Dialogue 1
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La Doctora: Respire, más fuerte... otra vez.
Breath, more deeply...again.
Señora Durán: ¿Qué pasa doctora, es grave?
What is happening Doctor?
La Doctora: No, no se preocupe, ¡no es nada grave! Lo que tiene es un resfriado. Marta debes guardar cama durante algunos días y tomar muchos líquidos.
Nothing, don't worry, nothing serious! What she has is a cold. Marta you must stay in bed for a few days and drink a lot of liquids.
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Alicia: No hay ensalada de papas en la tienda.
There isn't any potato salad in the store.
José: Nosotros tenemos papas en la casa.
We have potatoes at home.
Alicia: ¿Tenemos mayonesa?
Do we have mayonnaise?
José: No, necesitamos comprarla.
No, we need to buy it.
Alicia: Compremos también cebollas.
Let's buy onions, too.
José: Cebollas no, ¡odio las cebollas!
Not onions. I hate onions!
Alicia: Entonces compremos apio.
Then, let's buy celery.
José: No, no quiero apio en mi ensalada. Pongámosle manzanas.
No, I don't want celery. Let's put apples in it.
Alicia: ¿Manzanas en la ensalada? ¡Va a saber horrible!
Apples in the salad. ¡It's going to taste horrible!
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Madre: ¿Estás listo para la entrevista?
Are you ready for your interview?
Hijo: Sí. ¿Estoy elegante?
Yes. Am I elegant?
Madre: Muuuy elegante. Recuerda, cuando llegues a la oficina no te olvides de darle la mano a la directora del personal.
Very elegant. Remember, whe you arrive at the office don't forget to shake hands with the personnel director.
Hijo: Claro mamá, no te preocupes.
Of course mom, don't worry.
Madre: Y tan pronto como te sientes, entrégale el curriculum.
And as soon as you sit down, give her your curriculum.
Hijo: Mamá, se lo daré después de que ella me lo pida. ¡Cálmate, yo soy la persona que va a entrevistarse!
Mom, I will give it to her when she asks me for it. Calm down, I am the person who is interviewing.
Madre: ¡Está bien, pero llámame tan pronto como termines la entrevista!
OK, but call me as soon as you finish the interview!
He was working under the Works Manager who was certainly an officer of the Government and the duties which he performed were immediately auxiliary to those of the Works Manager who, beside being an officer of the Government was also armed with some authority of representative character qua the Government. Matter came to be further confounded when several benefitting tenants were found to be the gaonkars of the grantee Comunidade. Gaddafi quickly came to power, taking over as the colonel of the Libyan army. In his earlier years, Stanislavski would spend great deal of time analyzing the text with the actors. Another important assumption is that thermal properties and heat transfer coefficient of the windows is constant. In a nut shell, the abuse and misused of environmental goods due to the fact that there is no property right and market for public goods led to environmental externalities-a situation where considerable danger befalling the whole environmental composition and life-supporting elements are polluted. In the same way that, third world countries adopt similar political ideologies from the dominant first world countries. Using a transgenic mouse model, with a constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptor under the control of the α1(I) collagen promoter, Calvi et al showed that this resulted in an up regulation of both osteoblast and HSC numbers17. According to People Magazine, Jessa Duggar-Seewald is in the fifth month of her pregnancy and can feel her baby kick. Having a team of around 10 -15 support workers under one support service manager will be appropriate. While one of Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s points was that women were “denied [...] the facilities for obtaining a thorough education -- all all colleges being closed against her,” women now earn 140 higher education degrees for every 100 degrees earned by men. It doesn't necessarily take care of the poor, and it underfunds innovation, so we have to offset that. Also, that students may rush through the extra night classes and lectures to achieve their goals and not graduate with the best grades.
Dialogue 2
Dialogue 3