Spanish Word for flirt  

English Word: flirt

Spanish Word: flirtear
The Spanish Word for flirt
Now you know how to say flirt in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'flirt'
I tried to flirt with her, but nothing works.
He intentado ligar con ella, pero no hay manera.

There are over 500 political prisoners in Cuba, and yet this Parliament continues to flirt with the líder maximo from a completely misplaced feeling of solidarity.
Más de 500 presos políticos, y este Parlamento se mantiene en su sentimiento de solidaridad completamente fuera de lugar pero filrtea con el líder máximo .
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I´ve spent in Buenos Aires 3 weeks, not because you really need so much time to see all the main attractions the city has to offer, but just because I had such a great time there and wanted to learn more Spanish. In the middle I'd left for Iguazu, only to return a few days later, because I've felt I hadn't exhausted Buenos yet, but Iguazu is a totally different story. Actually Buenos Aires...
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