Spanish Sentences using puerta
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The If the door closes, we won't be able to get in again. We'll have to wait for your father.
Pedro would have closed the door if he had the key.
He tried to open the door but he couldn't. So, he decided to wait for me. But I couldn't either.
He were speaking about him when he suddenly walked in.
Do not clean the rooms with the sign on the door.
I'm sorry, you looked suspicious standing outside the door.
Yo estaba leyendo un libro y ella estaba trabajando en la cocina cuando de repente tocaron a la puerta.

I was reading a book and she was working in the kitchen when they suddlenly knocked at the door.
I'm sorry, you looked suspicious standing outside the door.
The passengers for flight number 156 should go to gate number nine.
Ask that agent how to go to the Puerta del Sol.
Make sure the safety gate is up when you are not watching him.
Golpear / Llamar a la puerta
to knock at the door
La oficina del director está: subiendo por esa escalera, a la derecha, la primera puerta.
The director's office is upstairs, the first door to the right.
Abriré la puerta mientras vosotros salís de aquí.
I will open the door while you leave from here.
Picó a la puerta con los nudillos.
She knocked with the knuckles on the door.
El teatro está cerrado aunque tenga la puerta principal abierta.
The theater is closed even though the main door is open.
Te acompaño hasta la puerta.
I'll go with you until the door.
Doña Isabel nos ha sugerido que cerremos la puerta con llave.
Doña Isabel has suggested that we lock the door.
Voy a preguntar con cuál de estas llaves se abre esa puerta.
I'll ask which one of these keys opens that door.
Tenga usted la bondad de cerrar la puerta.
Please close the door.
¿A qué hora cierran la puerta de entrada?
What time does the hotel close in the evenings?
La puerta está abierta.
The door is open.
¿Dónde está la puerta número nueve?
Where is gate number nine?
Por favor, señorita, ¿ Me puede decir dónde puedo encontrar la puerta número nueve?
Please, Miss, can you tell me where I can find gate number nine?
Señor, la puerta número nueve está al fondo del pasillo A.
Sir, gate nine is at the end of walkway A.
La puerta número nueve está al fondo, a mano derecha.
Gate number nine is at the far end on the right side.
Los asesinos entraron por la puerta principal.
The assassins came in through the main door.
El hombre cierra la puerta.
The man closes the door.
Hay un vendedor esperando en la puerta.
There is a salesman waiting at the door.
El piano no cabe por esa puerta.
The piano won't go through that door.
Él cierra la puerta también.
He closes the door too.
Cierren la puerta cuando salgan.
Close the door when you leave.
¡Cierren la puerta!
Shut the door, please!
Lo hizo a puerta cerrada.
He did so behind closed doors.
Las embajadas letona y kirguisa estaban puerta con puerta.
The Lithuanian and Kyrgyz embassies were next door to each other.
Pero la puerta sigue abierta.
But the door remains open.
Frankenstein acecha tras la puerta.
Frankenstein is lurking at the door!
Y esa puerta está abierta.
And the window is open.
El proceso se celebra a puerta cerrada.
The trial is taking place behind closed doors.
Cuando acudí la puerta ya estaba cerrada.
When I arrived, the door was already closed.
Ello supone una puerta abierta a futuras negociaciones.
This provides an opening for further negotiations.
Nuevos Estados están esperando ante la puerta.
New states are waiting at our doors.
Estas decisiones se toman a puerta cerrada.
These decisions are taken behind closed doors.
No lo lograremos abriendo la puerta a un universal.
We will not achieve that by opening the door to a universal opt-out.
Asunto: Política de inmigración de "puerta giratoria"
Subject: 'Revolving door' immigration policy
El resto se debatió a puerta cerrada.
Everything else was discussed in camera.
Pero la historia llama a nuestra puerta.
But history is knocking on our door.
Esto podría abrir la puerta a medidas arbitrarias.
This could open the way for arbitrary measures.
Tampoco cerremos la puerta a nuestros socios orientales.
Let us also not shut the door on our eastern partners.
Los seres humanos no aceptamos ninguna puerta cerrada.
Mankind does not accept closed doors.
Me pide la palabra el Sr. Puerta.
Mr Puerta has asked to speak.
Necesitamos un enfoque amplio para hacer de esta cuestión un concepto legítimo de transporte puerta a puerta.
We need a comprehensive approach to make this a genuine door-to-door concept.
El pié debe empujar la puerta y así el próximo golpe de viento abrirá la puerta.
We must get a foot in the door. The next gust of wind will open that door.
No sólo dije esto, sino que dije que no existe ni una puerta trasera ni una puerta lateral.
Not only did I say that but I also said that there are no back doors or side doors either.
Todos tenemos la obligación de barrer delante de nuestra puerta.
We all have a duty to put our own house in order.
En cambio, el Consejo de Ministros se reúne a puerta cerrada.
But the Council of Ministers meets in secret.
Estas cuestiones ya no podrán ser tratadas a puerta cerrada.
These can no longer be addressed behind closed doors.
Si mañana se aprueba esta directiva, abrirá esa puerta.
If this directive is adopted tomorrow, it will open up that door.
Para Europa, es la puerta de entrada a Asia.
It is Europe's gateway to Asia.
Los candidatos a la adhesión están llamando a la puerta.
The candidate countries are knocking at our door.
La puerta del establo evidentemente no había quedado cerrada.
The stable door had clearly not been locked.
Cuando Dinamarca cierra la puerta, los refugiados vienen a Suecia.
When Denmark tightens up its policy, the refugees come to Sweden.
Todas sus audiencias se han celebrado a puerta cerrada.
All their hearings have taken place in camera.
Ellos –y solo ellos– poseen soberanía presupuestaria a puerta cerrada.
They – they alone – have budget sovereignty behind closed doors.
Abramos la puerta a la financiación de la clonación terapéutica.
Let us open the door to funding for therapeutic cloning!
¿No dejarán ustedes que eso ocurra a puerta cerrada en el Consejo?
Will you not let that take place behind closed doors in the Council?
No se trata simplemente, como algunos creen, de llamar a la puerta, .
It is not, as some people believe, simply a matter of knocking on the door, .
No han llamado ustedes nunca a la puerta del Grupo socialdemócrata Socialista.
You have never knocked at the door of the social democratic Socialist Group.
Deberíamos dejar la puerta abierta a las aspiraciones europeas de Ucrania.
We should keep doors open to Ukraine’s European aspirations.
Tarde o temprano, esta realidad económica vendrá a llamar a nuestra puerta.
Sooner or later, this economic reality will come knocking at our door.
Es intolerable que todo esto ocurra delante de nuestra puerta.
It is intolerable that all this is happening on our doorstep.
Esta directiva no abre la puerta al dúmping social.
This directive does not usher in social dumping.
Abrió la puerta a las medidas que se plantean hoy.
It opened the door to the measures that are emerging today.
Se trata de una ampliación por la puerta trasera.
This is all about enlargement by the back door.
No hay ninguna puerta equivocada en la Comisión para una PYME.
There is no wrong door within the Commission for an SME.
Tienen que meter el pie en la puerta.
They need to get a foot in the door.
De esta manera estamos abriendo la puerta a la censura previa.
That is a way of opening ourselves up to prior censorship.
¿Debo interpretar que esto cierra la puerta a Turquía?
Am I to interpret that as closing the door on Turkey?
Es una puerta a la oportunidad que no podemos cerrarles.
This is a door of opportunity we cannot close to them.
Lamentablemente, su preparación se ha hecho a puerta cerrada.
Unfortunately, it was drafted behind closed doors.
La BICCIS es la puerta trasera a la armonización fiscal.
The CCCTB is the backdoor to tax harmonisation.
Una transacción podría abrir la puerta al futuro desarrollo.
A compromise could open the door to future development.
Esto es algo evidente, es como derribar una puerta abierta.
That goes without saying, like kicking down an open door.
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