Spanish Sentences using control
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The Yes sir, I am an employee of the quality control department.
You can access that from the control panel.
For going into the boarding zone, one needs to pass the police control.
The air traffic is organized from the control tower
To provide a good customer service, we use a call-in control.
Diego perdió control del volante y de repente se volcó el coche.
Diego lost control of the steering wheel and suddenly the car rolled over.
No agarres el control remoto todo el tiempo.
Don't always take the remote control.
Avisen a la torre de control.
Contact the control tower.
Para proporcionar un buen servicio al cliente nosotros utilizamos control de llamadas.
To provide great customer service, we use call monitoring.
¡Sería un excelente control!
This would be a marvellous exercise in supervision!
Coordinación y control.
I refer to coordination and control.
Se escapa a nuestro control.
This is beyond our control.
No existe ningún control apropiado.
There is no appropriate monitoring.
Necesitamos más control político.
We need more political control.
No tiene nada bajo control.
It has nothing under control!
Pesca: régimen de control
Common fisheries policy: control system
Pero información no significa control.
However, information does not mean control.
¡Queremos ejercer control!
We want to retain control.
No tienen ya un control nacional, no tienen un control europeo...
You no longer have any national control; you no longer have any European control ...
Lo que necesitamos no es más control, sino un control mejor.
It is not more control we need, but better control.
Por eso este control debe completarlo el control del Consejo.
That is why there must be Council control in addition to Parliament control.
Somos el órgano de control.
We are the controlling body.
Es necesario un control parlamentario.
They must be subject to parliamentary control.
Este control no ha funcionado satisfactoriamente.
Such monitoring has not operated at all satisfactorily.
También realizaremos un control a posteriori.
We will also carry out an ex post audit.
¡Considero inaceptable este control policial!
I find this police control unacceptable!
Esto dificulta mucho el control.
That makes it very difficult to control.
El control parlamentario es deficiente.
There is poor parliamentary control.
No hay control transparente sin parlamentarismo.
There is no transparent control without parliamentarianism.
Esto presupone un buen control.
This presupposes a good control system.
Existen instrumentos de control adecuados.
Adequate instruments of control already exist.
Puedo repetir el control electrónico.
I can repeat the electronic check.
Falla todo en el control.
The controls are slack in many ways.
Somos el órgano de control.
We are the supervisory body.
El control parlamentario significa esto.
This is what parliamentary control means.
Las reglas están, ahora queda el control.
The work is done. All that remains is the business of enforcement.
Y por fin va a haber control.
Inspection is on its way, at long last.
Esta situación crea varios límites al control.
This situation creates various control limits.
Comercio sin control de armas ligeras
Uncontrolled trade in light weapons
Vigilancia y control son un problema fundamental.
Monitoring and control are the main problems.
Sin embargo, no existen aparatos de control.
However, there is no functioning supervisory apparatus.
Ante todo, instaurar un mayor control democrático.
Above all, a higher degree of democratic supervision could be introduced.
También se niega el control jurisdiccional.
Judicial control has also been denied.
En primer lugar, se destaca el control.
First of all, there is supervision.
Para terminar, el trabajo está bajo control.
In conclusion, work is well in hand.
el control no obligatorio de los proyectos ejecutados.
the non-binding nature of the monitoring of project implementation.
El reglamento sobre control es más polémico.
The control regulation is perhaps more controversial.
La confianza es buena, el control mejor.
Trust is a good thing, but control is a better one.
Hay que establecer el debido control democrático.
We must have proper democratic control.
Esto está prácticamente fuera de nuestro control.
That is almost beyond our control.
No tenemos capacidad para ejercer el control parlamentario.
We are unable to exercise parliamentary control.
Eso es malo para el control democrático.
This is bad for democratic control.
Hemos asegurado el control financiero para gestionarlo.
We have provided the financial control to deal with that.
Por tanto, el control solicitado es innecesario.
Therefore, the control requested is not necessary.
Siguen existiendo los sempiternos problemas del control.
There are the enduring problems of monitoring.
Por consiguiente, el control está garantizado.
There certainly will be scrutiny, therefore.
Un anciano murió en un control.
An old man died at the checkpoint.
Pero ¿cómo se ejerce el control democrático?
But how is democratic control to be exerted?
Además, tenemos más tradición de control parlamentario.
In addition, we have far more of a tradition of parliamentary scrutiny.
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