Search Results for 'lavarse'  

Spanish Word: lavarse
English Translation: to wash [oneself], to wash up
Search results 1 - 40 of about 300 for lavarse. (0.122945835 seconds)
Full verb conjugation table for lavarse along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Sentence pairs containing lavarse translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Lavarse los Dientes video with Spanish lyrics and English translation.

A brief introduction to Spanish reflexive verbs. Learn quickly with flash cards, mp3 audio, quizzes, videos and images.

Use of reflexive verbs in the preterite past tense. Flash cards, videos, mp3 audio, and quizzes provide examples of use.

La nueva gramática de la lengua española

Conjugation of Spanish verb "lavar". Examples of use in present tense, past tenses, subjunctive moods, etc. using flashcards, audio, quizzes and images.

La nueva gramática de la lengua española

Full verb conjugation table for lavar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Free resources for learning Spanish -- of lavarse. No website has more resources to get you speaking Spanish quickly.

Free resources for learning Spanish -- lavarse. No website has more resources to get you speaking Spanish quickly.

Sentence pairs containing wash translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Free resources for learning Spanish -- forms of lavarse. No website has more resources to get you speaking Spanish quickly.

Sentence pairs containing largarse translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Sentence pairs containing lavar translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Spanish word for wash, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Learn how to say wash in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker.

List of Spanish verbs beginning with L along with translation and full verb conjugation.

Sentence pairs containing hands translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Full verb conjugation table for ocluir along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for caracter along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Free resources for learning Spanish -- wash. No website has more resources to get you speaking Spanish quickly.

Free resources for learning Spanish -- wash. No website has more resources to get you speaking Spanish quickly.

Full verb conjugation table for largarse along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for desfalcar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for rastrear along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for calcificarse along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for lagrimear along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for monopolizar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for amalgamar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for caricaturizar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for extractar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for emigrarse along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for rearmar along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for subscribir along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Full verb conjugation table for ventear along with example sentences and printable version. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated.

Sentence pairs containing comit%2525252525C3%2525252525A9 translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Sentence pairs containing irland%2525C3%2525A9s translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Sentence pairs containing podr%2525252525C3%2525252525A1 translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Sentence pairs containing en_metro translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

Sentence pairs containing card%2525C3%2525ADaco translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.

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