Spanish Sentences using cita
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The Your appointment for the cleaning is on Monday at 10 o'clock in the morning.
You left as though you had remembered you had a very important date.
Your appointment to renegotiate mortgage terms is on Tuesday at three o'clock.
I should have worn my red, backless dress for such a romantic date.
Por favor, quisiera hacer una cita con el doctor Lozano.
Please, I would like to make an appointment with doctor Lozano.
Enseguida la secretaria hace la cita con el doctor Lozano.
Right away, the secretary makes the appointment with doctor Lozano.
Julia está preguntando al doctor sobre su próxima cita a la clínica.
Julia is asking the doctor about her next appointment at the clinic.
Es peor pasarse un semáforo en rojo que llegar tarde a una cita.
It is worse to go through a red light than to arrive at an appointment late.
Tengo una cita con el dentista.
I have an appointment for the dentist.
Nosotros estamos consiguiendo una cita con el doctor para mi abuela.
We are getting a doctor’s appointment for my grandmother.
Usted debe hacer una cita para hablar con un abogado.
You must make an appointment to speak to a lawyer.
Bueno, entonces, yo voy a hablar con la persona para hacerle su cita.
Okay, then I will talk to the person in charge to make your appointment.
No recibe visitas sin cita previa.
I don't see visitors without an appointment.
Todavía no. Tiene que asistir al radiólogo antes, es decir, su cita es para el martes, ¿verdad?
Not yet. You have to go to the radiologist before, I mean, your appointment is made for Tuesday, right?
Tengo una cita a la que no debo faltar.
I have an appointment which I must not miss.
Si, buenos días, quisiera hacer una cita para ver al doctor.
Yes, goodmorning, I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.
La cita es al mediodía.
The appointment is at noon.
¿A qué hora es la cita?
When is the appointment?
Y una cita final.
I have a final quotation.
No podemos faltar a esta cita.
Let us not miss the opportunity.
Hasta aquí esta cita.
That is all for that quote.
¿Por qué cita una constitución?
Why is he quoting a constitution?
Terminaré con una breve cita.
I shall end with this short quote.
Y aquí termina la cita.
That is the end of the quotation.
¡Una cita de otros tiempos!
A quotation from the past!
Se cita a la Sra. Reding.
Mrs Reding' s name is there instead.
Le he propuesto sólo la primera cita.
This is just the first of the meetings I have proposed to hold with you.
La cita viene directamente de él.
The quote is directly from him.
Fin de la cita del artículo 146.
End of quotation from Article 146.
Señora Presidenta, señora Comisaria, ¿me permiten una cita?
Madam President, Commissioner, may I quote something?
Esta es una cita del Bundesbank alemán.
That is a quote from the German Bundesbank.
Segunda cita: »Aquí hay graves comportamientos mafiosos».
Second quote: "There is serious racketeering going on here' .
Supongo que la cita es errónea.
I imagine you have been quoted wrongly.
Es con una cita del Génesis.
It is a quote from Genesis.
Señora Presidenta, Señorías, hoy tenemos cita con la hipocresía.
Madam President, today we have an appointment with hypocrisy.
La ponente cita cuatro casos a modo de ejemplo.
The rapporteur quotes four cases by way of example.
Mientras esto ocurra, debe aplazarse la cita con las urnas.
As long as this is the case, the election date has to be postponed.
Esto es mucho más que una cita metafísica de Hegel.
This is much more than a metaphysical quotation from Hegel.
Gracias, Señoría, por la cita indirecta del gran Kant.
Thank you, Mr Fatuzzo, for your indirect quotation of the great Kant.
Lo que publicaron como cita literal era correcto.
What they put in as a quotation was correct.
Acudió con un amigo a una cita con un supuesto homosexual.
He went with a friend to meet a supposed gay man.
Permítame una reflexión a partir de su cita de Montesquieu.
Allow me to comment on your quotation from Montesquieu.
Permítanme que continúe con una cita de Brecht.
Let me take this further by quoting Brecht.
Este verano el mundo se dará cita en Escocia.
This summer the world will be coming to Scotland.
. – Señor Presidente, mis informes siempre comienzan con una cita.
. Mr President, my reports always start with a quotation.
El apartado 2 cita la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales.
Paragraph 2 quotes the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Los derechos fundamentales se han debilitado, fin de la cita.
Fundamental rights have been undermined, unquote.
Sé que el señor Comisario conoce la famosa cita.
I know that the Commissioner is familiar with this famous quotation.
Por ello la resolución común ya no contiene la cita.
That is why the joint resolution no longer contains the quotation.
Se trata de una cita directa del apartado 2.
That is a direct quote from paragraph 2.
Fin de la cita, y perdonen la complicada jerga.
That is the end of the quotation, with my apologies for the involved wording.
Señor Presidente, no es fácil concertar una cita con mi fontanero.
Mr President, it is not very easy to make an appointment with my plumber.
Esta cita está sacada del informe del Sr. Schulz.
The quotation is from the Schulz report.
Además, tenemos una cita con ustedes para finales de 1998.
We have additionally arranged a meeting with you for the end of 1998.
Permítaseme acabar con una cita del Senado australiano.
Let me end with a quotation from the Australian Senate.
Era pues una cita pero no mis propias palabras.
This was a quotation and not my own choice of words.
La cita completa es: "Tarde llegáis, pero llegáis.
The full quotation reads: ' You have arrived late, but you have arrived.
Con respecto al empleo, Colonia será una cita interesante.
Cologne is set to be interesting from the employment point of view.
La cita, sin embargo, no es completa, porque hay otra frase.
The quotation is not complete, however, because there is another sentence.
Tal vez pudiera aplicar esa cita a su propia situación.
He might like to relate this quote to his own circumstances.
Me parece que la cita que tenemos hoy no es la cita de Europa, de nuestras instituciones, con Austria o con el partido del Sr. Haider.
I feel that today' s meeting is not a meeting of Europe, our institutions, with Austria or Mr Haider' s party.
Nos hemos abstenido respecto a la cita 12 debido a la renuncia al Tratado Constitucional, lo que hace que dicha cita pierda sentido.
We abstained on citation 12 due to the abandonment of the Constitutional Treaty, which makes the proposed citation irrelevant.
El Parlamento cita el artículo 168, apartado 4, del Tratado de Lisboa, mientras que la Comisión cita el artículo 31 del Tratado Euratom.
Parliament cites Article 168(4) of the Treaty of Lisbon, whereas the Commission cites Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty.
Termino, señor Presidente, con la siguiente cita: "Debemos ser rebeldes, pero también competentes".
I will end, Mr President, with the following quote: "We must be rebels, but we must also be competent" .
Esta cita no responde a una postura de extrema izquierda irresponsable o caprichosa.
That is not a quotation from some irresponsible or lunatic left-winger.
Si está usted de acuerdo, fijemos una cita y continuaremos este debate.
If you wish, we can arrange a meeting so that we can continue this debate.
Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, permítanme que empiece con un cita del protoromántico alemán Novalis.
Mr President, Commissioner, allow me to start by quoting the early German Romantic Novalis.
Esta Convención, por otro lado, se cita como ejemplo para renovar otros textos europeos.
In any case, this Convention has been quoted as an example that can point the way forward for other European texts.
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