Spanish Sentences using exagerado
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The Do you believe it is possible that they have exaggerated this story?
Capaz que haya exagerado al contar ese chisme.
It's possible that he has exaggerated in telling that rumor.
no he exagerado.
I am not taking advantage.
¿No es un poco exagerado ?
Is that not a bit overdone ?
A mi entender, esto es exagerado.
To my mind, that is going somewhat too far.
De América verá llegar un exagerado proteccionismo.
You will see huge protectionism coming from America.
No obstante, puede ser algo exagerado describirla así.
However, it may be exaggerating slightly to describe it in that way.
Usar la palabra cruzada quizás sea exagerado.
To use the word crusade is perhaps to overstate the case.
Yo creo que este temor es exagerado.
I believe this concern to be exaggerated.
Talleyrand dijo que lo exagerado resulta intrascendente.
Talleyrand once said that everything which is exaggerated is meaningless.
No creo que sea exagerado o superambicioso.
I do not believe we are being over-ambitious or over-demanding.
En tercer lugar, se ha exagerado el contenido de carne.
Third, the meat contents expressed have been overstated.
Hablar de aumento de precios es muy exagerado.
Talk of price rises is seriously exaggerated.
No es exagerado seguir insistiendo sobre la gravedad de la situación.
The seriousness of the situation cannot be pressed home enough.
Por supuesto, es un ejemplo exagerado, pero ilustrativo.
Of course, I am exaggerating, but still.
Ha sido exagerado en extremo por los medios de comunicación.
It has been over-exaggerated by the media.
Se ha exagerado enormemente lo que se ha dicho.
There has been a great deal of exaggeration in what has been said.
Claramente es un problema que se ha exagerado.
It is clearly a problem that has been over-exaggerated.
Talleyrand dijo que todo lo exagerado es insignificante.
Talleyrand said everything which is exaggerated is insignificant.
Talleyrand dijo que todo lo exagerado es insignificante.
Talleyrand stated that anything which is exaggerated is insignificant.
Derecho a las vacaciones, derecho al sueño; me parece un poco exagerado.
The right to holidays, the right to sleep - I think it has all gone rather too far.
Sin embargo, hay que decir que se han exagerado demasiado los costes en este sentido.
It has to be said, however, that there is very considerable exaggeration with regard to the costs involved.
Nos parece que trata la cuestión desde un punto de vista muy exagerado.
We feel that it treats the matter in too gargantuan terms.
Este problema se ha exagerado y se ha sacado de contexto.
This problem has been exaggerated totally out of proportion.
Otro aspecto que se ha exagerado son las transferencias de dinero.
Another thing that is exaggerated is the transfers of money.
Sin embargo, me parece que el establecimiento de la oficina del fiscal público es un paso exagerado.
However, I believe that the establishment of the Public Prosecutor's Office is a step too far.
En opinión de la Comisión, no es exagerado decir que comenzamos bien.
In the Commission' s opinion, it is no exaggeration to say that we have made a good start.
No es exagerado decir que, en cierto sentido, nos sentimos traicionados por esa medida.
It is not putting it too strongly to say that, in a sense, we feel betrayed by it.
Eso sería exagerado, sería imposible de poner en vigor e invitaría al fraude.
This is disproportionate, unenforceable and open to fraud.
Se han exagerado los riesgos gravemente sobre la base de pruebas escandalosamente insuficientes.
The risks have been seriously overstated on the basis of scandalously poor evidence.
¿Qué vamos a hacer para aliviar el exagerado control del FMI sobre el Sr. da Silva?
What are we going to do to loosen the IMF's vice-like grip on Mr Lula?
Explicar el fraude electoral como consecuencia de las diferencias culturales parece exagerado y contraproducente.
Explaining electoral fraud as the result of cultural differences seems both far-fetched and self-defeating.
Sin lugar a dudas, se han exagerado los riesgos para la salud derivados del salmón.
The health risks associated with salmon have quite obviously been exaggerated.
No es exagerado decir que la adhesión de diez Estados miembros marca un momento realmente histórico.
It is no exaggeration to say that the accession of ten Member States marks a truly historic moment.
No quiero desviarme del tema, pero no sería exagerado decir que cualquier retraso en esta cuestión sería criminal.
I would not want to get carried away but it would not be an exaggeration to say that any delay in this matter would be criminal.
Me parece exagerado aplicar un tipo obligatorio del 50 % basado en consideraciones medioambientales.
I think it is too much to consider a mandatory 50% rate based on environmental considerations.
Su discurso, no obstante, fue, como siempre, moderado en las formas, pero exagerado en el fondo.
Your speech, though, was, as always, very measured in its wording, but highly excessive at its heart.
Creo que es un poco exagerado tratar de comparar cosas semejantes.
I do think it is a bit far-fetched to try to compare such things.
No es exagerado decir que el agua será el recurso estratégico más importante del siglo XXI.
It is no exaggeration to say that water will be the most important strategic asset of the 21st century.
No creo que sea exagerado decir que la credibilidad de la Comisión Europea está en juego.
I do not believe it is an exaggeration to say that the credibility of the European Commission is at stake here.
No obstante, durante la discusión mantenida en la comisión, se han exagerado los peligros del sector.
However, during the discussion in committee, there was much made of the dangers of the industry.
Señor Hallam, científicamente tiene usted razón: se ha exagerado el riesgo.
Scientifically, Mr Hallam, you are right: the risk is exaggerated.
Tal vez sea un juicio exagerado, pero hay algo de verdad en sus palabras.
Perhaps that is to overstate the case, but there is a truth there.
Como de costumbre, nuestra opinión es que se han exagerado excesivamente las ventajas de la desreglamentación.
As usual, it is our view that the advantages of deregulation are being grossly exaggerated.
Sería totalmente exagerado afirmar que no hay ningún problema en actuar como si todo estuviera en orden.
It would be a great exaggeration to say that there is no problem, to pretend that all is well.
No es exagerado afirmar que en «Europa» se tira el dinero por la ventana.
It is no exaggeration to say that in 'Europe' money is being thrown out of the window.
Pero yo le aseguro que no hay en ello nada de exagerado.
But I can assure you there is nothing excessive.
Señor Presidente, no creo que sea exagerado afirmar que nos encontramos ante una revolución.
Mr President, I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that we face a revolution.
Su uso exagerado o la implantación de derechos medioambientales erróneos, puede llegar a producir los efectos contrarios.
However, excessive use or defective environmental charges risk having the opposite effect.
Quisiera recordar sin embargo que Talleyrand dijo que todo lo que es exagerado es insignificante.
I think it was Talleyrand who said that all that is exaggerated is insignificant.
No es exagerado decir que esto es razonable desde el punto de vista financiero.
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is financially viable.
Intencionadamente o no, muchos diputados a esta Asamblea lo han exagerado, porque no votaron a favor.
Whether wilfully or not, this has been blown out of some proportion by many in this House because they did not vote in favour of it.
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