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First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
La cigüeña
La cigüeña tenía un nido en la torre. Un día se murió y yo lloré mucho. La enterré en el campo.
la cigüeña - the stork
un nido - a nest
se murió - she died
yo lloré mucho - i cried very much
la enterré - I buried her
¿Verdadero o falso?
La cigüeña es muy fea.
Verdadero Falso
Un día se murió.
Verdadero Falso
La enterré en el campo.
Falso Verdadero
Yo lloré mucho.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién tenía un nido?
La cigüeña tenía un nido. Mi pez tenía un nido.
¿En dónde tenía el nido?
Tenía un nido en la torre. Tenía un nido en el campo.
¿Cuándo se murió?
Una noche se murió. Un día se murió.
¿En dónde la enterré?
La enterré en el campo. La enterré en la torre.
El verano
En verano hace bastante calor. Yo voy a la playa a bañarme. Me lo paso muy bien.
el verano - the summer
hace bastante calor - it is very hot
yo voy a la playa - I go to the beach
bañarme - to take a dip
me lo paso muy bien - I had an enjoyable time
¿Verdadero o falso?
En verano hace bastante calor.
Verdadero Falso
Yo voy a la piscina.
Falso Verdadero
Me compré un helado.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué hace en verano?
Hace bastante frío. Hace bastante calor.
¿Por qué voy a la playa?
Voy a la playa a bañarme. Voy a la playa para tomar el sol.
¿A dónde voy a bañarme?
Yo voy a la playa. Yo voy a la piscina.
¿Cómo me lo paso?
Me lo paso muy mal. Me lo paso muy bien.
¿Cómo se titula la lectura?
El verano. La playa.
Mi perra
Mi perra es muy bonita. Yo juego mucho con ella. Se llama Linda y es de color marrón.
mi perra - my female dog
yo juego mucho - I play a lot
se llama - she is called, her name is
color marrón - brown color
¿Verdadero o falso?
Mi perra es muy bonita.
Verdadero Falso
Yo no juego con ella.
Falso Verdadero
Mi perra se llama Linda.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién es muy bonita?
Mi perra. Mi gata.
¿Quién juega con ella?
Linda juega con ella. Yo juego con ella.
¿Cómo se llama mi perra?
Se llama Marrón. Se llama Linda.
¿De qué color es mi perra?
Linda y es de color nego. Linda y es de color marrón.
¿Cómo se titula la lectura?
Mi gato. Mi perra.
However, this government has emphasized the enrollment and retention of poor students while has failed to contain the exit of middle-class and wealthier families (Narodowski Interview, 2015). It was amazing and good because by the end of the year in 1934 one sixth of the country was in real-life . Patient treatment occurs when the patients info has been given to a specialist or different health care provider for the purpose of a treatment plan. During this time he began to sink into serious clinical depression and have health issues of his own. After the War, the soldiers moved their families out of the cities and into the suburbs which led to lowered box office sales and led to the decline of Hollywood film. An article located on the Forbes website, “Building The Next Big Beauty Brand: Yes To” written by Kym McNicholas and published October 20, 2011 discusses the history behind the company and how they operated. Following 9/11 Pakistan became a US partner in the ‘war against terrorism’ and therefore qualified for the financial assistance for its economic development (Iqbal, 2014).
Luminal B type tumour, compared to luminal A, has poor prognosis which include poorer tumour grade, larger tumour size, lymph node is positive and p53 gene mutation. Usually the social worker has all the power and is the ultimate decider on how the outcome of the intervention. It may occur in the time when the enforcer makes up the false representation with purpose to fraud any victim.
Thus, daily return intervals were used for the 2 and 5 year horizon, yielding beta values of 1.451 (Std.
Government had also allocated RM200 million to upgrade infrastructure of the tourism industry , diversify tourism products, organize more international conferences and exhibitions in Malaysia as well as improve the home stay programme.
This article relates to the course content and falls under the reward section of human resource strategies.
The role of the president has grown to take on new factors that add to the executive’s role as a figurehead of this country, as well as a progressive leader with many initiatives. Military strength was used to compete with other regional states and this led to increased hostilities between states. To reduce unplanned maintenance and avoid unnecessary replacement costs, institutions must have a defined maintenance police as applicable to their assets. In this case, acute neural-inflammation due to direct particle interactions may influence sympathetic activity, while heightened systemic inflammation (initiated via pulmonary inflammation after exposure) builds, increasing permeability and permitting particle translocation from the pulmonary system. In GVT individuals' impression of time, or time vision, quietly impact the group's elements and execution. The grade and the result was not I was concerned about, what was the most important thing for me was the process of writing and revising these papers. From results they have concluded that G + 4 and G + 10 storied building in bare frame without infill having lesser lateral load capacity (performance point value) compare to bare frame with infill.
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