Spanish Sentences using fiable
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The No es 100 % fiable.
It is not 100% reliable.
¿Es realmente una garantía de seguridad fiable?
Is it really a credible guarantee for safety at all?
Necesitamos un diagnóstico fiable de la situación.
We need a reliable diagnosis of the situation.
Esta votación no ha podido ser fiable.
There is no way that this can be a safe vote.
Afganistán no puede pasar sin una administración fiable.
Afghanistan cannot do without reliable administration.
¿Se efectúa un seguimiento fiable y periódico?
Is reliable and regular follow-up available?
Este tipo de seguimiento es poco fiable.
This type of monitoring is not reliable.
Los pacientes necesitan información fiable de una fuente independiente.
Patients require reliable information from an independent source.
No obstante, considero justo que los consumidores dispongan de información fiable.
I consider it right, though, that consumers are given honest information.
Hemos sido un socio coherente y fiable para ambos lados.
We have been a consistent and reliable partner for both sides.
La Unión Europea es un socio fiable del pueblo palestino.
The European Union is a reliable partner of the Palestinian people.
Esto significa, por tanto, vigilancia fiable y regular.
This consequently means reliable and regular monitoring.
Ahora contamos con un marco fiable para ese propósito.
We now have a reliable framework for that purpose.
La Unión Europea debe ser un socio fiable y formal.
The EU must be a reliable and trustworthy partner.
Y asimismo es preciso habilitar una planificación fiable.
It is also a question of enabling reliable planning.
Las empresas necesitan una planificación fiable, para poder invertir ahora.
Companies need reliable planning so that they can also invest now.
Una investigación y desarrollo europea fiable es esencial.
Reliable European research and development is essential.
¿Cómo conseguimos una lista fiable de países de origen seguros?
How do we get a reliable list of safe countries of origin?
Están a merced de los bancos, que no proporcionan suficiente información fiable.
They are completely at the mercy of the banks, which do not provide sufficient reliable information.
Obviamente, es crucial que la información sea fiable.
Obviously, it is crucial that the information is reliable.
Debe mantenerse la información fiable para obtener crédito.
Reliable information must be maintained in order to obtain credit.
Ahora, ese proceso sin duda requiere una fuerza policial fiable.
Now, that process certainly requires a reliable police force.
Las familias agricultoras en Europa necesitan un marco político fiable.
The farming families of Europe need a reliable political framework.
Sin unos métodos de control homologados es imposible un etiquetado fiable y sin un etiquetado fiable es imposible obtener, a su vez, la confianza de los consumidores.
Without validated verification methods, there can be no credible labelling system. And without a credible labelling system, there can be no consumer confidence.
La propia Comisión ha admitido que no existe un método de detección suficientemente fiable.
The Commission has freely admitted that there is no foolproof detection method.
Los controles administrativos funcionan más o menos pero no tenemos una visión fiable del lado punitivo.
The administrative controls more or less work, but we do not have a reliable overview of criminal aspects.
Es evidente que nadie consigue dar una estimación fiable de lo que hace falta en Kosovo.
It is clear that nobody is managing to give a reliable estimate of what is needed in Kosovo.
Si logramos una Administración fiable, todos los consumidores podrán confiar en los alimentos europeos.
And on the basis of a reliable authority, all consumers can acquire confidence in European food.
Al contrario, hemos de apostar por las condiciones básicas de un abastecimiento energético fiable y sostenible.
The preconditions for a reliable and sustainable energy supply, on the other hand, should be.
No existiría un calendario al menos un poco fiable para la ampliación.
There would not be an enlargement timetable that was anything like reliable.
Sólo tiene que ser claro y fiable para todos los participantes en el mercado.
All that is needed is for it to be clear and reliable for all participants in the market.
No es ni lo bastante fiable, ni lo bastante rápido, ni lo bastante sistemático.
It is also unreliable, slow and inconsistent.
Además, este procedimiento poco fiable triplicará el coste de la identificación.
In addition, this rather unreliable procedure will triple the cost of identification.
normas de calidad destinadas a garantizar que la información facilitada sea actualizada, precisa y fiable;
quality standards designed to ensure that the information supplied is up-to-date, accurate and reliable;
Es muy caro y muy poco fiable, y hemos de ofrecer incentivos económicos a este respecto.
It is very expensive and very unreliable and we need to offer financial incentives in that respect.
por haber tutelado este proyecto con talante crítico, solidario y fiable.
who, with his criticisms, his solidarity, and his reliability, has been with this project every step of the way.
Al mismo tiempo necesitamos que exista un sistema fiable de comprobación.
At the same time, there must be a reliable verification system.
Rumania será un miembro coherente y fiable de la Unión Europea.
Romania will be a consistent and reliable European Union member.
Las mujeres quedan completamente destrozadas física y emocionalmente, y necesitan un apoyo fiable.
These women are completely broken both physically and emotionally and they need reliable support.
La información que reciben es razonablemente fiable, pero estos métodos son relativamente opacos y complejos.
The information that they receive is reasonably reliable, yet these methods are relatively opaque and complicated.
Es importante que tengamos una normativa fiable que regule el acceso a las redes.
It is important to have reliable rules for access to networks.
Por tanto merece la pena que continuemos esta política ecuánime, equilibradora, fiable y eficaz.
It is therefore worth our while to continue this balanced, balancing, reliable and effective policy.
¿Cuándo va la Comisión a tener un registro de deudores completo y fiable en sus cuentas?
When will the Commission have a complete and reliable debtors’ register in the accounts?
Además, esto permitiría realizar una comparación más fiable con la propia perspectiva financiera de la UE.
Furthermore, this will enable a more reliable comparison to be made with the EU’s own financial perspective.
A la Comisión, como institución, le corresponde ofrecer información fiable y seria sobre los acontecimientos.
As an institution, it falls to the Commission to provide credible and serious information about what is happening.
Todos entendemos su importancia para conseguir un sistema fiable y beneficioso para el consumidor.
All of us understand how important this is for a reliable and consumer-friendly system.
Por este motivo, la Comisión defiende una agencia efectiva y fiable.
It is for this reason that the Commission is committed to an effective and reliable agency.
Esa ayuda incluye aparatos médicos y ayuda para crear un banco de sangre fiable y seguro.
This includes medical equipment and help in establishing a reliable and safe blood bank.
Es de vital importancia que la eficiencia energética vaya acompañada de un análisis de rentabilidad fiable.
It is of major importance for energy efficiency to go hand in hand with sound cost-benefit analysis.
Asimismo, es esencial que dispongamos de información exhaustiva, fiable y desglosada en materia de discriminación.
Also essential is the availability of comprehensive, reliable and disaggregated data on discrimination.
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