Spanish Sentences using enfoque
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Primero: el enfoque regional.
Firstly, there is the regional approach.
Mi enfoque será diferente.
My approach will be a different one.
Es el enfoque correcto.
The focus is the right one.
Acordamos un triple enfoque.
We agreed on three lines of approach.
Me decepciona mucho este enfoque.
I am very disappointed by that approach.
No podría apoyar dicho enfoque.
I would be unable to lend my support to such an approach.
Cambiemos de enfoque.
Let us change the approach.
Necesitamos un enfoque serio.
We need a sober approach.
Es el enfoque equivocado.
It is the wrong approach.
No puedo aceptar este enfoque.
I cannot condone that tactic.
Apoyamos este enfoque.
We can go along with that.
Dicho enfoque es interesante.
This is an interesting approach.
La tercera es el enfoque europeo frente al enfoque nacional.
The third is the European approach versus the national approach.
El enfoque bilateral debe acompañarse de un enfoque regional.
The bilateral approach must be accompanied by a regional approach.
El enfoque de la Comisión es un enfoque puramente práctico.
The Commission's approach is a purely practical one.
Se necesita un enfoque estratégico.
A strategic approach is needed.
Enfoque coherente del espacio europeo
Coherent European approach for space
Este enfoque merece mi apoyo.
This approach receives my support.
Este enfoque equilibrado debe mantenerse.
This balanced approach must be retained.
¿No deberíamos buscar un enfoque integrador?
Should we not, however, be aiming for a 'both/and' approach?
Este enfoque garantizará nuestra credibilidad.
This approach will guarantee our credibility.
Rechazamos por completo este enfoque.
We totally reject this approach.
El enfoque horizontal es bueno.
The horizontal approach is a good one.
Este no es el enfoque correcto.
This is not the right approach to take.
Este es el enfoque correcto.
That is the right approach.
Disiento completamente de este enfoque.
I disagree fundamentally with that approach.
Estamos desarrollando un enfoque integral.
We are working on a comprehensive approach.
Este enfoque debe tener continuidad.
This approach should also be continued.
Mi Grupo celebra este enfoque.
My group welcomes this approach.
Este no es el enfoque adecuado.
That is the wrong way to go about things.
Rechazo de plano este enfoque.
I utterly repudiate this approach.
Tenemos que desarrollar un enfoque.
We have to develop an approach.
Yo personalmente apoyaría este enfoque.
Personally I would support this approach.
Permítanme proponer un enfoque alternativo.
Let me propose an alternative approach.
Éste es exactamente nuestro enfoque.
That is exactly our approach.
Enfoque integrado sobre la migración
An integrated approach to migration
Necesitamos un enfoque totalmente integrado.
We need a fully joined-up approach.
Éste es un enfoque innovador.
This is an innovative approach.
Debemos rechazar rotundamente este enfoque.
We must of course categorically reject this approach.
Naturalmente, necesitamos un enfoque europeo.
Naturally, we need a European approach.
Me parece un enfoque extremadamente pesimista.
This seems to me to be an extremely pessimistic approach.
Éste debería ser nuestro enfoque.
That should be our approach.
Hay que cambiar este enfoque.
We need to change approach.
Necesitamos diferentes formas de enfoque.
We need different ways of approach.
Cualquier otro enfoque no será aceptable.
Any other approach will not be acceptable.
Con este enfoque conseguiremos resultados.
With this approach, we will get results.
Este es el enfoque equivocado.
This is the wrong approach.
Es un enfoque totalmente equivocado.
This is totally the wrong approach.
Ése es el enfoque correcto.
That is the right approach.
Este no es un enfoque serio.
This is not a serious approach.
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