Listening Comprehension - Beginners  

Novice - Mid This Lesson Next Lesson
Exercise 1

Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.

Audio 1
Click to start or stop audio

Where does this young man live?

He has...
two brothers and two sisters
two sisters and three brothers
two brothers and three sisters

His favorite food is...
el mole rojo
los tacos
el mole verde

Audio 2
A boss speaks with a new domestic worker at a home in México...
Click to start or stop audio

There seems to be confusion concerning...
the number of windows the woman will be paid to clean
which days the woman will be working
the number of pizzas which were ordered

Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Popular Phrase: desaparecer conjugation | Spanish-English English-Spanish Medical Dictionary | Conjugated Verb: desfallacer - to grow weak, to faint [ click for full conjugation ]