Spanish Sentences using esposa
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The My parents liked you a lot. They liked your wife, too.
The mayor's wife was kidnapped by the terrorists.
I read this book in English, but I bought it for my wife in Spanish.
My wife is always cold, she can't stand the cold at all.
Mr. Hernández and his wife will have lunch with us day after tomorrow.
He always hits his wife when he is in a bad mood.
Don Luis and his wife assured us that they would come for Easter week.
¿Qué tipo de negocio tiene tu esposa?
What kind of business does your wife have?
Mi esposa acaricia su collar nuevo de diamantes.
My wife caresses her new diamond necklace.
Secuestraron a la esposa del alcalde.
The mayor's wife was kidnapped.
¿Qué hizo Ud. mientras su esposa se arreglaba para ir al baile?
What did you do while your wife was getting ready to go to the dance?
¿Asiste John las clases? Sí, asiste cuando puede. Asiste la clase con su esposa. Asisten juntos.
Does John attend the classes? Yes, he attends whenever he can. He attends the class with his wife. They attend together.
Jaime se opone terminantemente a que su esposa siga trabajando.
Jaime is dead set against his wife continuing to work.
El doctor viene al hospital con su esposa.
The doctor comes to the hospital with his wife
Mi esposa y yo eramos abogados en San Francisco y teniamos un par de Rottweilers.
My wife and I were lawyers in San Francisco and we had a pair of Rottweilers.
Francisco conoció a su esposa en Buenos Aires.
Francisco met his wife in Buenos Aires.
Mi esposa y yo eramos abogados en San Francisco y teniamos un par de Rottweilers.
My wife and I were lawyers in San Francisco, and we had a pair of Rottweilers.
Llegaré tarde porque mi esposa llegará tarde de su trabajo.
I will arrive late at the meeting because my wife will arrive home late from her work.
A su esposa se le permitió marchar.
His wife was allowed to leave.
esposa de Hu Jia. - Queridos amigos, soy la esposa de Hu Jia, Zeng Jinyan.
wife of Hu Jia. - Dear friends, I am Hu Jia's wife, Zeng Jinyan.
Su esposa, Svetlana Zavadskaya, está en nuestra delegación.
His wife, Svetlana Zavadskaya, is on our delegation.
Señor Presidente, un amigo mío así como su esposa viven con el SIDA porque él recibió sangre contaminada en una transfusión y luego, sin saberlo, contagió a su esposa.
Mr President, a friend of mine lives with AIDS and so does his wife because he received contaminated blood in a transfusion and then unknowingly affected his wife.
Él pidió permiso para visitar a su querida esposa y decirle adiós.
He asked for permission to visit her to say goodbye to his dear wife.
Disculpen: ?el texto es claro! ?No es posible promover la llegada de una segunda esposa!
I am sorry, but the text is quite clear! It is not possible to apply for a second wife to come!
Como esposa de médico, tengo mucho interés por el desarrollo de la investigación.
As the wife of a doctor, I am extremely concerned that such research should be allowed to develop.
Europa era la esposa de Zeus, madre de Minos, de Sarpedón, de Radamantis.
Europa was Zeus's wife, the mother of Minos, Sarpedon and Radamanthe.
Vino su esposa, fue muy impresionante, pero él mismo no estuvo presente.
His wife was here, which was a feat in itself, but the man around whom everything revolved was absent.
Aprovecho esta oportunidad para dar una calurosa bienvenida a su esposa, señora Napolitano,
I take this opportunity to offer a warm welcome to your wife, Mrs Napolitano,
Señora Presidenta, desgraciadamente el caso de Hu Jia y su esposa no es un caso aislado.
Madam President, the case of Mr Hu Jia and his wife, unfortunately, is not an isolated one.
Es la esposa del señor Alexander Kazulin, un destacado oponente del señor Lukashenko.
She is the wife of Mr Alexander Kazulin, a prominent opponent of Mr Lukaszenko.
Su esposa, la señora Zhang Lianying, ha sido torturada muchas veces y encarcelada cuatro.
His wife, Ms Zhang Lianying, has been tortured many times and has been imprisoned four times.
Elizabeth Palmeiros, esposa de Ramón Labañino, lleva más de dos años esperando un visado.
Elizabeth Palmeiros, Ramón Labañino's wife, has been waiting over two years for a visa.
Y yo, que soy su esposa, soy acosada a menudo por la policía.
And I, who am his wife, I am often harassed by the police.
Ni siquiera he intentado hablar de ello con mi esposa, pues me parece demasiado complicado.
I do not even try to discuss this with my wife, as it is too complicated.
Desde aquí pedimos hoy que vuelva con su esposa, sus amigos y sus ayudantes.
We call here today for his return to his wife, his friends and assistants.
Ha tenido que volver a casa, porque su esposa se encontraba enferma.
He has had to return home because his wife is unwell.
Felicito personalmente a él y a su esposa, Pat, que siempre lo ha apoyado, por este logro.
I congratulate him and his ever-supportive wife, Pat, personally on this achievement.
La población es informada sólo a través de las gafas del Sr. Milosevic y de su esposa Markovic.
The population only gets information from the subjective viewpoint of Mr Milosevic and his wife Mrs Markovic.
Pero un carcelero que se esposa a un prisionero durante treinta y seis largos años ya no es un hombre libre.
A jailer though who cuffs himself to his prisoner for thirty-six long years is himself no longer a free man.
De hecho, cito a mi esposa, que dijo que nunca había visto una reducción de los precios de los peluqueros.
In fact, I quote my wife, who said that she had never witnessed a reduction in hairdressers' prices.
También le rechazaron sus peticiones de permiso para llamar por teléfono a su esposa, su jefe y su abogado.
His requests for permission to telephone his wife, employer and lawyer were all refused.
La esposa que tiene en casa debe estar ciega si no ve que está pasando algo fuera del hogar marital.
His wife at home must be blind if she cannot see that there is quite some activity outside the marital home.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie podría servirnos de ejemplo de una mujer, madre, esposa, científica, ganadora del Premio Nobel y europea ejemplar.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie could serve as an inspiring example of a woman, mother, wife, scientist, Nobel prize-winner and exemplary European.
Recientemente he sabido también que su esposa y usted tienen tres hijos, que también están en nuestros pensamientos hoy.
I learned a short while ago that Ali and you have three children, who are also very much in our thoughts today.
autor. - (DE) Señora Presidenta, nuestro Grupo ha propuesto a Hu Jia y a su esposa, Zeng Jinyan, como candidatos al Premio Sájarov.
author. - (DE) Madam President, our Group has nominated Hu Jia and his wife, Zeng Jinyan, for the Sakharov Prize.
El año paso, él y su esposa Zeng Jinyan fueron propuestos para el Premio Sájarov por el Parlamento Europeo.
Last year he and his wife Zeng Jinyan were nominated by the European Parliament for the Sakharov Prize.
La esposa del señor Kazulin, Irina, lucha incansablemente por la libertad de su marido, a pesar de encontrarse gravemente enferma.
Mr Kazulin's wife Irina is fighting tirelessly to obtain her husband's freedom, despite being gravely ill.
Indudablemente, leo los periódicos, pero mi responsabilidad principal era cuidar de mis hijos, y hacerlo junto a mi esposa.
Certainly, I read the papers, but my main responsibility was to look after my children and to do it together with my wife.
El mensaje que hoy nos transmitirá por medio de su esposa Zeng Jinyan es un acto tan altruista como ese.
The message he will be conveying to us today via his wife Zeng Jinyan is a similarly selfless act.
Usted sabe que gracias a usted conocí a mi esposa, lo que sigue siendo el logro más importante de mi vida.
You know that it was thanks to you that I met my wife, and that is still the greatest achievement of my life.
Cuando mis hijos, mi esposa y yo hablamos sobre política de medio ambiente, todos nos entusiasmamos por el tema.
Whenever my children, my wife and I talk about environmental policy, at first we are all full of enthusiasm.
Por tanto, es difícil para la Comisión valorar a qué categoría pertenecen el Sr. Clark o su esposa.
It is therefore difficult for the Commission to judge in what category Mr Clark or his wife belong.
La esposa de Allan, Anne, y otros miembros de su familia están con nosotros en la tribuna hoy.
Allan's wife, Anne, and other members of his family are with us in the gallery today.
Deseo felicitarlo a él y a su esposa, que durante muchos años tuvo que resistir junto a él en una vigilia muy solitaria.
I wish to congratulate him and his wife as well, who had to stand with him during a very lonely vigil down the many years.
No podían estar juntos porque ella no podía ir a verle y él no tenía permiso para ir a ver a su esposa.
The couple were forced to live apart, because she was unable to visit him and he was not permitted to visit her.
Entre ellos se encuentran la esposa y la hija de José María Martín Carpena, concejal del Partido Popular en Málaga, asesinado por ETA el pasado 15 de julio.
Our visitors include the wife and daughter of José María Martin Carpena, a Popular Party municipal councillor in Malaga, who was assassinated by ETA on 15 July.
Estaba participando en las elecciones generales de Gran Bretaña y también en la investidura de mi esposa como alcaldesa, que es lo que me ha impedido poder asistir.
I was involved in the British general election and also in the mayor-making of my wife, which is why I was unable to be here.
La tragedia ocurrida en el Palacio Real de Katmandú, de la que fueron víctimas el rey Birendra, su esposa Aishwarya y muchos parientes, ha dejada un gran vacío.
The tragedy in the royal palace in Kathmandu, in which King Birendra, his wife Aishwarya and other members of the family died, leaves a vacuum.
El Sr. Toledo ha tomado asiento en la tribuna de invitados, desde donde seguirá el debate de hoy en compañía de su esposa y su hija.
Mr Toledo has taken a seat in the official gallery and will be joining us this afternoon in the company of his wife and daughter.
Personalmente, quiero desearle al señor Primer Ministro que tenga ahora ocasión de disfrutar de unas cortas vacaciones, que es de esperar pase junto a su encantadora esposa.
Personally, I should like to see the prime minister - and, hopefully, his delightful wife too - have the opportunity to take some holiday now.
Las circunstancias que han rodeado a la muerte del General Gueï, su esposa, miembros de su familia y personas allegadas resultan cuando menos sospechosas.
The circumstances surrounding the death of General Gueï and his wife, members of his family and close relations are suspicious to say the least.
Me gustaría transmitir mis condolencias personales a su familia, su esposa y sus hijos y, por supuesto, a la nación serbia en su conjunto.
I should like to convey my personal condolences to his family, his wife and children and, of course, the Serbian nation as a whole.
Sin embargo, no podemos aceptar que se impida a las esposas la entrada y residencia en un país de acogida, alegando que ya reside en él otra esposa.
Nevertheless, we cannot accept wives being prevented from entering and residing in a host country, on the grounds that one wife already lives in that country.
Permitirá que otra esposa entre y resida en un Estado miembro «... si el interés de un hijo menor de edad así lo exigiera».
It will allow a further spouse to enter and reside in a Member State if '?the best interests of a minor child so dictate'.
Esperamos que todas esas impresiones, cualidades e imágenes de Piet Dankert sean un consuelo para su esposa Paulette y sus hijos.
We hope that all these impressions, qualities and images of Piet Dankert will be of comfort to his wife, Paulette, and his children.
En estos momentos dolorosos el Parlamento quiere dar muestra de su simpatía a su esposa, la señora Adwent, y a toda su familia —a lo que queda de su familia—.
At this painful moment, Parliament would like to express its condolences to his wife, Mrs Adwent, and the whole of his family — the remaining members of his family.
La esposa de nuestro líder, Kapka Siderova, sufrió un aborto porque se la acosó de tal manera que incluso fue procesada en un juicio artificial de índole política.
Our leader's wife, Kapka Siderova, had a miscarriage because the harassment against her got so far that charges were pressed against her in a fabricated political trial.
No se han presentado cargos contra él ni se tiene conocimiento de nada en su contra, y su esposa e hijos sólo han podido visitarle tres veces.
He has not been charged and nothing is known against him, and his wife and children have only been able to visit him three times.
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