Spanish Sentences using antes
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Before taking a taxi, I want you to look for the address on a map.
We'll read the tourist guide before going out for a walk.
The teacher wants Mary to do the homework before the class.
It's necessary that I am in Brussels before Monday.
It is hoped that the chapel will be open before spring.
Well, as I was saying, before that I'll examine you.
Use the shareware version before buying it.
She wasn’t concerned about her studies before, but now she does.
Perform an spelling check before you send it to the manager's office.
In order for you to have more time, we will finish before.
John, tell Mary that we will not be able to go before three o'clock.
You will have two interviews before starting the job.
You can be late three times before you are in trouble.
Though they had smoked before, they don’t smoke now.
You will have spoken with him before to go out of the hotel.
The teacher wanted me to do the homework before the class.
Will Ralph rest before the soccer game tomorrow?
Mary said that you would do the homework before the class.
Did any member of you family die of heart trouble before being 50?
I was hoping that you would do the homework before arriving to the class.
We will be able to cash the check if we arrive at the bank before five o'clock.
I was hoping that John would do the homework before arriving to the class.
We thought that Juan would do the homework before the class.
Apaga la televisión antes de que nos vayamos.
Turn off the television before we leave.
Yo llegué antes de las cinco.
I arrived (llegar) before (antes de) five o´clock.
¿Llegaste antes de las cinco?
Did you arrive before five o´clock?
Juan llegó antes de las cinco.
John arrived before five o´clock.
Nosotros llegamos antes de las cinco.
We arrived before five o´clock.
Los muchachos llegaron antes de las cinco.
The boys arrived before five o´clock.
Hágale un corrector ortográfico antes de mandarlo a la gerencia.
Run spell check before you send it to management.
Agítese antes de usarse
Shake well before use
Antes se les eschaba a perder la fruta, ¿verdad?
Your fruit used to spoil, didn't it?
La primavera llega antes del verano.
Spring comes before summer.
Antes de tomar un taxi, busque la dirección en el mapa.
Before taking a taxi look for the address on a map.
Yo no sé si María puede hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
I don't know if Mary can do the homework before the class.
Yo creía que María iba a poder hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
I thought that Mary was going to be able to do the homework before the class.
Ordeñaba las vacas antes de irse al mercado.
He milked the cows before going to the market.
Baño a los niños antes de acostarlos.
I bathe my children before I put them to bed.
Ella baña a los niños antes de acostarlos.
She bathes her children before she puts them to bed.
Bañamos a los niños antes de acostarlos.
We bathe our children before we put them bed.
¡No firmes el contrato sin antes leerlo!
Don’t sign the contract until you read it!
¿Puede venir cuanto antes?
Could you come as soon as possible?
El público lo había visto antes.
The public had seen him before.
La primavera llega antes del verano.
Spring comes before summer.
Quiero ducharme antes de comer.
I want to take a shower before eating.
¿Intentarás verificarlo antes de darlo por sentado?
Will you try to verify it before making any assumptions?
Hicimos escala en Houston antes de seguir a Nueva York.
We had a layover in Houston before continuing on to New York.
¿Le puedes entregar el cheque antes de las cinco?
Can you deliver the check to him before five o'clock?
Juan, yo esperaba que tú se lo entregaras antes de las cinco.
John, I was hoping that you would deliver it to him before five o'clock.
Venir antes de tiempo / demasiado pronto
to be too early
¡Agítese antes de usarse!
Shake well before use!
Yo esperaba que él se lo pudiera entregar antes de las cinco.
I was hoping that he would be able to deliver it to him before five o'clock.
Juan, ¿Le entregaste el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco?
John, did you deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock?
Hicimos escala en Houston antes de seguir a Nueva York.
We had a layover in Houston before continuing on to New York.
Agítese bien antes de usar.
Shake well before use.
Espero que tú le puedas entregar el cheque antes de las cinco.
I hope that you can deliver the check to him before five o'clock.
Abrazó a sus parientes antes de salir.
He hugged his relatives before he left.
Antes no existía.
There was no such consensus previously.
Antes no podíamos.
This was not the case before.
Antes no puedo.
Until then I am unable to do so.
Hay otro informe antes.
There is another report first.
Cuanto antes desaparezca, mejor.
The sooner he disappears, the better things will be.
He intentado convencerla antes.
I have already tried to convince her of the need for this.
Deberíamos haber actuado antes.
We should have acted earlier.
Ni un minuto antes.
Not a moment before, however.
¿Qué sucedía antes?
What happened before they did so?
- Antes de la votación:
- Before the final vote:
- Antes de la votación:
- Before the final vote:
Así era antes.
That is how it was.
Antes no existía nada parecido.
There has been nothing of this kind available in the past.
Se hará cuanto antes.
That will be done as soon as possible.
Lo otro ocurrió antes.
The other vote came earlier.
Un «antes» y «después».
A 'before' and an 'after' .
Naturalmente, no podía ser antes.
This, of course, could not have been done earlier.
Acabamos de verlo antes.
We have already seen this in the past.
Podría haber llegado antes.
It might have come more quickly.
Cuanto antes lleguen, mejor.
The faster a peacekeeping force is got there, the better.
¿Qué hemos hecho antes?
What have we done previously?
Está cerrado: 37 diputados antes del Pleno; antes del Pleno.
It is closed: 37 Members before the sitting; before the sitting.
Esto se debe ratificar lo antes posible, antes de 2012.
This must all be ratified as soon as possible, before 2012.
Nunca antes se había hecho.
It had never been done before.
Antes no era así en absoluto.
They were not able to before.
Antes hemos hablado de Camboya.
Earlier we spoke about Cambodia.
Ya he pasado antes por esto.
I have been through this before.
Antes de nada, la ampliación.
I would like to start with enlargement.
Antes hemos dicho algo crítico.
It is true that we were rather critical earlier.
Nada puede ser como antes.
The entire situation has changed.
Antes hizo exactamente lo mismo.
You did exactly the same earlier.
Ya hemos debatido esto antes.
We have had this discussion before.
¡No corramos antes de saber andar!
Let us not run before we can walk!
Cuanto antes lo hagamos, mejor.
The sooner we do that, the better.
Antes he mencionado el término «referéndum».
I mentioned the term ‘referendum’ before.
¿No habríamos podido hacer nada antes?
Is there nothing we could have done earlier?
- Antes de la votación final:
- Before the final vote:
- Antes de la votación final:
- Before the final vote:
- Antes de la votación final:
- Before the final vote:
- Antes de la votación final:
- Before the final vote:
Eso, he dicho antes, es Europa.
As I said before, this is Europe.
Cuando antes se haga, mejor.
The sooner this is done, the better.
La necesitamos lo antes posible.
We need it as soon as possible.
- Antes de la votación final:
- Before the final vote:
Antes he oído hablar de delincuencia.
I heard talk earlier of crime.
Preferiría que pudiera ser antes.
I would prefer it to be sooner.
Lo suscribimos antes que nadie.
We delivered before anybody else.
¿Se podría haber actuado antes?
Could it have been taken earlier?
¿Se podría haber actuado antes?
Could action not have been taken earlier?
He reflexionado mucho antes de venir.
Before coming, I reflected a lot.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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