Spanish Sentences using estuve
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I was reading all night; it was impossible to abandon such a fascinating novel.
As a consequence of the bronchitis, I was in the hospital during one week.
Last month I couln't move for a week because of a back pain.
You were in the class yesterday, weren’t you? Yes, I was in the class.
I waited for my friend at the bar, but he never came.
I was driving the sailboat to María. I was driving it to her.
No descansé antes del baile pero debía yo porque estuve cansada.
I did not rest before the dance but I should have because I was tired.
Señor Presidente, estuve presente.
Mr President, I was present.
Estuve moviéndome por aeropuertos.
I had been moving from airport to airport.
Estuve allí hace dos semanas.
I was there two weeks ago.
Estuve ahí el jueves pasado.
I was there on Thursday.
Lo sé porque estuve allí.
I know because I was there.
Estuve presente en ambas jornadas.
I attended that hearing on both days.
Hace poco estuve en China.
A short time ago I was in China.
Estuve en contacto con ministros.
I was in contact with ministers.
Estuve por una zona trampera.
I went out on a trap line.
Cuando estuve allí suplicaban por la ayuda.
When I was there they were pleading for help.
Estuve de acuerdo en presentar la pregunta.
I supported the submission of the question.
Señor Presidente, ayer a mediodía estuve presente.
Mr President, I was present yesterday.
Yo estuve una semana en Génova.
I was in Genoa for a week.
Hace unos días estuve examinando algunas cifras.
I was looking at some figures a few days ago.
. (EN) Estuve allí hace dos años.
I was there two years ago.
Querría que se corrigiera porque sí estuve.
I should like this to be corrected because I was indeed present.
Yo estuve allí inmediatamente después del accidente.
I was there immediately after the accident.
Estuve en Washington la semana pasada.
I was in Washington last week.
La semana pasada estuve en Iraq.
I was in Iraq last week.
La semana pasada estuve en Dinamarca.
Last week I was in Denmark.
Hace dos semanas estuve en Nairobi.
Two weeks ago I was in Nairobi.
Estuve en Turquía hace algunas semanas.
I was in Turkey a few weeks ago.
Hace una semana estuve en Darfur.
A week ago I was in Darfur.
Yo no estuve entre los que la apoyaron.
I was not one of those who supported it.
Estuve recientemente en Banja Luka y Sarajevo.
I was recently in Banja Luka and Sarajevo.
Estuve hablando ayer con George Mitchell.
I was speaking with George Mitchell yesterday.
Estuve en China hace unos días.
I was in China a few days ago.
Estuve recientemente en Polonia y puedo atestiguarlo.
I was in Poland recently and can confirm this.
Yo estuve presente y escuché sus ataques.
I was here, and I heard his attack on me.
Yo estuve con las familias desalojadas.
I have been with the homeless families.
Yo también estuve allí en octubre.
I was there in October.
Ayer estuve hablando con algunos ayuntamientos en Gales.
I was talking to councils in Wales yesterday.
Yo no estuve presente, pero así se me ha confirmado.
I myself was absent, but I have had this confirmed to me.
No estuve de acuerdo con dichas observaciones del Presidente Putin.
I did not agree with those remarks of President Putin.
Señor Presidente, quisiera comunicar que ayer estuve presente.
Mr President, I would like to say that I was here yesterday.
Evidentemente no firmé, pero estuve presente y participé en el debate.
Obviously I did not sign in, but I was here and I did take part.
Ayer mismo estuve en la ciudad española de Vigo.
I was in the Spanish port of Vigo just yesterday.
Estuve en Bretaña y mañana voy a estar en Galicia.
I went to Brittany then and tomorrow I am going to Galicia.
Por esta razón estuve pensando en el siglo V.
That is why I was thinking of the fifth century.
Estuve en Galicia diez días después del desastre.
I was in Galicia ten days after the disaster.
Señor Presidente, hace 12 días estuve en el Iraq.
Mr President, I visited Iraq 12 days ago.
Su Señoría ha mencionado Chernóbil: Yo estuve ahí hace poco.
The honourable Member mentioned Chernobyl: I was there recently.
La semana pasada estuve en los Estados Unidos.
Last week I was in the United States.
Señorías, estuve la pasada semana en Filipinas visitando a Francisco Larrañaga.
Ladies and gentlemen, I visited Francisco Larrañaga in the Philippines last week.
Estuve presente al principio de la Cumbre del Milenio.
I was there at the start of the Millennium Summit.
Hace poco estuve en Guatemala con Trocaire, una ONG irlandesa.
I recently visited Guatemala with Trocaire, an Irish NGO.
Señor Presidente, hace muy pocos días estuve en Rumanía.
Mr President, I was in Romania just a few days ago.
Me permitirán que les diga también que estuve en Israel.
I would like to say that I was also in Israel.
por escrito. - (HU) El domingo estuve en Priština.
in writing. - (HU) I was in Priština myself on Sunday.
Hace un par de semanas estuve en Chad.
I was in Chad a couple of weeks ago.
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