Spanish Sentences using va
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Se te va a enfriar la sopa.
Your soup is going to get cold.
Va a enfriársete la sopa.
Your soup is going to get cold.
(Él) va a hacer lo mejor.
He'll try his best.
Según ella mañana va a llover.
According to her tomorrow it's going to rain.
Va a ser médico.
He is going to be a doctor.
¿A qué velocidad va?
How fast does it go?
María va al mercado.
Mary goes to the market.
Rosa va a la tienda.
Rose goes to the store.
El dice que me va a ayudar. (El dice que va a ayudarme.)
He says that he is going to help me.
La secretaria me va a dar los documentos.
The secretary is going to give me the documents.
La secretaria me los va a dar.
The secretary is going to give them to me.
El nos los va a dar mañana.
He is going to give them to us tomorrow.
Juan va a decir la verdad.
John is going to tell the truth.
Juan me va a ayudar a lavar la ropa.
John is going to help me wash the clothes.
Ella te va a dar el cheque.
She is going to give the check to you.
Juan se lo va a dar.
John is going to give it to her.
Ella te lo va a dar.
She is going to give it to you.
María te lo va a dar.
Mary is going to give it to you.
María me va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help me.
Estén tranquilos, todo va bien.
Be calm, all is going well.
María te va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help you.
¿ Señor, va usted a estudiar?
Sir, are you going to study?
María lo va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help him.
Juan se va a levantar a las siete.
John is going to get himself up at seven o'clock.
Carmen dice que ella va a estudiar.
Carmen says that she is going to study.
Juan va a la tienda.
John is going to the store.
María la va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help her.
Juan va a ir a la tienda mañana.
John is going to go to the store tomorrow.
No va a suceder.
It is not going to happen!
¿Va a reaccionar?
Is it going to react?
¿Va a actuar o va a esperar —?
Are you going to act or are you going to wait-and-see?
No va a simplificar nuestras vidas, las va a complicar.
On the contrary, it is going to become more complicated.
¿Lo va a debatir?
Will it discuss the matter?
Y va a funcionar.
And it is going to work.
¿Cuándo va a acabar esto?
When is all this going to end?
¿Cómo va a definirse?
How should we define it?
¿Qué va a pasar?
What is going to happen?
¿Qué va a pasar?
What is going to happen?
¿Cuándo va a llegar?
So when is it going to arrive?
No va a ser fácil.
It is not going to be easy.
Usted va a visitarlos.
You are moving closer to them.
¿Cuándo lo va a hacer?
When will you do so?
¿Qué va a hacer?
What is such a bureau meant to do?
No lo va a hacer.
It is not going to do so.
El tema no va a desaparecer.
Sometimes Commissioners are very deft at making sure they do not fall into traps.
Pero no va a ser sencillo.
But it will not be easy.
¿Cuánto va a durar esto?
How long is this to continue?
No va a ser fácil.
It will not be easy.
¿Se va al paro?
Will he be out of a job?
¿Cómo va a definirse esto?
How is it going to be defined?
¿Qué efectos me va a producir?
What will it do for me?
Este problema no va a desaparecer.
This issue will not go away.
No sé qué va a ocurrir.
What will happen I do not know.
¿Quién va a hacerlo?
Who is it going to be?
Ahora esto va a cambiar.
This is now going to change.
Ahora va mi pregunta.
I turn now to my question.
¿A dónde va el dinero?
Where does the money go?
Europa no va bien.
Europe is not working well.
No va a ser así.
This is not going to happen.
No va a ser tarea fácil.
This is not an easy task.
¿Sabe si va a venir?
Do you know if he is coming?
¿Quién va a pagar esto?
Who is going to pay for it?
Va a favorecer a las empresas.
It is going to be good for business.
Va camino del desatre.
It is heading for disaster.
¿Va a mitigar la pobreza?
Is it going to relieve poverty?
¿Va a destinarse a programas educativos?
Is it going to educational programmes?
Europa no va a quedarse callada.
Europe will not remain silent.
¿Va a venir al Parlamento?
Is it going to come to Parliament?
¿Qué a va significar entonces?
So what will it mean?
Va a ser muy difícil.
It is going to be a very difficult task.
Algo no va bien.
There is something very wrong there.
No va a suceder así.
This will now not be the case.
¿Va a cumplir esa promesa?
Will it deliver on that promise?
Lamentablemente, todavía va a empeorar.
It will, unfortunately, get even worse.
¿Va a adoptar la iniciativa?
Will you take the initiative?
Va a llevar tiempo.
This is going to take time.
¿Cuándo va a acabar esto?
When is this going to end?
¿Dónde va el dinero?
Despite all these subsidies, the SNCB still has debts of EUR 10 billion. Where does the money go?
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