Spanish Sentences using dijo
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Maria Luisa told me that she was just getting the children dressed.
John said that he would have bought the tickets if the park had been open.
Juan said that he will not be able to buy the tickets unless Mary brings the money.
John said that he would have been able to buy the tickets if Mary had brought the money.
He told me he would ask you for anything he might need later.
Jesus said "love one another", not "hate one another".
He didn't tell us anything that could have been useful.
The teacher said that she was hoping that I had come to class early.
Mom told me to do the homework when I got home at three o'clock.
The teacher said that she thought that you had come to the class.
Mom said that she wanted me to do the homework as soon as I arrived home.
He told me that he was going to do his homework in the afternoon.
Mom said that she wanted you to do the homework in the afternoon, before eating supper.
He told me he was going to send her some flowers.
He said that Seville offered acceptable job possibilities.
He said that the important thing was to get into the company.
Mary said that John went to the movies with his friends.
Ramiro sailed with the sailboat just like the captain said.
Mr. García didn't understand what the lawyer said.
The gentlemen didn't understand what the lawyer said.
The doctor said that the medicine was going to relieve the headache.
Who told you that we were going to go to the beach at one o'clock?
Mary said that she thought that the boys would tell us what time they were going to go to the beach.
Juan, who told you that we are going to go to the beach at one o'clock?
John said that he would have changed the tire if he had been able to find the jack.
Mary said that she would give the money to them now if she could.
Mary said that she would have given them the money yesterday if she had been able to.
The secretary said that she wanted us to speak with the lawyer today.
They brought the guilty person, and he told the truth.
John said that you would have taken us downtown if your dad had lent you the car.
Mary said that you would do the homework before the class.
The teacher said that he wanted you to do the homework before the class.
The guide told me that we will go to the Royal Palace if there is time.
She said she wanted to have a party, but I don't remember her saying she was going to have one.
Mary said that she was hoping that they could give us the money today.
Neither he told me he had bought a car, nor that he had been fired from work.
Liz dijo que decoraría el cuarto.
Liz said she would decorate the bedroom.
Ella creyó que yo creí lo que dijo.
She thought that I believed what she said.
María dijo que los muchachos iban a hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
Mary said that the boys were going to do the homework before the class.
María dijo que los muchachos iban a poder hacer la tarea hoy.
Mary said that the boys were going to be able to do the homework today.
El profesor dijo que él quería que tú aprendieras las palabras.
The teacher said that he wanted you to learn the words.
El profesor dijo que él quería que Juan aprendiera las palabras.
The teacher said that he wanted John to learn the words.
El profesor dijo que él quería que nosotros aprendiéramos muchas palabras en la clase.
The teacher said that he wanted us to learn a lot of words in the class.
¿Qué te dijo el gerente del banco?
What did the manager of the bank tell you?
Nos dijo que el compositor había estado enfermo.
He told us that the composer had been sick.
El Sr. Galindo dijo que necesitaba un escritorio nuevo.
Mr. Galindo said he needed a new desk.
El doctor dijo que la operación fue satisfactoria.
The doctor said that the operation was satisfactory.
La profesora dijo que ella quería que nosotros viniéramos a la clase temprano hoy.
The teacher said that she wanted us to come to the class early today.
Juan dijo que él le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
John said that he was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
¿Por qué lo dijo?
Why did he say that?
El Sr. Katiforis no dijo eso.
He did not say that.
¿Quién dijo que sería fácil?
Who said that it would be simple?
Permítanme recordarles lo que dijo.
Let me remind you what he said.
«Es fácil, señor Fatuzzo», me dijo.
‘It is easy, Mr Fatuzzo’ he told me.
Lo que dijo fue sorprendente.
What he said was astonishing.
Dijo: «Esto es muy peligroso.
He said, ‘That is a very dangerous thing to do.
Esto lo dijo en Italia.
He said that in Italy.
Usted dijo que sería así.
You said that will happen.
Eso dijo Salvador de Madariaga.
So said Salazar de Madariaga.
¿No es eso lo que me dijo?
Is that what you told me?
¡Hurra! como dijo el Consejo.
Hooray, as the Council said.
No tenían ninguna posibilidad, se dijo.
They were said to stand no chance.
Pradier dijo: un mal nécessaire .
Mr Pradier speaks of a necessary evil.
Lo dijo con tantas palabras.
He said so in so many words.
Debe entenderse exactamente, tal como dijo Imbeni.
The phrase is to be understood as Mr Imbeni said.
No es ético, como dijo el Sr. Olsson.
As Mr Olsson said, it is unethical.
En Camp David dijo no a la paz.
He said no to peace at Camp David.
Permítanme recordarles lo que dijo Jamaica.
Let me remind you of what Jamaica said.
Usted dijo que habían adoptado una decisión.
You said that you had adopted a decision.
Le dijo que nadie quería escucharla.
She said that nobody would listen to her.
El auditor interno dijo tres cosas.
The internal auditor said three things.
Eso también se dijo en Salónica.
That was also stated in Thessaloniki.
El Sr. Villepin dijo: «No aceptaré compromisos diluidos.»
Mr Villepin said: ‘I will not accept watered-down compromises’.
Dijo, y cito, «los inmigrantes necesitan a Europa.
He said, and I quote, 'Migrants need Europe.
Se dijo algo más, y lo lamento.
Something else was said, and I regret that.
Se nos dijo que votaríamos a mediodía.
We were told that we would vote at 12 noon.
Dijo que reviviría la Unión Soviética.
He said he would revive the Soviet Union.
Dijo que no hay historia oficial en Francia.
He said that there was no official history in France.
Usted dijo que iba a armonizar las sanciones.
You said you were going to harmonise sanctions.
Se nos dijo que le formuláramos preguntas.
We were told to table questions to her.
Nos dijo que cuando volviera, sería encarcelado.
He told us that when he went back he would be imprisoned.
Esto es lo que dijo en comisión.
That is what she said in committee.
En ese caso, ¿qué se dijo?
If so, what was said?
Esto lo dijo hace tres mil años.
He said that 3000 years ago.
Dijo: "El nacionalismo conduce a la guerra".
He said: nationalism leads to war.
Asimismo, dijo que hablaba a título personal.
You also stated that you were speaking in your personal capacity.
Incluso dijo que no estaba a favor del veto.
He even said that he did not favour the veto.
Winston Churchill dijo: "Confiemos en el pueblo".
Winston Churchill said, 'Trust the people'.
Y usted nos dijo: "No hay ningún problema.
You told us, 'There is no problem.
¡Le dijo la sartén al cazo...!
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Nos dijo que lo tendríamos en septiembre.
You told us that we would have this in September.
¿Cómo es que el mundo no dijo nada?
Why did the world remain silent?
El portavoz anterior dijo que es imposible.
The previous speaker said that it is impossible.
Anoche me dijo: "Quiero saber que los franceses...
Last night he told me: 'I want to know that French people...
Al final hicieron lo que él dijo.
In the end they did what he said.
En ese momento, mi hijo Józsi dijo:
At that point my son, Józsi, said:
El señor Barroso dijo: "menos burocracia".
Mr Barroso said: 'Less red tape'.
Dijo: "Los rumanos son ciudadanos eufóricos.
She stated, 'The Romanians are euphoric citizens.
"Europa cumplirá lo prometido", dijo él.
'Europe will deliver', he said.
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