Ejercicio 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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When discussing things which are not real, one usually uses...
the preterit perfect the conditional the subjunctive
The guy hopes to be rich some day.
true false unknown
The woman hopes that her children will attend good schools.
true unknown false
Audio 2
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The student hopes to complete his undergraduate studies in two years.
unknown true false
The guy must study six hours each week for each class.
true unknown false
What does the guy mean when he says -- nos vemos luego --?
see you later we see each other often we will see each other there
Audio 3
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The woman has many plans for the future.
true unknown false
She may wish to open a psychology clinic in the future.
false true unknown
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3