Dialogue 1
El clima
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Driver: ¿Qué le parece el clima de acá?
What do you think about the weather here?
Patricia: Ah está muy bien porque no hace mucho calor.
Oh it's great because it's not too hot.
Izquierda y derecha
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Driver: Pues aquí a la izquierda está la Iglesia de San Miguél.
So here to the left, is the Chruch of San Miguél.
Marilyn: Ah ya.
Ah, ok.
Driver: Y a la derecha, damos vuelta, está el hotel San Miguél.
And to the right, we turn, there is hotel San Miguél.
Marilyn: Ah muy bien.
Oh, very well.
Mi nombre
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Driver: Mi nombre de pila es Sandra Mosquera. Mi nombre artístico es Midras Queen. Mi rol aquí en la Fundación Ayala, soy coordinadora general del Centro Cultural de la familia Ayala.
My first name is Sandra Mosquera. My stage name is Midras Queen. My role here in the Ayala Foundation, I am the general coordinator of the Cultural Center of the Ayala's family.
Inclusion of informal sectors in the economic growth proved to be an important transmission mechanism that allowed the poor to participate in economic growth opportunities originating in the rural development initiatives. Last but not least, Adjustments is in order to make at the end of the period of correct accounts before financial statements are prepared that are ‘true and fair’ and also adjustments are required to be contained in the general ledger. The ghost of Duncan makes Macbeth feel guilty because Macbeth is forced to face the fact that he killed Duncan to become king. During the 18th century, there was the publication of reports of the expedition that sparked interest towards the fur trade. This begins with prenatal vitamins, check-ups, and even selecting who they think is the “best” doctor to deliver their new baby. One particular herbalist in western New York encourages her clients to get a hospital doctor’s diagnosis first and be knowledgeable about their condition before coming to see her. Also, the continuation of air strikes, which the rebels were vulnerable to, caused Congressman Charles Wilson to push for additional funding in order to implement an old World War II anti-aircraft system called the Oerlikon which would allow the Mujahideen to effectively combat helicopters and some planes with machine guns. Also, he disregards talked tenets with flighty cutting methods, cracked spatial and transient progression, and a camera that relentlessly waits in despairing stops, long after the on-screen characters leave, as though floating simply behind a just as diverted, disseminating account. Over the past decades, the principle reason of extinctions or threat to animals, have been caused mostly due to illegal poaching of animals, over-exploitation of resources for food and commercial hunting. The fourth factor is that states have taken the lead to legalize marijuana, much like an experiment that surprisingly hasn’t caused crisis. The results generated a strong political debate centered on which were the origins of the deterioration and where to move next.
Dialogue 2
Dialogue 3