Spanish Sentences using acuerdo
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Nobody agreed with the new law; however, they decided to go ahead.
I agree with you about asking for more information.
The school places all the students according to their grades.
According to Buddhist tradicion, everyone passes through eight sufferings.
He doesn't agree with your ideas for the new script.
I would like to explain to you although you might not agree.
Although you might not agree, I would like to explain.
Nosotros no estamos de acuerdo con tus decisiones.
We do not agree with your decisions.
La empresa no mantuvo el acuerdo inicial.
The company did not keep the initial agreement.
¿Estarías de acuerdo en venir a trabajar los domingos?
Would you be okay with coming to work on Sundays?
Me acuerdo de los bailes del instituto.
I remember the dances from highschool.
Antes de subirte al taxi debes ponerte de acuerdo en el precio de la carrera.
Before getting in a taxi you should agree on the price of the ride.
Estoy de acuerdo con usted
I agree with you
¿Está eso escrito en el acuerdo de préstamo?
Is it written in the loan agreement?
Llegar a un acuerdo
to make an agreement
La decisión será de mutuo acuerdo.
The decision will be by consensus.
Logró un acuerdo entre los trabajadores y el sindicato.
She obtained an agreement between the workers and the trade union.
Estoy de acuerdo, es una película que habla de fantasmas.
I agree, it's a movie that discusses ghosts.
Yo firmé el acuerdo.
I signed the agreement.
¿Firmaste el acuerdo?
Did you sign the agreement?
El señor García firmó el acuerdo.
Mr. García signed the agreement.
Nosotros firmamos el acuerdo.
We signed the agreement.
Los señores firmaron el acuerdo.
The gentlemen signed the agreement.
Completamente de acuerdo con mi opinión
just what I would have done
Se ha establecido un acuerdo unilateral.
A unilateral agreement has been established.
No estoy de acuerdo con usted
I'm of a different opinion
Me acuerdo que
I remember that
Completamente de acuerdo con mi opinión
just what I would have done
No me acuerdo de tu nombre.
I don't remember your name.
Me acuerdo de las personas y las cosas que usted ha mencionado.
I remember the people and things that you mentioned.
Estoy de acuerdo. Son muy bonitas.
I agree. They are very pretty.
¡De acuerdo!
All right!
No estamos de acuerdo con su cuenta.
We are not in agreement with your calculation.
No me acuerdo de su cara ni de su nombre.
I don't remember his name or his face.
No me acuerdo del número de la alarma.
I don't remember the alarm number.
De acuerdo.
That is right, is it not?
De acuerdo.
That is all very well.
De acuerdo...
That is all very well.
Señor Comisario, un acuerdo es un acuerdo.
Commissioner, an agreement is an agreement.
¡Mejor ningún acuerdo que un mal acuerdo!
It is better to have no agreement at all than a bad agreement!
Este otro acuerdo es el acuerdo provisional.
This other agreement is the interim agreement.
Yo quiero un acuerdo, pero no cualquier acuerdo.
I want an agreement, but not just any agreement.
Todos estamos de acuerdo.
We all agree on this.
No podemos renegociar este acuerdo.
We cannot renegotiate the agreement.
Estamos de acuerdo.
I think we are all in agreement.
Me parece un buen acuerdo.
I believe it is a sound agreement.
Vamos a ponernos de acuerdo.
Let us be clear about this.
¿Está usted de acuerdo?
Do you agree with this?
No estoy de acuerdo.
I do not support them.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I agree with you wholeheartedly there.
Nosotros no estamos de acuerdo.
We do not support this.
Estamos totalmente de acuerdo.
That is something on which we completely agree.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I very much support that.
¿Cómo será ese acuerdo?
What will the agreement in question look like?
No desembocaron en un acuerdo.
They did not lead to an agreement.
Estamos todos de acuerdo.
We are all in agreement.
Es un acuerdo voluntario.
It is a voluntary agreement.
No estoy de acuerdo.
I do not agree with that.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
. – I totally agree.
Estamos totalmente de acuerdo.
One can only agree with this.
Necesitamos un acuerdo común.
We need a common agreement.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I wholeheartedly agree with that.
Yo no estoy de acuerdo.
I do not agree with this point of view.
No es un acuerdo perfecto.
It is not a perfect agreement.
¿Está usted de acuerdo?
Can we agree on that?
No es un acuerdo teórico.
This is not a theoretical arrangement.
De acuerdo, no hay problema.
I agree - no problem.
Nosotros estamos de acuerdo.
We can all accept that.
Están de acuerdo ¿verdad?
You do agree, don't you?
¿El acuerdo es real?
Is this a genuine agreement?
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I fully agree with that.
Estoy completamente de acuerdo.
I am entirely behind that.
Asunto: Acuerdo ecológico mundial
Subject: International deliberations on the environment
No podemos estar de acuerdo.
We cannot agree to this.
¿Estamos de acuerdo?
Do we agree on that?
Estoy completamente de acuerdo.
I agree with that completely.
¡Debería leer el acuerdo!
You should read the agreement!
No estoy de acuerdo.
I do not agree with this.
No hemos llegado a un acuerdo.
We did not reach an agreement.
Estamos totalmente de acuerdo.
We are in complete agreement on this.
Conseguiremos un acuerdo.
We will work out an agreement.
Es un acuerdo provisional.
It is a provisional agreement.
Urge el acuerdo interinstitucional.
An interinstitutional agreement is urgently needed.
El acuerdo es malo.
It is a poor agreement.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I share this view entirely.
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