Spanish Sentences using conforme
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The And now you will see that, as time goes by, your Spanish will get better.
Give these credentials to them as they complete their enrollment procedure.
Credentials are usually given to students as they complete their registration procedure.
You would give the credentials to them as they completed the enrollment procedure.
Credentials were usually given to students as they completed their registration procedure.
Déjenles obrar conforme a sus opiniones.
Let them put their money where their mouth is.
Veo, señorías, que el comisario está conforme.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can see that Mr Nielson is in agreement.
En junio, comprobaremos si todo está conforme.
We will have a look in June to see whether everything has turned out well.
Esto es conforme al principio de subsidiaridad.
This is in line with the principle of subsidiarity.
El procedimiento es conforme al Reglamento.
The procedure is consistent with the Rules of Procedure of the House.
No tiene justificación conforme a ningún fundamento jurídico.
It is not justified by any legal basis.
Conforme al artículo 163 del Reglamento…
In accordance with Rule 163 of the Rules of Procedure, …
Creo que no ha actuado conforme al Reglamento.
I think you were out of order.
Conforme crecen, utilizan Internet con mayor asiduidad.
As they get older, they use the Internet more.
Mi grupo estaría conforme con eso.
My group would be happy with that.
- Señora Presidenta, estoy conforme con continuar.
- Madam President, I am quite happy to carry on.
Esto no es conforme con el Reglamento interno.
That is not in accordance with our Rules of Procedure.
Esto es conforme al Tratado de Lisboa.
This is also in accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon.
Un país debe construirse conforme a la ley.
A country should be built on the basis of law.
Esto no es en absoluto conforme al Reglamento.
This is not at all in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
Espero que el autor esté conforme con mi propuesta.
I hope the person who tabled the amendment will agree to this.
Para ello hay que establecer un recurso conforme a ciertas modalidades.
So we must provide for direct resort to that Court in accordance with certain procedures.
Esto es completamente correcto y conforme al Tratado.
That is quite right and it complies with the Treaty.
Señor Comisario, conforme al Reglamento, la pregunta no es complementaria.
Commissioner, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, this is not a supplementary question.
Podemos actuar conforme al procedimiento que usted propone.
We can do it in accordance with the procedure that you propose.
Por tanto, la propuesta de la Comisión es conforme a derecho.
On this basis, the Commission proposal is therefore legal.
(Abreviado conforme al Artículo 137(1) del Reglamento)
(Abbreviated pursuant to Rule 137(1) of the Rules of Procedure)
(Abreviada conforme al apartado 1 del artículo 137 del Reglamento)
(Abbreviated in accordance with Rule 137(1) of the Rules of Procedure)
(Abreviado conforme al Artículo 137 (1) del Reglamento)
(Abbreviated in accordance with Rule 137(1) of the Rules of Procedure)
(Abreviado conforme al Artículo 137 (1) del Reglamento)
(Abbreviated in accordance with Rule 137(1) of the Rules of Procedure)
Conforme al Tratado actual, solamente existen dos modos.
Under the current Treaty, there are only two ways.
La evaluación conforme al artículo 82 está en curso.
The assessment under Article 82 is ongoing.
Esto se hizo de forma transparente, conforme a los procedimientos.
This was done transparently, in accordance with the procedures.
La Comisión considera ahora que el régimen actual es conforme.
The Commission now judges that the current regime is in compliance.
Esto debe hacerse conforme a métodos de cálculo generalmente válidos.
This should be done on the basis of generally valid calculation methods.
Está claro que Portugal no actuó conforme a la legislación comunitaria.
Clearly, Portugal did not act under Community law.
En conclusión, el Gobierno portugués actuó conforme a la ley.
In conclusion, the Portuguese Government acted within the law.
Conforme a este acuerdo, los principios del Tratado se mantienen.
Under this agreement the Treaty principles are maintained.
Esta Cámara debe funcionar correctamente y conforme al Reglamento.
This House should operate properly and within the Rules.
Actuaré conforme a su sugerencia y enviaré esta petición.
I shall act on your suggestion and send this request.
Conforme al código penal danés, la blasfemia constituye un delito.
Blasphemy is a crime under the Danish penal code.
Hemos de actuar conforme al principio de subsidiariedad.
We must act in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity.
La Presidencia finlandesa va a actuar conforme a dichas decisiones.
The Finnish Presidency will act on the basis of these decisions.
Me gustaría saber conforme a qué criterios funcionará el registro de Londres.
I would like to know according to what criteria the register in London is going to operate.
Las decisiones se adoptan conforme a las disposiciones del Tratado.
Decisions are then taken in accordance with the Treaty rules.
Las compuertas se gestionan conforme a las normas comunes.
The sluices are managed according to common rules.
¿Sobre qué base, conforme a qué normas técnicas lo hizo?
On what basis, according to what technical standards did it do so?
Conforme al acuerdo, estaría totalmente operativo en 2008.
Under the agreement it would be fully operative by 2008.
Me gustaría que pensaran en ellos conforme avanzamos en el tema.
I would like you to bear those in mind as we go forward.
El informe fue redactado conforme al artículo 23 del Reglamento.
The report was drawn up according to Article 23 of the regulation.
Conforme a ello, consideramos que es fundamental alterar la base jurídica.
Accordingly, we feel it is essential to alter the legal basis.
Al fin y al cabo, estoy conforme con veinte semanas.
In the end, I can go along with 20 weeks.
El Reglamento debería establecerse conforme a un amplio consenso.
Rules of Procedure should be established according to a broad consensus.
(Explicación del voto abreviado conforme al artículo 170 del Reglamento)
(Explanation of vote abbreviated in accordance with Rule 170 of the Rules of Procedure)
No obstante, conforme escucho este debate, surgen dos preguntas bastante importantes.
However, as I listen to this debate, two rather important questions arise.
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