Spanish Sentences using accidente
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The They were saying that the president died in an accident.
Luís had a road accident and was in intensive care for a week
At leat 18 people were injured in the accident.
He has had an accident and now his car is broken.
They are flying over the area where the accident occurred.
She finished telling about her vacation but she did not finish telling us about her accident.
I am flying in the helicopter towards the accident scene.
John will not have an accident if he drives safely.
John would not have an accident if he drove safely.
John would not have had an accident if he had driven safely.
Nosotros no sabemos el alcance del accidente por el momento.
We don't know the scale of the accident at the moment.
Habra una investigación sobre el accidente.
There'll be an investigation into the accident.
¿Cómo ocurrio este accidente?
How did the accident happen?
El accidente ocurrio en el cruce.
The accident happened at the crossroads.
No pararse para socorrer ante un accidente de tráfico es un delito.
Not stopping to aid a road accident is an offense.
Casi se muere en un accidente de tránsito.
She almost died in a car accident.
Casi se mueren en un accidente de tránsito.
They almost died in a car accident.
El intentó evitar el accidente.
He tried to avoid the accident.
Ha habido un accidente con seis autos.
There's been a six-car traffic accident.
Ella se dirigía al aereopuerto cuando tuvo un accidente.
She was on her way to the airport when she had an accident.
Me dirigía a la casa cuando el accidente ocurrió.
I was making my way home when the accident happened.
¿ Has tenido un accidente?
Have you had an accident?
Juan ha tenido un accidente.
John has had an accident.
Nosotros hemos tenido un accidente.
We have had an accident.
Yo no sé si María ha tenido un accidente.
I don't know if Mary has had an accident.
¿ Sabes si María ha tenido un accidente?
Do you know if Mary has had an accident?
¿Vió / Ha visto usted el accidente?
Did you see the accident?
Nosotros no sabemos si María ha tenido un accidente.
We don't know if Mary has had an accident.
¿Sabes si los muchachos han tenido un accidente?
Do you know if the boys have had an accident?
¿Vieron como fue el accidente?
Did you see how did the acciedent happen?
No hemos contratado ningún seguro de accidente.
We haven't gotten any accident insurance.
Ha ocurrido un accidente
There has been an accident.
Me deprimí después del accidente.
I got depressed after the accident.
Ha habido un accidente.
There has been an accident.
Esto no sucedió por accidente.
This did not happen by accident.
¿Qué ocurrió tras el accidente?
What happened in the aftermath of the event?
Sufren un accidente de tráfico.
You are involved in a traffic accident.
Bastaría con un solo accidente.
One such accident is enough.
¿Qué otro accidente deberemos esperarnos?
How many more incidents have to happen?
Pasemos ahora a la fase posterior al accidente.
Let me now come to the follow-up.
Resolución común sobre el accidente de Toulouse
Joint resolution on the accident in Toulouse
Accidente en el túnel del Gotardo
Accident in the Gotthard Tunnel
Yo estuve allí inmediatamente después del accidente.
I was there immediately after the accident.
Ninguna compañía está a salvo de un accidente.
No airline is immune from accidents.
Nadie ha visitado el lugar del accidente.
No one visited the scene of the accident.
Añadiré que se sigue investigando el accidente.
I should add that the inquiry into that incident is ongoing.
¿Qué hemos aprendido de este accidente?
What have we learnt from this accident?
Este grave accidente tuvo lugar en 1976.
This major accident occurred in 1976.
En caso de accidente peligramos todos.
In the event of a nuclear accident we are all in danger.
No es lo mismo un accidente nuclear que un accidente de tren.
A nuclear accident is not the same as a train accident.
¿Por qué no se han mejorado las escaleras desde mi accidente?
Why have the staircases not been improved since my accident?
El menor accidente es presentado como una catástrofe ecológica irreversible.
The most minor of accidents is depicted as an irreparable ecological disaster.
Efectivamente, el accidente ocurrido en España es gravísimo.
The accident which has taken place in Spain is really very serious.
Responsabilidad de las compañías aéreas en caso de accidente
Air carrier liability in the event of accidents
El accidente afectó también a otras dos plantas químicas cercanas.
The accident also affected two other chemical plants in the vicinity.
¿Qué pasa si hasta el 2006 se produce algún accidente?
What actually happens if there is some sort of mishap before 2006?
En este fatal accidente han perdido la vida 12 personas.
Twelve people lost their lives in this tragic accident.
El naufragio del «Prestige» no ha sido un accidente.
. (FR) The sinking of the 'Prestige' was not an accident.
Mientras estaban esquiando tuvieron un accidente: cayeron por un barranco.
Whilst they were out skiing they had an accident: they fell down a deep ravine.
El accidente del Prestige ocurrió el 19 de noviembre.
The Prestige accident occurred on 19 November.
Muchas personas han mencionado ya el accidente del Prestige.
The Prestige accident has already been mentioned by many people.
Hemos sido testigos de un accidente tras otro.
We have seen accident after accident.
Por supuesto, primero hay que conocer las causas del accidente.
Of course, we need first of all to know the causes of the accident.
Ese accidente ocasionó seis muertos y diez heridos.
That crash left six people dead and a dozen injured.
Además, no se trata solo de que ocurriera un accidente.
A demonstrator was killed there.
Sin embargo, nada de esto ocurrió por accidente.
However, none of this happened by accident.
El riesgo de infección resultante de un accidente no es despreciable.
The risks of infection following an accident are not insignificant.
Todo accidente supone ya de por sí demasiados accidentes.
Every accident is one too many.
Asunto: Accidente ferroviario de Buizingen y sistemas electrónicos de seguridad
Subject: Railway accident in Buizingen and electronic safety system
Como todos recordamos, fue un accidente ferroviario muy grave.
It was, as we all remember, a very serious railway accident.
Este accidente tampoco se debió a un fallo técnico.
This accident was not due to a technical fault, either.
No hay nada que impida que un accidente así vuelva a ocurrir.
There is nothing to stop an accident such as this from happening again.
Este tipo de accidente también se encuadra en esta categoría.
This type of accident also comes under this category.
Este dramático accidente tuvo lugar en el mar.
This dramatic accident happened at sea.
Podemos aprender una importante lección del accidente en Hungría.
We can learn an important lesson from the incident in Hungary.
Lo sabemos debido a Chernóbil, pero no solo por ese accidente.
We know this from Chernobyl, yet not only because of Chernobyl.
3. compensación y asistencia en caso de accidente.
3. compensation and assistance in case of an accident.
Hay ciertas lecciones que debemos aprender de este accidente.
There are certain lessons to be learned from this accident.
Un accidente nuclear tras otro vienen a sumarse al desastre natural.
One nuclear accident after another is coming on top of a natural disaster.
El problema no es un accidente ni las pruebas de resistencia.
The problem is nothing to do with stress testing one incident.
¿Qué nos ha enseñado el accidente ocurrido en Japón?
What has Japan taught us?
Debemos reaccionar ante el accidente nuclear de Japón.
We must react to the nuclear accident in Japan.
Han pasado ya diez años desde el accidente de Chernóbil.
It is now 10 years since the Chernobyl accident occurred.
Parecen ocupar un lugar secundario cuando ocurre un accidente importante.
They seem to be a secondary issue when there is a major accident.
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