Spanish Sentences using han
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Diana and Vanesa have danced the Flamenco for many years.
They have agreed to celebrate the wedding on a Sunday.
Many video clubs have evolved to vending machines.
The bed linen has not been changed often enough.
The bed linen has not been changed often enough.
¿Han hecho ustedes la tarea?
Have you done the homework?
¿Todavía no han encontrado ustedes dónde guardar esos papeles?
Haven't you found a place to keep those papers yet?
Los niños han de tener hambre.
The children must be hungry.
¡Han derribado al dictador!
The dictator has been overthrown!
Los médicos no nos han dado muchas esperanzas.
The doctors haven't given us much hope.
Los boletos me han costado mucho dinero.
The tickets cost me a lot of money.
Me han comentado que es una buena película.
I have heard that it is a good movie.
Me han comentado que te mudas.
I have heard that you are moving.
No me han contratado a mí.
They didn't hire me.
No me han tomado en serio.
They haven't taken me seriously.
¿No han envuelto ustedes los regalos todavía?
Haven't you wrapped the presents yet?
Ellos no se han lavado todavía.
They haven't washed themselves yet.
¿Han causado algún daño?
Have they caused any harm?
¿Han intentado minimizar los riesgos al máximo?
Have they tried to maximize the minimization of risk?
Ellas se han afeitado las piernas por muchos años.
They (females) have shaved their legs for many years.
Ellas se han criado en un hogar con amor.
They have been raised in a home with love.
Mis padres me han alentado a decir siempre la verdad.
My parents have encouraged me to always tell the truth.
¡Nos han impedido el paso al concierto!
They have prevented us from entering the concert!
Ellos siempre han anhelado la paz.
They have always yearned for peace.
Ellos han cuidado a su hermana.
They have taken care of their sister.
La han contratado de enfermera.
She has been employed as a nurse.
Se han dado dos casos de intoxicación.
There have been two cases of food poisoning.
Los muchachos han roto la ventana.
The boys have broken the window.
No, no se han bañado todavía.
No, they haven't yet.
Han recogido cien firmas.
They've collected a hundred signatures.
¿No han devuelto Uds. los libros a la biblioteca?
Haven't you taken the books back to the library?
Han dado mucha publicidad al caso.
The case has been given a lot of publicity.
Los muchachos han hablado con el profesor.
The boys have spoken with the teacher.
Ellos han hablado todo el día.
They have spoken all day.
Las muchachas han estudiado la lección.
The girls have studied the lesson.
No han desaparecido.
They have not gone away.
Han obtenido:
The votes cast for each candidate are as follows:
Han obtenido:
The results are as follows:
Han obtenido:
The results are as follows:
Han obtenido:
The results are as follows:
Han obtenido:
The votes cast were as follows:
¿Han aumentado o han disminuido?
Have they increased or declined in number?
Han mentido, se lo han inventado.
They have lied; they have made things up.
Ustedes no han escuchado, no han entendido nada.
You have not listened to or understood a thing.
Han hecho los deberes; se han esforzado.
They have done the work; they have made efforts.
Han elaborado textos, han propuesto estrategias.
They have prepared texts, proposed strategies.
Decididamente, han tomado partido.
These people have clearly chosen their side.
¿No lo han conseguido todavía?
Have they still not managed to do so?
No han conseguido nada.
In fact, they have achieved nothing.
Han sido sometidos a votación.
They have already been voted upon.
Han sido particularmente eficaces.
They have been particularly successful.
No lo han hecho.
They have failed to do that.
No han tenido éxito.
That plan did not work.
No se han presentado enmiendas.
It contains no proposed amendments.
Esos problemas no han desaparecido.
These problems have not, of course, gone away.
Me han presentado tres solicitudes.
As I said, I have received three requests.
¿Han sido trasladados a Kandahar?
Have they been taken to Kandahar?
Se han equivocado.
That was a mistake on their part.
Han participado tres mujeres.
Three women have been involved.
No me han dirigido muchas preguntas.
I have not received many questions.
¿Nos han concedido esto?
Did they give us that?
No sabemos quiénes han sido.
We do not know by whom.
La han rehuido.
You have shied away from it!
Ustedes no han querido abordarlo.
You did not want to raise it.
No han pasado la prueba.
The test has not been passed.
Pero nos han engañado.
However, we have been deceived.
Ustedes han contribuido a ello.
You have helped to make this happen.
Se han comprometido a hacerlo.
They have undertaken to do so.
No se han celebrado elecciones.
There have been no elections.
¿Qué problemas han surgido?
What problems have become apparent?
Han aparecido nuevos líderes.
New people have appeared as leaders.
¿Se han resuelto ya?
Have they been solved yet?
Casi todos han muerto.
They are almost all dead.
Han intervenido 63 oradores.
There have been 63 speakers.
Los argumentos me han convencido.
I am convinced by the arguments.
¿No han estado haciendo nada?
So have they been doing nothing?
Han superado el examen.
You have passed the test.
No se han propuesto cambios.
No amendments have been received.
Algunos lo han mencionado.
This has also been mentioned by several people.
¿Han huido a Egipto?
Did they escape to Egypt?
Estos problemas no han desaparecido.
These challenges have not gone away.
Aún no han llegado.
They have not arrived yet.
¿Han excusado su presencia?
Have they apologised for not attending?
Han mostrado la voluntad.
They have shown the will.
Nos han escuchado.
They have listened to us.
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