Spanish Sentences using durante
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The During the computer science lessons I usually chat with my friends in Chile.
How many years have you been suffering from asthma?
All spectators will remain seated throughout the bullfight.
Se dice que las tumbas de los obispos fueron encontradas por los obreros durante la restauración de la capilla.

It is said that the tombs of the bishops were found by the workers during the restoration of the chapel.
Luís had a road accident and was in intensive care for a week
As a consequence of the bronchitis, I was in the hospital during one week.
César has eaten only chocolates during the day.
Pedro got so bored during the movie that he fell asleep.
During the interview he has given signs of his enthusiasm.
The waiting time is shorter during lower volume of incoming calls.
According to your résumé, you have been working in the field for 5 years.
No, I did not think about the class during the vacation.
The price of gasolinel will remain stable during the winter.
It's really sunny on the beach during summer vacation.
Will you think about the class? No, I will not think about the class during the weekend.
For how long were you guys going out together before you got married?
Pedro and I dated for two years and then we got engaged.
Former president Bill Clinton only sent 2 emails in his entire 8 year presidency.
Do you rest every day? Yes, I rest when I have time during the day.
It is forbidden to use the train toilets while stopped
Yo tengo que ir el sábado porque durante la semana yo tengo que trabajar hasta las cinco.
I have to go on Saturday because during the week I have to work until five o'clock.
Yo no descanso durante el dia.
I don't rest during the day.
A el le gusta descansar durante el dia.
He likes to rest during the day.
Durante las elecciones los candidatos prometen muchas cosas.
During the elections the candidates promised many things.
¿Suda durante la noche?
Do you sweat during the night?
Permanezca en la cama durante tres días.
Stay in bed for 3 days.
Durante la semana ellos se alimentan solamente de comida rápida.
During the week they eat only fast food.
¿Habrá sufrido muchos dolores durante el parto?
Will she have suffered a lot during the birth?
Ellos se rehusaron a abandonar a sus mascotas durante la tormenta.
They refused to abandon their pets during the storm.
Pedro toca el clarinete en una banda musical durante el verano.
Peter plays clarinet in a music band during the summer.
Se desmayó durante la misa.
She fainted during mass.
He decidido abstenerme de comer chocolate durante la Cuaresma.
I have decided to abstain from eating chocolate during Lent.
Durante la Edad Media ahorcaban a los ladrones.
During the Middle Ages thieves were hanged.
Permaneció durante más de seis años como rehén.
She remained prisoner for more than six years.
Permanezca en la cama durante tres días.
Stay in bed for 3 days.
Planeaba fugarse durante la noche.
He planned to escape during the night.
Alejandra estaba contenta durante el concierto.
Alejandra was happy during the concert.
¿Siente este malestar durante todo el día?
Do you feel ill the whole day long?
¿Las hembras depositan los huevos durante las migraciones?
Do the females lay eggs during migration?
Las tías organizaban las fiestas familiares durante el verano.
The aunts used to organize the family parties during the summer.
Las tropas avanzaron poco durante la noche.
The troops advanced a short distance during the night.
Durante la celebración en el palacio, la archiduquesa comenzó a sentir fuertes dolores.
During the celebration in the palace, the archduchess began to feel strong pains.
Está será su celda durante la noche.
This will be your cell for the night.
Antes / Durante / Después de las comidas
before / during / after meals
Nosotros planeamos viajar a España durante el verano.
We are planning to travel to Spain during the summer.
¿Planean ustedes viajar a España durante el verano?
Are you planning to travel to Spain during the summer?
Al término de la actuación, la aplaudieron durante 25 minutos.
At the end of the performance, they applauded her for 25 minutes.
Trabajé durante un año en una escuela secundaria.
I worked at a high school for one year.
El no se ha afeitado durante una semana.
He hasn't shaved in one week.
He tenido problemas con Pedro durante tres días.
I have had problems with Pedro for three days.
He vivido en Francia durante dos años.
I have lived in France for two years.
Yo viajo durante la estación seca.
I travel in the dry season.
Engordé 5 kilos durante el verano.
I gained 5 kilogram during the summer.
El gobierno había estado en crisis durante 10 años.
The government had been in crisis for 10 years.
Usted no llamó a su agente de libertad vigilada durante tres semanas.
You did not call your probation officer for three weeks.
Durante el otoño tomaré clases de yoga.
I'll take yoga classes in the fall.
¿Sabes si van a servir cena durante el vuelo?
Do you know if they are going to serve supper during the flight?
¿Podemos ver una película durante el vuelo?
Can we see a movie during the flight?
El payaso había fingido las sonrisas durante la fiesta.
The clown had faked the smiles during the party.
He engordado 20 libras durante este embarazo.
I have gained 20 pounds during this pregnancy.
He trabajado en la misma empresa durante cinco años.
I have worked at the same company for five years.
Nevó durante la noche.
It snowed during the night.
Ellos descansarán durante los tiempos entre la etapas.
They will rest during the times between periods.
Destrozaron la torre del castillo durante la guerra.
They destroyed the castle tower during the war.
Cerrarán el teatro durante el invierno.
They will close the theater during the winter.
El tiempo empeorará durante la noche.
The weather will get worse during the night.
El tiempo empeoró durante la noche.
The weather got worse during the night.
El sapo se alimenta en la noche y se esconde durante el día.
Toads feed at night and hide during the day.
Dicen que el tiempo va a empeorar durante la noche.
They say the weather is going to get worse during the night.
Me imagino que sufriría durante el parto.
I imagine that she suffered during the birth.
Pedro ha estado buscando empleo durante varias semanas.
Pedro has been looking for a job for several weeks.
¿Dió a luz durante la noche de ayer?
Did she give birth last night?
Nevó durante la noche.
It snowed during the night.
Ha estado nevando durante dos horas.
It has been snowing for two hours.
Durante la pelea, el jugador recibió una patada en la ingle.
During the fight, the player was kicked in the groin.
Estudiémoslo durante nuestra Presidencia.
Let us consider that under our presidency.
(FR) Señor Presidente, he tenido paciencia durante días, durante semanas.
(FR) Mr President, I have been patient for several days, for several weeks.
Le he escuchado durante media hora.
I have been waiting for a reply for one and a half hours now.
No podemos aplazarla durante más tiempo.
We cannot put it off any longer.
No mantenemos debates durante la votación.
We do not hold a debate during the vote.
Durante la votación sobre Afganistán:
During the vote on Afghanistan:
Hemos esperado durante muchos años.
We have been waiting for many years.
¿Qué hicimos durante la guerra?
What did we do doing the war?
No habíamos debatido durante bastante tiempo.
We had not had any discussions for a while.
Durante muchos años la soportamos.
For many years we endured it.
Esperamos impulsarlo durante nuestra Presidencia.
We look forward in the course of our Presidency to taking this forward.
Hemos esperado durante tres meses.
We have waited for three months.
Me acostumbré durante la Presidencia británica.
I got used to it during the British Presidency.
¿Durante cuánto tiempo pueden conservarse?
For what length of time can they be kept?
Hemos estado luchando durante meses.
We have been struggling over this for months.
Acordamos eso durante nuestras negociaciones.
We agreed with that during our negotiations.
Hemos colaborado durante muchos años.
We have worked together for years.
Durante esta intervención me he visto interrumpido.
I have been distracted during the course of this address.
Ésta debe regularse durante la CIG.
This must be regulated during the IGC.
El problema permanecerá durante algún tiempo.
It will be there for some time to come.
Aquí ha habido programas durante dieciocho meses.
Here, there have been programmes for eighteen months.
Funcionará de este modo durante tres años.
It will function in this form for three years.
¿Qué cambiará, pues, durante el período 2000-2006?
So what will change in the 2000-2006 period?
Señor Presidente, hemos sido sonámbulos durante décadas.
Mr President, we have been sleepwalking for decades.
Cada Comisario contesta durante 20 minutos.
Each Commissioner answers for 20 minutes.
Desastres económicos que se pagarán durante años.
These are economic disasters whose effects will be felt for years to come.
Portugal administró Macao durante cuatro siglos.
Portugal governed Macau for four hundred years.
Durante ese tiempo pueden propagar el virus.
During that time they can spread the virus.
(Se interrumpe la sesión durante cinco minutos)
(The sitting was adjourned for five minutes)
Suecia ha tenido éxito durante su Presidencia.
Sweden has achieved a great deal of success during its Presidency.
Durante largo tiempo no ha habido relación alguna.
For a long time, there were no relations.
Protección de los animales durante el transporte
Protection of animals during transport
Históricamente, se han relacionado durante mucho tiempo.
Historically, they have been interacting for a long time.
He pertenecido a esta comisión durante 22 años.
I have been a member of this Committee for 22 years.
Hemos permanecido amordazados durante todo este tiempo.
We have been gagged for all this time.
el aprendizaje durante toda la vida y
the development of lifelong learning and
La hemos estado esperando durante muchos años.
That is something for which we have waited for many years.
Y la ha adquirido durante este periodo.
And it acquired it during this period.
Muchos ganaderos ni siquiera duermen durante días.
Many farmers do not even sleep for days.
Y se ha asignado durante muchos años.
It has been allocated over a good many years.
Celebro los comentarios formulados durante el debate.
I welcome the remarks made in the course of the debate.
Podría prolongar este relato durante horas.
I could go on in this vein for hours.
Es algo que recordaré durante mucho tiempo.
That is something that will live with me for a long time.
Creo que no sobreviviría a esto durante muchos años.
I think it would not live this down for many years.
Durante años han sido mal dirigidos.
They have been poorly led for years.
Porque las hemos ignorado durante 23 años.
We are talking about the Maldives because we have ignored it for 23 years.
Durante siglos ha sido un país ocupado.
It was under some form of occupation or another for centuries.
¡Ojalá puedan seguir pescándolo durante mucho tiempo!
Long may they continue to fish!
1) el se mantiene durante tres años;
1) the opt-out will stay in place for three years
Sin embargo, he estado aquí durante las intervenciones.
However, I was here for the speeches.
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