may have missed the flight.
El paciente con COVID-19 fue aislado.
The patient with COVID-19 was isolated.
A mi hermana le preocupa que yo no haya conseguido la visa todavia.
My sister is worried that I haven't gotten my visa yet.
¿Crees que la antena se haya averiado?
Do you think the antenna might have broken?
Dudo que Ramón haya compuesto el coche ayer.
I doubt if Ramón fixed the car yesterday.
Es raro que haya tanta gente en el cine entre semana.
it's unusual for there to be so many people at the movies at the middle of the week.
Es raro que haya habido tanta gente en el cine el jueves pasado.
It's odd that there were so many people at the movies last Thursday.
Me alegro que el juez le haya creído.
I am glad the judge believed her.
Es natural que haya preferido pasarla con ellos.
It's only natural that she would prefer to spend Christmas with them.
Dudo que haya terminado su tarea.
I doubt if he's finished his homework.
Hasta que no se haya disculpado, ella no lo perdonará.
Until he apologizes to her, she will not forgive him.
Yo espero que Juan haya hablado con el abogado.
I hope that John has spoken with the lawyer.
Aunque el bateador haya golpeado la pelota, no fue un pelotazo bueno.
Even though the batter hit the ball, it was
not a fair ball
Yo no creo que María les haya dado el dinero todavía.
I don't think that Mary has given them the money yet.
Yo no creo que María se lo haya dado todavía.
I don't think that Mary has given it to them yet.
Yo espero que Juan haya hablado con el profesor.
I hope that John has spoken with the teacher.
Aunque haya elegido la fotografía submarina, puedo estudiar la fotografía aérea también.
Even though I have chosen underwater photography, I can study aerial photography too.
Aunque la nieve se haya derretido un poco, voy a esquiar.
Even if the snow had melted a little bit, I am still going skiing.
Capaz que haya exagerado al contar ese chisme.
It's possible that he has exaggerated in telling that rumor.
Esperamos que ella se haya defendido de la falsa acusación.
We hope she defended herself against the false accusation.
Esperamos que la beata haya bendecido las cruces.
We hope the lay sister had blessed the crosses.
Yo espero que Juan no haya perdido el dinero.
I hope that John hasn't lost the money.
Probablemente haya retrasos.
No doubt there have been delays.
Quizá tampoco la haya.
Perhaps there is no epidemic either.
Pero que no haya malentendidos.
Let there be no misunderstandings, however.
No es que no haya.
It is not that they are not there.
Esperamos que la haya.
We hope that there is.
Posiblemente me haya precipitado.
I was rather too quick.
Lamento que haya ocurrido.
I regret that this occurred.
Espero que no haya objeciones.
I hope there are no objections.
No quiero que haya malentendidos.
I would not wish to cause any misunderstandings.
Tal me haya expresado mal.
Perhaps I did not explain myself very well.
Cuanta más transparencia haya, mejor.
The more transparency, the better.
Es preciso que haya debate.
The debate needs to take place.
Corea quizá se haya quedado.
Korea has maybe stayed with it.
Espero que no haya ninguna objeción.
I hope there are no objections to this.
No necesitamos que haya más complejidad.
We do not need more complexity.
Que haya algo de competencia.
Let us have some competition.
Es normal que haya negociaciones.
It is normal for negotiations to take place.
Me alegra que haya sido abordado.
I am glad that has been tackled.
¿Informan a Europol en La Haya?
Do they report to Europol in The Hague?
Espero que haya incluso más.
I hope there will be more of them than that.
Es positivo que haya competencia.
It is good that we should have competition.
Dudo que eso haya ocurrido.
I doubt whether this has happened.
Lamento que no haya sido aprobada.
I am sorry to see that failed.
No parece que se haya hecho.
This does not appear to have been done.
No creo que haya sido así.
I do not believe this was the case.
No he dicho que no haya más problemas.
I did not say that there are no more problems.
Cuando no haya peces, no habrá captura.
When there are no fish, there is no catch.
No me parece que haya ningún conflicto.
I do not think that there is a conflict.
No creo que lo haya habido.
I do not think there was.
Que no haya malentendidos al respecto.
Let there be no misapprehension about that.
Yo no veo que haya dificultad.
I do not think there would be any difficulty.
Quizá se me haya escapado algo.
I may have missed something.
Espero que haya quedado claro.
I hope that is clear.
Necesitamos que haya verdadera transparencia.
We need to see real transparency.
Lamentamos que no se haya incluido.
We are sad that this has not been taken up.
Propongo que haya más cooperación.
I suggest that there should be more cooperation.
Espero que haya quedado claro.
I hope that is clear.
Comprendemos que lo haya propuesto.
We appreciate that you have suggested it here.
No creo que haya muchos problemas.
And I do not think there are too many problems.
Me alegra que se haya logrado.
I am glad that it was possible to push this through.
Me sorprende que se haya sorprendido.
I am surprised that she was surprised.
Espero que haya quedado claro.
I just wanted to make that clear.
Así pues, mantenemos que, haya o haya lista europea, haya un máximo de 700.
It is important that we retain a maximum of 700, with or without the European list.
Espero que haya más debates como éste.
I hope we can have further debates like this.
Cuando haya quedado claro, lo diremos.
As soon as this becomes clear, we will announce this.
Lamentamos que no se haya aprobado nuestra posición.
We regret that our amendment was not approved.
Celebro que ésta haya ido bien.
I am glad that this one has gone smoothly.
No quiero que haya un debate a este respecto.
I do not want to have a debate on this.
Lamento que la propuesta no se haya aceptado.
I am disappointed it was not accepted.
No creo que me haya extralimitado en mis funciones.
I do not think I abused my position.
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