Spanish Sentences using constantemente
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The One must practice constantly because if not, everything will be forgotten.
She is constantly looking at herself in the mirror.
The ocean waves are caressing the beach constantly.
La viejita se cae constantemente.
The old lady falls down constantly.
Mi perro se rasca constantemente las orejas.
My dog is constantly scratching his ears.
Constantemente lo estamos examinando.
All the time we keep this under review.
Constantemente se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías.
New technology is being developed constantly.
Constantemente nos recuerdan su existencia.
They send out constant reminders of their existence.
Algunos puntos se repiten constantemente.
A few points bear constant repetition.
Sin embargo se infringen constantemente.
However, these laws are continually being violated.
Nuestra sociedad está envejeciendo constantemente.
Our society is constantly ageing.
Además, silencia constantemente los delitos.
It also continually hushes up crime.
Pisotea constantemente sus propios principios.
It constantly flouts its own principles.
Señora Presidenta, ¡me han interrumpido constantemente!
Madam President, I have been constantly interrupted.
También las Convenciones reciben constantemente nuevos añadidos.
The conventions too are constantly being supplemented.
No es preciso reinventar constantemente la rueda.
There is no need to keep reinventing the wheel.
Estamos recibiendo constantemente diferentes formas de spam.
We are constantly seeing different forms of spamming.
Ése es el mensaje que transmitimos constantemente.
That is the message we constantly convey.
Me pregunto constantemente qué estamos haciendo mal.
I constantly ask myself what Europe is doing wrong.
Han descendido constantemente desde los años ochenta.
It has dropped steadily since the 1980s.
Tenemos que vigilar constantemente la situación.
We need constantly to monitor the situation.
Irán está creando constantemente nuevas situaciones.
Iran is constantly creating new situations.
Todos tenemos constantemente pruebas de ello.
We have continually seen this demonstrated.
Tenemos que adaptarnos constantemente a las circunstancias cambiantes.
We need to adapt constantly to changing circumstances.
Llevamos años debatiendo constantemente los mismos problemas.
For years now we have constantly been debating the same problems.
Deben dejar de subestimar constantemente la PAC.
You must stop constantly undervaluing the CAP.
Esta parte del mercado crece constantemente.
This part of the market is constantly expanding.
El número de peticionarios aumenta constantemente.
The number of petitioners is increasing steadily.
Deberían estar constantemente atentos a la estabilidad financiera.
They should always be alert to financial stability.
Debemos evitar cambiar constantemente de opinión.
We must avoid blowing hot and cold.
No tiene sentido inventar nuevas leyes constantemente.
There is no use in inventing new laws all the time.
Estamos en contacto con los egipcios constantemente.
We are in contact with the Egyptians the whole time.
Nuestros ganaderos no quieren estar constantemente subvencionados.
Our farmers do not want to be constantly subsidised.
¿Qué acuerdos se han bloqueado constantemente?
Which of the agreements have been consistently blocked?
Pedimos constantemente tolerancia en muchos terrenos.
We are constantly calling for tolerance in many areas.
Como saben ustedes, constantemente ha habido declaraciones.
As you know, declarations have constantly been made on this subject.
Los niveles de conocimientos cambian constantemente.
The level of knowledge is constantly changing.
Constantemente hablamos de este tema con ellos.
We are, in fact, in constant communication with them about this issue.
No tendríamos que estar constantemente volviendo a regular las incineradoras.
We should not be constantly re-regulating incinerators.
Miremos al frente en vez de rememorar constantemente tiempos pasados.
Let us look forward rather than constantly harking back.
Sobre todo la comunidad armenia cristiana es hostigada constantemente.
The Armenian Christian community particularly is constantly subject to new attacks.
Estamos luchando constantemente contra el elemento del riesgo desconocido.
We are constantly struggling with the element of unknown risk.
Pero no creo que se consiga aumentando constantemente los precios.
But I do not think that we can do so by constantly hiking up prices.
Están constantemente in situ colocándose voluntariamente como escudos humanos.
They have been a constant presence by willingly forming a human shield.
El Sr. Mulder se escuda constantemente detrás de este argumento.
Mr Mulder constantly hides behind this argument.
Por esta razón hacemos constantemente enérgicos llamamientos a ambas partes.
That is why we constantly make powerful appeals to both parties.
Esta situación, no obstante, no nos impide hablar constantemente de ciudadanía europea.
This, however, does not prevent us from constantly talking about European citizenship!
Debemos evaluar constantemente si los organismos proporcionan algún valor añadido.
We must constantly evaluate whether an agency provides any added value.
Constantemente obstruimos su camino para disfrutar una existencia humana plena.
We constantly obstruct their path towards enjoying a full human existence.
Constantemente recibimos mensajes contradictorios a este respecto y necesitamos claridad.
We constantly receive mixed messages on this issue and we need clarity.
La ejecución de este plan se examina constantemente.
The implementation of these plans is kept under constant review.
Ello es sumamente importante cuando los requisitos cambian constantemente.
When requirements are constantly changing, that is of immense importance.
La Comisión debe dejar de entrar constantemente en nuevos ámbitos.
The Commission must stop continually going into new areas.
Me han criticado constantemente, pero en realidad es su función.
I was constantly criticised by them, but this is actually their role.
El Grupo de Alto Nivel nos ignoró constantemente.
The high-level group constantly put us off.
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