The verb ver (conjugation) means "to see" or "to watch". It is irregular in the imperfect tense.
(I used to see)
(you used to see)
(you/he/she used to see)
nosotros (as)
(we used to see)
vosotros (as)
(you guys used to see)
Uds./ellos/ ellas
(you all/they used to see)
Let's look at some example sentences:
Lo veía en la barbería.
I used to see him in the barbershop.
Ellos veían volar a las aves.
They used to see the birds flying.
Yo veía las flores en el jardín.
I used to see the flowers in the yard.
In addition to meaning "used to see", the translation can also be "used to watch" or "were watching". Ellos veían volar a las aves.
They were watching the birds flying.
Yo veía las flores en el jardín.
I was watching the flowers in the yard.
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