Spanish Sentences using sentir
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I'm very sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
He hears our cry, but doesn't know the pain we feel.
Animals should not be treated as if they didn't feel any pain.
For a long time he had been attracted to that character.
I am very sorry, but we have no rooms available.
Do you feel short of breath when you walk or go upstairs?
I'm sorry, you looked suspicious standing outside the door.
Will you do my homework for me? No way! I’m sorry but I will not do your homework for you.
For us women, it is very important to feel beautiful.
I'm sorry, that is incorrect. Please read the next line with bigger letters.
I am sorry, I can’t right now. Can you come back in 20 minutes?
Do you get nausea or vomiting when you have the pain?
We were so sorry that we had to cancel the dinner; it would have been such a pleasure to meet you.
When the supervisor retires, she's going to feel better.
I was very sorry that you hadn't been able to go to the lecture.
I felt uneasiness, I felt incomplete and I look for myself in others.
How could she have known that which I felt for him?
Hope gives you strength to keep moving forward when you feel that nothing matters.
It doesn't matter how we feel, we will move forward.
I apologize if the queue to speak to someone was long.
Sorry but I will not be able to go, something unexpected has come up.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
(If) the eyes do not see, the heart does not feel. (Out of sight, out of mind).
Me siento orgulloso que ella demande sus derechos.
It makes me proud that she demands her rights.
La añoranza que siento por mi país es enorme.
The longing that I feel for my country is enormous.
¿Puede sentir su cara cuando lo toco?
Can you feel me touch your face?
Siento añoranza por los tiempos de la juventud.
I yearn for the time of youth.
Siento mucho haberte causado tantas molestias.
I'm very sorry for having caused you so many problems.
¿Cómo siente los ojos?
How do your eyes feel?
No me siento bien, creo que voy a vomitar.
I don't feel good, I think I'm going to vomit.
¿Siente los ojos muy secos?
Do your eyes feel very dry?
Miguel siente dolor en las articulaciones.
Miguel feels pain in his joints.
Nos sentíamos mal después de comer allí.
We felt sick after eating there.
¿Siente este malestar durante todo el día?
Do you feel ill the whole day long?
Lo siento, no entiendo. ¿Podría repetir eso por favor?
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please?
Yo siento cargo de conciencia por saber que yo mentí y todavía no he dicho la verdad.
I feel guilty to know that I lied and not yet have I told the truth.
El golfista siente una profunda decepción al haber perdido.
The golfer feels extremely disappointed for having lost.
¿Qué es lo que siente?
What do you feel?
Siento vértigos / mareos.
I feel dizzy.
Durante la celebración en el palacio, la archiduquesa comenzó a sentir fuertes dolores.
During the celebration in the palace, the archduchess began to feel strong pains.
¿Cómo puedo acabar con la soledad que siento?
How can I end the loneliness I feel?
Lo siento, estamos llenos.
I'm sorry, we are full.
Lo siento, está en el edificio equivocado.
I am sorry, you are in the wrong building.
El Marqués de Torrenegra estaba muy celoso.
The Marquis of Torrenegra was very jealous.
No siento haberte hecho daño.
I'm not sorry that I hurt you.
He estado sintiéndome mal, y con náuseas.
I feel bad, and nauseous.
¿Siente ganas de pujar?
Do you feel like pushing?
Se siente mal, creo que tiene gripe.
She feels sick, I think she has a cold.
Me he tropezado, lo siento mucho.
I tripped over myself, I'm very sorry.
Déjame hacerte sentir todo lo que tú sentías por mí.
Let me make you feel everything you felt for me.
Ella sentía un helado presagio, una nefasta premonición.
She felt a cold omen, and an ominous premonition.
Hoy me siento peor que ayer.
Today I feel worse than yesterday.
Ella sentía que si a él de verdad le importaba, no importaría cómo ella luciera.
She felt that he truly cared, he wouldn't mind how she look.
Nosotros sentíamos más admiración por Juan y más cariño por Lorca.
We felt admiration for Juan and more love for Lorca.
Seguramente muchos de ustedes han escrito lo que sentían en algún momento.
Surely, many of you have written what you felt at soem point.
¿Hasta que punto os sentíais identificados con el grupo?
Until what point did feel identify with the group?
Sentimos el calor humano de los pobladores.
We felt the human warmth of the inhabitants.
Leer sólo mientras lo sintáis.
Read while you feel like it.
Sientan la fuerza del viento.
Feel the force of the wind.
Lo siento mucho, discúlpame por favor.
I'm very sorry, please forgive me.
Me hacen sentir vergüenza.
You make me feel ashamed.
Ya podemos sentir los efectos.
We can already feel the effects.
La desnutrición empieza a hacerse sentir.
Malnourishment is beginning to rear its head.
No puedo sentir satisfacción por ello.
I can see no self-satisfaction in that.
No deben sentir culpa ni vergüenza.
They must not feel guilt or shame.
Pero esos efectos no se han dejado sentir.
This impact remains to be felt, however.
No debemos sentir temor de una Europa fuerte.
We must not be scared of a strong Europe.
Todos deben sentir que tienen una oportunidad.
Everyone must feel that they have an opportunity.
Todo ello debería hacernos sentir incómodos.
In this respect, we should all actually feel uneasy.
Esto nos hace sentir bien, pero de hecho no cambia nada.
That makes us feel good but does not actually change anything.
Creo que Europa no se puede sentir culpable en esta situación.
I do not believe that Europe can feel guilty in this situation.
Sus efectos aún no se han hecho sentir en la práctica.
Its effects have yet to make themselves felt in practice.
Los efectos se hicieron sentir en toda la Unión Europea.
The effects of that were felt throughout the European Union.
Los europeos no deben sentir miedo ante todo esto.
Europeans should not be afraid of this.
Sigue siendo difícil que se haga sentir su presencia.
It is still difficult for them to make their presence felt.
Sin decisiones rápidas no se harán sentir los efectos deseados.
Without swift decisions the hoped-for effects will not be felt.
Debemos sentir todo el peso de nuestras responsabilidades.
We should feel the full weight of our responsibilities.
Los presos también. Y es imposible prohibir pensar y sentir.
This means that the ideas and feelings that people want to repress end up seeping into the consciousness of the whole of society, like water.
El espíritu del Tratado de Lisboa debe hacerse sentir aquí.
The spirit of the Treaty of Lisbon needs to make itself felt here.
Si dejamos de sentir esta solidaridad, dejaremos de ser humanos.
If we cease to feel this solidarity, we cease to be human.
La Unión Europea debe hacer sentir su presencia.
The European Union needs to make its presence felt.
(Aplausos) ... tendremos que sentir y soportar en esta crisis.
(Applause) ...will have to bear and endure in this crisis.
En este sentido, tenemos motivo para sentir muchas inquietudes.
There is therefore considerable room for anxiety.
Nunca volverá a sentir el mismo miedo ni tanta satisfacción.
She will never feel such fear again or derive such satisfaction.
Casi pude tocar el dolor, sentir realmente el dolor de aquella mujer.
I could almost touch the pain, really feel the pain of that woman.
Tampoco tienen que sentir que se les trata casi como a delincuentes.
Nor do they need to feel that they are being branded almost as criminals themselves.
Lo que nos ha parecido importante del discurso del Presidente Chirac es el sentir común.
The important aspect of President Chirac' s speech was, we felt, our common values and intentions.
Creo que, junto con el ponente, nos podemos sentir orgullosos del resultado de las negociaciones.
I think that we, together with the rapporteur, can be proud of the negotiated outcome.
La Comisión comprende que los ciudadanos y los trabajadores necesiten sentir seguridad en esta época difícil.
The Commission appreciates that citizens and workers need to feel secure in this difficult time.
Señor Presidente del Consejo Europeo, usted tiene fama de sentir particular aprecio por el método comunitario.
Mr President of the European Council, you are not perceived as someone who is particularly fond of the Community method.
¿Cómo podrán los individuos sentir que participan más en las decisiones?
How is the individual citizen to be made to feel more involved in decision-making?
Es importante que la minoría cristiana pueda sentir que el aparato judicial es imparcial.
It is also vital that the Christian minority perceive the judiciary as impartial.
Sin embargo, parece que esos señores saben vivir en paz cuando la necesidad se hace sentir.
It appears, however, that these gentlemen know how to live in peace when they have to.
No obstante, nos preocupa el temor reinante. Las mujeres afganas tienen motivos para sentir miedo.
However, we are also concerned about the fear that prevails at the same time.
Es maravilloso sentir, como ya ha observado el Primer Ministro, que no existe ningún tabú.
It is wonderful to feel, as the Prime Minister has already remarked, that there are no taboos.
Hemos aprendido a sentir vergüenza por lo ocurrido, además de haber logrado ciertos avances.
We have learnt to be ashamed of what has happened, and progress has quite clearly been made.
Lo que piden nuestros ciudadanos es poder ser capaces de sentir que son ciudadanos europeos.
What our fellow citizens are asking is to be able to feel that they are European citizens.
Les hizo sentir que, en este caso, la democracia europea verdaderamente daba de sí.
It gives them the feeling that in this instance European democracy really came into its own.
Como diputados del Parlamento Europeo, deberíamos sentir vergüenza del papel que hemos desempeñado.
As Members of the European Parliament we should feel ashamed of the role we have played.
Un ataque a la manera de sentir que controlan sus vidas como mujeres.
A violation of the way in which they feel they lead their life as a woman.
Las consecuencias de la catástrofe del todavía se hacen sentir en España, Portugal y Francia.
The consequences of the disaster are still being felt in Spain, Portugal and France.
Espero que expreso el deseo de todo el Parlamento en este sentir.
I hope I express the whole of Parliament's wish in that sentiment.
No soy tan inseguro como para sentir la necesidad de seguir a rajatabla las sugerencias de los demás.
I am not so lacking in self-confidence that I feel any need to be bound solely by what others are suggesting.
El Gobierno sudanés tiene que sentir a partir de ahora cómo el mundo está mirándole cada día.
That is an option to be avoided, most of all because we would risk turning this region into a never-ending war zone.
Nos podemos sentir tentados a creer que podemos utilizar cualquier medida en esta lucha.
There might be a temptation to believe that any measure could be used in this fight.
Nuestros ciudadanos deben sentir que sus vidas y sus condiciones de vida son seguras.
Our citizens must feel that their lives and living conditions are safe.
No debemos sentir remordimientos solo cuando un desastre como el tsunami nos golpea.
We should not only feel pangs of conscience when a disaster such as the tsunami strikes.
Por ese motivo, creo que podemos sentir un real y auténtico orgullo compartido.
For that, I believe, we can feel a real and genuine sense of shared pride.
En esa ocasión me invadió una emoción que probablemente suelen sentir las mujeres.
On that occasion I was seized by an emotion that is probably often felt by women.
A la luz de la experiencia se hace sentir una necesidad de simplificación.
A need for simplification has become apparent in the light of experience.
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