Spanish Sentences using examen
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I will do a general examination, as well as a lung exam.
We need to study the words because tomorrow there is an exam in Spanish class.
Why shouldn't you've passed the exam, having studied the way you did!
Juan has to learn the words because tomorrow there is a test in the class.
I think Luis will have studied for the test. I don't think Luisa have studied yet.
Voy a hacerle un examen general y también uno del pulmón. Quiero saber si le han hecho una prueba de la tuberculosis.

I am going to perform a general examination and also a lung one. I want to know if they ever performed a TB test.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the test.
I would have lost the right to take the final examination if I had missed more than nine classes.
Even if he studies 20 hours a day he won't pass this exam.
Even though he studied 20 hours a day he didn't pass the exam.
Even if he had studied 20 hours a day, he wouldn't have passed the exam.
I was going to play baseball next Saturday but I'm going to have an exam.
If you pass your exam, you will obtain the driver's license.
With so many medical tests, I am wondering if I could have an ulcer.
The teacher wants us to study for tomorrow's test.
The teacher wants the boys to study for tomorrow's test.
The students need to study the words for the test.
Would you know the exam's answers if you hould have studied?
I correct the exam's answers. I am correcting the exam's answers.
The teacher says that we have to learn the words for the test.
The boys have to learn the words for the test.
The boys are going to learn the words for the test.
Oscar is studying because he has an exam tomorrow.
The boys are going to have to learn the words for the test.
Juan says that he needs to study because tomorrow there is a test in the Spanish class.
Would you like me to perform a cataract analysis?
Él necesita el diccionario porque él necesita estudiar las palabras para el examen en la clase de español.

He needs the dictionary because he needs to study the words for the test in the Spanish class.
When there is an exam, the students leave as they finish their exam.
If you have toothache, go for a medical check-up.
Lo peor fue tener que presentar el examen final.
The worst part was having to take the final exam.
(Él) no aprobó su examen.
He failed his examination.
¿Tuviste otro examen de química? No, no tuve ningún examen [no tuve exámenes] el lunes.
Did you have another chemistry exam? No, I had no exams on Monday.
Las doctoras están leyendo el resultado del examen del laboratorio.
The doctors are reading the lab test results.
Al examinarlo, yo quiero hacerle un examen de heces para descartar parásitos.
Whenever I examine you, I will request a stool sample to check for parasites.
Estoy seguro de que pasarás tu examen.
I am sure that you will pass your exam.
El examen abarcará los capitulos uno y dos.
The test will cover chapters 1 and 2.
Ella aprobó el examen.
She passed the examination.
Conviene que te prepares para el examen final.
It is advisable that you get ready for your final exam.
Saqué ochenta en el examen y ochenta es la calificación mínima para pasar.
I got 80 on the exam and 80 is the lowest passing grade.
Es mejor que Diana se prepare para el examen del viernes.
It is better (It is a good idea) that Diana prepares for Friday's test.
Mañana hay un examen en la clase de anatomía.
Tomorrow there is an exam in the anatomy class.
Era mejor que Diana se preparara para el examen del viernes.
It was better (It was a good idea) that Diana prepared for Friday's test.
Yo tengo que estudiar porque hay un examen mañana.
I have to study because there is a test tomorrow.
¿Tienes otro examen de biología? No, no tengo ningún examen [no tengo exámenes] hoy.
Do you have another biology exam? No, I have no exams today.
Yo creo que el examen va a ser difícil.
I believe that the exam is going to be difficult.
Mis amigas y yo tuvimos que estudiar mucho para pasar el examen.
My friends and I had to study a lot to pass the exam.
María sabe que va a haber un examen mañana.
Mary knows that there is going to be an exam tomorrow.
Ya ha perdido el derecho a tomar el examen final si faltó a más de nueve clases.
She's lost the right to take the final examination if she missed more than nine classes.
Por la mañana nosotros tenemos un examen en la clase de español.
In the morning we have a test in the Spanish class.
Yo voy a estudiar las palabras para el examen.
I am going to study the words for the test.
¿Crees que el examen en la clase de anatomía va a ser difícil?
Do you think that the exam in the anatomy class is going to be difficult.
Nosotros vamos a poder estudiar las palabras para el examen de anatomía en la biblioteca a las seis.
We are going to be able to study the words for the anatomy exam in the library at six o'clock.
Yo estudio para el examen.
I am studying for the test.
Juan estudia en la biblioteca para el examen.
John is studying in the library for the test.
Nosotros estudiamos para el examen.
We are studying for the test.
Los muchachos estudian en la biblioteca para el examen.
The boys are studying in the library for the test.
Los muchachos necesitan estudiar las palabras para el examen.
The boys need to study the words for the test.
Tú necesitas aprender las palabras para el examen.
You need to learn the words for the test.
Nosotros necesitamos aprender las palabras para el examen.
We need to learn the words for the test.
Las muchachas necesitan aprender las palabras para el examen.
The girls need to learn the words for the test.
Bueno, como le decía antes, le voy a hacer un examen.
Okay, as I told you before, I will examine you.
Tienes que responder a todas las preguntas para aprobar el examen.
You must answer all the questions to pass your exam.
¿Vas a estudiar las palabras para el examen?
Are you going to study the words for the test?
María dice que ella va a estudiar para el examen.
Mary says that she is going to study for the test.
Han superado el examen.
You have passed the test.
Hay otro examen más.
There is also another test.
Esta cuestión merece un examen.
That is something that should be looked at.
Debemos continuar con este examen.
We must continue to carry out this screening.
De momento está en examen.
It is under consideration for the time being.
Y en este caso, dicho principio significa inevitablemente examen, examen y examen.
And here this principle inevitably means scrutiny, scrutiny and scrutiny.
Hemos fortalecido las disposiciones relativas al examen.
We have strengthened the review provisions.
Cuestiones como ésta siempre están en examen.
Issues such as this are always kept under review.
Esta cuestión requiere un examen más profundo.
The issue clearly needs to be explored further.
Este examen ha estado sin duda justificado.
This scrutiny has certainly been justified.
Esto exige un examen muy cuidadoso.
That requires very careful examination.
Debe llevar a cabo el examen correspondiente.
It will review this accordingly.
Tal afirmación no pasaría ningún tipo de examen.
It does not stand up to any kind of scrutiny.
Desde luego no aprobaría ningún examen en Polonia.
She would not pass any examination at all in Poland.
Volveremos al equilibrio geográfico en el examen.
We will come back to geographical balance in the review.
El examen se encuentra ya muy avanzado.
The examination is already at an advanced stage of completion.
Dicho examen irá encaminado a mejorar su eficiencia.
This examination will be with a view to improving their efficiency.
Tras su examen he decidido autorizar estas enmiendas.
After due consideration, I decided to rule that these amendments were admissible.
Necesitamos un nuevo examen de nuestros mercados.
We need to have a new look at our markets.
Paso ahora a algunos puntos específicos del informe objeto de examen.
Moving on to some specific points of the report under consideration.
Siempre tenemos que retrasar el examen de los informes.
We are continually having to postpone the discussion of reports.
Será un examen a largo plazo de esas dos cuestiones.
This will take a long-term look at both questions.
El asunto se devuelve para su examen a la comisión competente.
The matter is accordingly referred back for reconsideration to the committee responsible.
Muchas propuestas de la Comisión requieren un examen detenido.
Many of the Commission's proposals need to be considered in depth.
También nosotros debemos hacer examen de conciencia e introducir reformas.
We have some soul-searching and some reforming to do ourselves.
Los países del mundo rico deberíamos hacer examen de conciencia.
Rich world states should search their own conscience.
Sin embargo, debemos hacer un examen de nuestra conciencia.
We must, however, search our own conscience.
Esto requiere un examen muy serio en el futuro.
That needs very serious consideration in future.
Quería hacer este comentario durante el examen del informe Brok.
I wanted to make this comment whilst we are examining the Brok report.
Y les invito a que hagan examen de conciencia.
And I invite them to search their consciences.
¿Aceptarán una evaluación y un examen anual de este tipo?
Will they accept such assessment and such an annual investigation?
Los nuevos Estados miembros están acostumbrados al examen anual.
The new Member States are used to annual scrutiny.
Podemos pasar ahora al examen de la propuesta de resolución.
We can now move on to considering the motion for a resolution.
Creo que tenemos que hacer un examen crítico.
I believe that critical scrutiny is needed here.
Entonces le daré gustosamente su certificado de examen.
I shall then happily give you your examination certificate.
No creo que debamos utilizarlas sin un examen técnico previo.
I do not believe we should use them without prior technical examination.
Luego nos enteramos de que tal examen no supondría una investigación.
Then we learned that such an examination did not amount to an investigation.
Después de hacer examen de conciencia, he votado a favor del informe:
After carefully examining my conscience, I have voted in favour of the report,
Procederemos a este examen y también volveremos sobre él.
We will put such an examination in place and we will also revisit it.
También debemos hacer nuestro propio examen de conciencia.
We also have to examine ourselves.
Hay remedios para estas enfermedades en forma de examen independiente.
There are cures for these ills in the form of independent scrutiny.
Por el momento no puedo prejuzgar el resultado de dicho examen.
At this stage I cannot pre-empt the outcome of that examination.
Las Conferencias de examen brindan una oportunidad para hacerlo.
The Review Conferences are an opportunity for this.
Opino que los resultados están a la altura del examen.
I think that the outcomes really do stand up to scrutiny.
Debe haber solidaridad en el examen de las solicitudes.
There must be solidarity in the examination of applications.
Se espera que el examen concluya en diciembre de 2008.
The review is expected to be completed in December 2008.
Haremos con él un examen de la situación.
We will review the situation with him.
Simplemente estoy presentando un problema al Parlamento para su examen.
I am merely putting forward a problem to Parliament for consideration.
Nunca antes el proyecto europeo ha estado sometido a semejante examen.
Never before has the European project been subject to such a tough test.
He de decir que el pueblo ucraniano ha superado el examen.
I must say that the Ukrainian people passed the exam.
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