Spanish Sentences using apenas
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Maria Luisa told me that she was just getting the children dressed.
I was just understanding calculus when the bell rang.
No sooner is dad arrived home, he will watch the TV.
Un ruido apenas perceptible
a slight noise
Apenas vamos a salir para el teatro.
We're just leaving for the theater.
Apenas íbamos a salir para el teatro.
We were just leaving for the theater.
Apenas están desempacando porque llegaron tarde anoche.
They are just unpacking because they arrived late last night.
Apenas faltan 75 semanas.
There are less than 75 weeks to go in fact.
Actualmente apenas se encuentra.
At present there is barely any at all.
Apenas existe una comparabilidad.
There is little chance of comparing them.
Apenas ha tenido continuación.
It hardly had any impact at all.
Nuestros agricultores apenas osan creerlo.
Our farmers hardly dare believe this anymore.
A decir verdad, apenas hemos reaccionado.
In point of fact, we have hardly reacted at all.
Nuestra tarea apenas ha comenzado.
Our task is just beginning.
Sucedió hace apenas diez años.
It happened only ten years ago.
Yo apenas puedo manejar tres.
I can hardly cope with three!
Mi respuesta apenas les sorprenderá.
My reply will hardly surprise you.
No obstante, apenas controlamos la situación.
But we do not have much of a grip on the situation.
La República Federal apenas concede asilo.
Germany has virtually ceased to grant asylum.
Apenas se ha debatido sobre ello.
This is hardly ever discussed.
En consecuencia, el compromiso me parece apenas aceptable.
You and the Commission really ought to go and look at what is available on the market.
Apenas se ha referido a este aspecto.
You have said very little on this matter.
La población china apenas disfrutará con ello.
The Chinese population will derive little pleasure from the Games.
La bottom up governance apenas se percibe aquí.
There is virtually no trace here of 'bottom-up governance' .
La deuda comercial apenas de ha aligerado.
Little impact has been had on trading debt.
Apenas hubo países que salieron ilesos.
Hardly any country emerged unscathed.
Señor Presidente, quiero hacer apenas seis comentarios.
Mr President, I would like to make just six comments.
Eso tampoco se ha mencionado apenas.
That, too, has barely been mentioned.
Por ejemplo, apenas se menciona a Arabia Saudí.
For example, Saudi Arabia barely gets a mention.
Este informe apenas logra cambiar esa percepción.
This report does little to change that perception.
Por ejemplo, apenas contiene propuestas políticas importantes.
For instance, it contains barely any significant policy proposals.
Apenas hay necesidad de más gobernanza.
There is scarcely any need for more governance.
La cumbre apenas señala el camino.
The summit merely points the way.
El más joven apenas tiene 14 años.
The youngest is barely 14 years old.
Apenas representan el 13 % de los diputados.
They represent barely 13% of Members.
Esto apenas es mencionado en este documento.
It is hardly mentioned in this document.
La labor del Parlamento apenas comienza.
Parliament's work is only just beginning.
El compromiso actual apenas ha aportado mejoras.
The current commitment has brought hardly any improvements.
Los dalit apenas se han mencionado.
The Dalits have hardly been mentioned at all.
Apenas hay esperanza para un proceso democrático.
There is not much hope left for a democratic development.
La floricultura apenas recibe subvenciones en Europa.
It is a completely liberal market.
Este apenas beneficia a la población local.
The local populations obtained very little benefit from this arrangement.
En 1996, eran apenas 51 días.
In 1996, they had dropped to barely 51 days.
Apenas habían tenido una hora para hablar.
They had had no more than one hour to talk to each other!
Esto apenas se nombra en el informe.
That is hardly mentioned in the report.
Apenas era presentable como Ministro de Economía.
He was hardly acceptable as Minister for Industry and Commerce.
Apenas si existe en el sistema europeo.
We still scarcely have any such tradition through the European machinery.
Apenas hay escuelas, apenas infraestructuras, la corrupción es un problema serio.
There are hardly any schools, hardly any infrastructure and corruption is rife.
Es decir, apenas hemos gastado créditos de KONVER y lógicamente apenas hemos podido lograr éxitos.
So what this all means is that we have scarcely spent any KONVER funds yet, so it stands to reason that we have registered few successes so far.
Apenas se habla de ella en el informe.
The report, in fact, mentions very little about this.
Apenas habrá alguien que proteste también contra esto.
No one can possibly object to that.
En el presupuesto para la pesca apenas hay margen.
There is hardly any room in the fisheries budget.
La propuesta original de la Comisión apenas bastaba.
The original Commission proposal was barely in line.
Hasta ahora apenas nadie se ha ocupado realmente de ello.
Up until now virtually no one has really bothered about this.
Apenas se examina la cuestión del medio ambiente.
They hardly considered the environmental aspect at all.
Apenas hay organizaciones pro derechos humanos que funcionen allí.
Independent human rights organisations can scarcely operate in the country.
Estos dos asuntos apenas, por no decir nada, protagonizaron la agenda.
These two issues were way down, if not off the bottom of the agenda.
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