Spanish Sentences using biografía
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The There was no book that had the complete biography.
The man, whose mother died, wrote her biography.
Ese libro no tenía la biografía completa de Rubén Darío.
That book didn't have Rubén Darío's complete biography.
¿Tienes que leer una biografía de Picasso?
Do you have to read a biography about Picasso?
Se refería a la biografía del libertador Simón Bolívar.
It referred to the life of the liberator, Simón Bolívar.
Señora Presidenta, la biografía de Alois Brunner es una biografía bañada en sangre, la sangre de personas innocentes, los judíos de Salónica que cayeron víctimas del racismo.
Madam President, the personal history of Alois Brunner is a history stained with the blood of innocent people, Jews from Thessaloniki and victims of racism.
Cito a Mark Kurlansky en su libro "Bacalao: una biografía del pescado que cambió el mundo" .
I am quoting the author Mark Kurlansky in his book 'Cod: A Biography of the Fish that changed the World'.
Además, como el poeta Emerson nos enseñó, no hay historia, solo biografía.
Moreover, as the poet Emerson taught us, there is no such thing as history, only biography.
Para concluir, debo a un poeta estadounidense, Ralph Waldo Emerson, la idea de que la historia no existe, solo la biografía.
In conclusion, I owe to an American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the thought that there is no such thing as history, only biography.
El señor Cohn-Bendit ha descrito en su biografía su relación con los ciudadanos de Hungría.
Mr Cohn-Bendit has described in his biography his relationship with the Hungarian people.
En su biografía del Presidente Sarkozy, Jean-Paul Picaper escribe que la idea de la Unión para el Mediterráneo procede del movimiento paneuropeo.
In his biography of President Sarkozy, Jean-Paul Picaper wrote that the idea for the Union of the Mediterranean came from the pan-European movement.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, quisiera citar a Jean Monnet, y en realidad aconsejo a todo el mundo que lea su biografía de 1.000 páginas para redescubrir el verdadero sentido de la integración europea.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to quote Jean Monnet, and would recommend everyone to read his biography to rediscover the true sense of European integration.
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