Spanish Sentences using hay
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The Hay precedentes.
There are precedents for this.
. – No hay problema.
– There is no problem.
No hay alternativa.
There is no other way.
No hay duda.
There can be no doubt of this.
No hay ninguno.
There is no technical reason.
Hay esperanzas.
We do see light at the end of the tunnel.
No hay atajos.
There are no short cuts.
No hay favoritos.
There are no favourites here.
Hay dudas.
It is open to question.
¡No hay excedentes!
No, there are no surpluses!
No hay éxitos.
There have been no successes.
No hay tribunal, no hay juicio, no hay apelación, no hay defensa.
There is no trial, no judgement, no appeal, no defence.
No hay transparencia.
What is needed is access to documents and an open system of administration.
No lo hay.
That is not the case.
Hay urgencia.
These are matters of great urgency.
Hay hospitales, pero no hay nada.
There are hospitals, but there is nothing inside them.
No hay amenaza, solamente hay oportunidades.
There is no threat, there are just opportunities.
No hay excusa, no hay justificación posible.
There is no excuse; there is no possible justification.
Si no hay cangrejos, no hay turistas y sin éstos, no hay dinero.
No crabs, no tourists, no money!
En Irán no hay tribunales, no hay lógica, ni hay juicios justos.
In Iran there are no courts, no logic and no proper trials.
Mientras no haya terroristas, no hay armas, no hay cohetes, no hay delincuencia.
As there are no terrorists, no weapons and no rockets, there is no crime.
No hay ganadores, pero tampoco hay perdedores.
There are no winners, but there are no losers either.
No hay motivo para ello, no hay necesidad.
There is no reason for it, there is no need.
Sin formación no hay empleo y no hay salario.
Without training, no job and no salary.
Hay desempleo porque no hay desarrollo económico.
There is unemployment because there is no economic development.
Hay demasiadas responsabilidades, hay demasiados objetivos.
There are too many responsibilities, too may targets.
Pero no hay crecimiento económico, porque no hay confianza.
But there is no economic growth because there is no confidence.
Cuando hay demanda, también hay oferta.
If there is demand, there is also supply.
Hay muchas palabras, pero no hay acción.
There are plenty of words, but no deeds.
Donde no hay competencia, hay menos inversión.
Where there is no competition there is less investment.
Así que, ¿hay o no hay prohibición?
So, will there or will there not be a ban?
O los hay o no los hay.
There either are or there are not.
Hay muchas oportunidades, pero también hay peligros.
There are so many opportunities, but there are also dangers.
Pues, donde hay oferentes hay también compradores.
Where there are sellers there are also buyers.
Hay que recordarlo y hay que denunciarlo.
We must remember that, and we must denounce it.
Hay mucha pobreza, hay mucha marginación.
There is a lot of poverty and marginalisation.
No hay verdades absolutas, no hay modelos claros a seguir.
There is no absolute truth, there are no clear models for how we are to proceed.
Ahí hay que perfilar.
Here improvements should be made.
Solamente hay que perfeccionarlo.
It need only be fine-tuned.
¡Hay que decirlo!
This needs to be said!
Pero no hay nada perdido.
But all is not lost.
Hay que ponerle fin.
This war must be stopped.
Hay otro informe antes.
There is another report first.
Hay que reconocerlo.
This is praiseworthy in itself.
Supongo que no hay caso.
I suppose I cannot win.
Hay alguna observacin?
Are there any further comments?
Hay escuelas, pero no papel.
There are schools but there is no paper.
Hay médicos, pero no medicamentos.
There are doctors, but there is no medicine.
¿Qué posibilidades hay?
What is likely to happen?
Sólo hay cuatro.
At the moment, we only have four.
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