This lesson provides essential Spanish to communicate with Spanish speaking cleaning staff. Below you will find useful Spanish phrases with audio mp3 files to help you with pronunciation. Clicking on the tabs located on the left will provide essential Spanish vocabulary, Spanish phrases, quizzes, and Spanish dialogues.
barrer el piso - to sweep the floor
limpiar el piso - to clean the floor
limpiar las ventanas - to clean the windows
lavar el lavatorio - to clean the bathroom
lavar el inodoro - to clean the toilet
aspirar el piso - to vacuum the floor
lavar y secar las sabanas de las camas - to wash and dry the bed sheets
Andrea: ¡Mira cómo quedó la casa! Ya no voy a hacer fiestas.
Look how the house was left! I'm not going to have parties.
Iliana: Yo te ayudo a limpiar. A ver, dame la escoba para barrer y el recogedor. ¿Y en dónde tiro tantos vasos y platos desechables?
I'll help you clean up. Let's see, give me a broom to sweep the floor and a dustpan. Where am I going to discard so many paper plates and cups?
Andrea: En el bote de basura que está en el patio. Ahorita te lo traigo.
In the wastebasket that's on the patio. Right now I will bring it to you.
Iliana: Cuando termine te aviso para que tú trapees.
When I finish, I will advise you so you can mop the floor.
Andrea: De acuerdo. Aquí voy a dejar el trapeador y la cubeta con agua.
OK. I'm going to leave the mop and a pail of water here.
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