La Ciudad - The City
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Pedro: Maceio es una ciudad del nordeste de Brasil conocida como "ciudad Sonrisa" y "paraíso de las aguas"
Maceio is a city in northeastern Brazil known as "Smile City" and "water paradise"
Rosa Irma: Hoy es considerada como El "caribe Brasileño"...
Now it is considered as the "Brazilian Caribbean"...
Rosa Irma: Debido a sus bellezas naturales que atraen turistas de todo el mundo.
because of its natural beauty that attract tourists from around the world.
Pedro: Para mí, la vida en la ciudad es muy interesante, hay una variada oferta cultural.
For me, life in the city is very interesting, there is a cultural variety.
Pedro: También son muchas las posibilidades de diversión y de trabajo.
As well there are many possibilities for fun and work.
Rosa Irma: Hay importantes museos, buenos restaurantes,
There are important museums, and good restaurants.
Rosa Irma: cines, teatros, edificios modernos y edificios antiguos,
movies, theaters, modern buildings and old buildings,
Rosa Irma: calles anchas y calles estrechas;
wide streets and narrow streets,
Rosa Irma: en mi barrio tengo todo lo que necesito:
in my neighborhood I have everything I need:
Rosa Irma: iglesias, escuelas, colegios, y un centro comercial.
churches, schools, colleges, and a mall.
Pedro: En mi barrio hay muchas tiendas como:
In my neighborhood there are lots of things like
Pedro: panadería, carnicería, peluquería, y papelería.
bread store, the butcher, hairdresser, and stationery.
Pedro: También hay paradas de autobuses,
There are as well bus stops,
Pedro: un supermercado y una oficina de información turística
a supermarket and a tourist information office
Pedro: Y muy cerca esta la costanera con muchas playas,
and real close is the coast with lots of beaches,
Pedro: bellas playas, y aparcamientos o estacionamientos
beautiful beaches, and parking
Pedro: farmacias y gasolineras.
pharmacies and gas stations.
Rosa Irma: En mi barrio no hay
In my neighborhood, there aren't
Rosa Irma: hoteles, estación de tren, campo de fútbol,
hotels, a train station, or a soccer field,
Rosa Irma: guardería y cementerio
a nursery and cemetery
Pedro: Mi barrio no tiene universidad, ni plazas
My neighborhood doesn't have a university, nor plazas.
Pedro: pero estos lugares están en otros barrios, lejos de aquí.
But those places are in other neighborhoods, far from here.
Rosa Irma: Y tú, ¿dónde vives? ¿qué hay en tu barrio?
And you where you do live? What is there in your neighborhood?
Ramón - Raymond
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Julia: ¿Sabes? Ayer María tuvo un hijo. Dicen que es un niño maravilloso.
Did you know? Yesterday Maria had a baby boy. They say it is a wonderful boy.
Luz: ¿Sí? ¡qué bien! María siempre me ha gustado. Es una persona de fiar y va ser una madre maravillosa.
Yes? (Really?) Good! I've always liked Maria. She is a reliable person and she will be a wonderful mother.
Julia: ¡Claro! y su marido Juan también tiene una gran personalidad y es un hombre de palabra. Va a ser un buen padre.
Of course and her husband John as well has a great personality and is a man of his word. He will be a good father.
Luz: ¿Qué nombre le pusieron al niño?
What name did they put to the child?
(What did they name the child?)
Julia: Ramón
Luz: ¿Ramón? ¿no te parece un nombre de un viejecito?
Ramon? Doesn't it sound like a name for an old person?
Julia: No. Ramón es tan moderno como Juan o José. Además el nombre no tiene nada que ver con la juventud ni la madurez ni la vejez. Lo importante es sentirse joven.
No. Ramon is as modern as John or Joseph. In addition, a name doesn't have anything to do with youth, maturity, nor old age. The important thing is to feel young.
Luz: Tienes razón. Por ejemplo, nuestra vecina es una señora entrada en años pero se viste, vive y piensa como una jovencita
You have a point. For example, our neighbor is a lady with many years but she looks, lives, and thinks like a young girl.
Julia: En mi opinión el nombre no dice nada. La educación que recibe el niño puede decidir su futuro.
In my opinion a name doesn't say anything. The education that a child receives could decide their future.
Luz: En eso no hay problema. María y Juan tienen buen nivel de educación.
In that there is no problem. Maria and John have a great view of education.
El Rincón - The Little Place
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Astrid: ¿Y usted cómo se llama?
And what is your name?
Lucy: ¡Me llamo Lucy m'ija!
My name is Lucy, my child.
Astrid: ¡Ah! por eso es el "Rincón de Lucy"
Oh! That's why it is "Lucy's Corner".
Astrid: ¿Cuántos años lleva cocinando?
How many years have you been cooking?
Lucy: ¡Uy, toda la vida! muy rico, me gusta
Oh, all my life! It's very nice, I like it.
Astrid: ¿Y hace cuánto que lleva el restaurante acá?
And how much time has it been since you put a restaurant here?
Lucy: Diez años, mucho ¿no?
Ten years, a lot, no?
Astrid: ¿Qué está haciendo?
What are you making?
Cocinera: Chocolate
Lucy: ¡Cómo habla de bien el español!
You talk good in Spanish!
Astrid: ¿Es con agua o con leche?
It is with water or milk?
Lucy: Con aguapanela
With aguapanela (drink).
Lucy: ¿Tú de dónde eres?
And where are you from?
Astrid: Yo soy de Corea
I am from Korea.
Lucy: ¡Ah! ¡que lejura!
Oh! That's far away!
Astrid: Y usted ¿de dónde es?
And you, where are you from?
Lucy: Acá, soy de acá, de toda la vida, m'ija.
Here, I am from here, all my life, my child.
Lucy: Pero estás muy joven para que estés andando el mundo.
But you are very young to be going around the world.
Astrid: ¿De cuántos años me ve?
How old do I look?
Lucy: Por ahí de 18, niña, ¿y el esposo? ¿hijos?
You look about 18, girl, and husband? children?
Astrid: Todavía no, consígame uno.
Still no (not yet), get me one.
James: Colombiano, ¡a la orden!
Colombian (man), at your service!
Lucy: ¡Bárbaro!
It does enhance the argument that more university programs should provide courses, teacher training and tailor existing programs to meet the needs of this growing sector. Regular reporting methods shall be employed to establish frequency that is essential to executing the strategic compliance policy. Holding an indigenous attitude and as a philanthropist he has surpassed the hurdles to a personified prodigy. For Route I, it involves the way the distance between Johor Bahru to Tanjung Malim, Perak. Genetic polymorphisms associated with variations in cytokine induction may lead to insights into RSV disease and to the development of effective antiviral agents and vaccines [45]. The increase emigration of the trained and certified Bahamian citizens has led to the government of the Bahamas hiring and issuing legal work permits and documentation to foreign teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. Because glassware will be used regularly in the lab, technicians will be cleaning glass frequently so it is important to wear protective glasses and a lab coat. Technological and social media trends should be followed, to find any opportunities to increase the marketing of the products and services of the company. Given that certain other types of female adult seals tend to have higher survival rates than male adult seals, the fact that this trend is reversed in the New Zealand sea lion is a cause of concern. Standing at 1,340 feet this impressive glass structure will host the second building of World Trade Center which is safe, sustainable and artistically dynamic. The platforms look to create a convenient solution that is applied to allow the individual to quickly access the related as content. For example, there are thousands of local and international nongovernmental organizations, or INGOs for short, that have actually worked alongside the military in order to provide relief for other countries in need. Automatic Trade Money (АТМ) is a completely automatic payment platform by means of which anyone can easily earn absolutely real money. Defense attorney’s who display corrupt conduct should be disciplined and removed from the roster of attorneys eligible to handle death penalty cases. Finally, Jesus told us "the one who endures to the end will be saved" (Matthew 10:22, 24:13, Mark 13:13 ESV). Talent management is an integrated approach that includes employees of the organization, leadership development, continuous planning, performance management, training, education and keeping them (Fitz-Enz, 2005). Through various statistical tests (descriptive statistics, t-tests, and regression analyses) the authors compared and analyzed factors contributing to each parent’s stress and identified factors that might predict their stress. This option should be the last resort as this can expose Shondra to negative consequences that include (1) Termination of her employment, (2) possibility that rumor about Shondra’s action will spread in that geographical area and as a result she will find it difficult to find a gainful employment. The past Senator was not afraid to speak his mind, and Bradbury took that courage in a much milder way and created prime literature. Players in this market are in collaboration with global players to obtain access for latest technologies to meet future demands. In 1964 PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization - PLO) was established, with the primary objective of liberating Palestine with weapons, which is in its Charter highlighted as the only effective means of achieving this goal. There are, so far, only 200 hybrid cars present in the country which take advantage of “green” power.