Spanish Sentences using prestado
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The I would have gone to the movies with you all if you all had lent me the money.
No, the bank did not lend me the money for the car but I borrowed it from the credit union.
The man who borrowed money from you came yesterday.
I would have bought the tickets if you had lent me the money.
John would have bought the new car if the bank had lent him the money.
I would have gone to the park if you had lent me the money.
John said that you would have taken us downtown if your dad had lent you the car.
I would have bought the house if the bank had lent me the money.
El señor que te pidió dinero prestado vino ayer.
The man who (that) borrowed some money from you came yesterday.
Yo no sabía que ella se lo había prestado.
I didn’t know that she had lent it to him.
No les hemos prestado atención.
We have let it be.
Se ha prestado mucha atención...
Much attention has been paid...
La Comisión ha prestado atención.
The Commission has been attentive.
A tal efecto hemos prestado suficiente ayuda financiera.
For that purpose we have to provide adequate financial support.
Como ven, he prestado mucha atención a sus comentarios.
I have listened carefully to you.
Señorías, he prestado gran atención a sus comentarios.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have paid a great deal of attention to your comments.
Se ha prestado atención a las críticas realizadas.
The criticism has been listened to.
He prestado atención a las intervenciones de hoy.
I have listened carefully to all the speeches today.
He prestado mi máximo apoyo a este acuerdo.
I have thrown the full weight of my support behind this agreement.
A mí me parece que no le han prestado atención.
It appears to me that they have not taken any notice of it.
Lamentablemente, se ha prestado menos atención a nuestras otras dos quejas.
But on our other two criticisms, we are less satisfied.
Éstas han prestado su ayuda y no hay coordinación.
They have ceased to provide aid and there is no effective coordination.
Así mismo, he prestado mi apoyo a las autoridades españolas.
I have also offered the Spanish authorities our support.
En el Parlamento hemos prestado gran atención a Brunei.
We have given a lot of attention in Parliament to the question of Burma.
Quizá la ayuda interinstitucional que hemos prestado haya sido menor.
We have perhaps given less interinstitutional support.
Incluso el apoyo prestado a estas personas se convertiría en terrorismo.
Even those giving support to those people would, in the future, become guilty of terrorism.
La Cumbre ha prestado atención a ese compromiso sólo de boquilla.
This Summit has paid no more than lip-service to this commitment.
Les agradezco vivamente la atención que me han prestado.
I thank you very much for your attention.
Se ha prestado oído a quienes ya nos advirtieron hace años.
The advisers who cautioned us years ago have been listened to.
Me alegra que este informe haya prestado atención a este aspecto.
I am glad that attention has been given to this in the report.
Este año, también hemos prestado bastante atención a las agencias.
This year, we also paid a great deal of attention to the agencies.
Agradezco la atención que me ha prestado esta Cámara.
I am grateful for the attention of the House.
Hasta la fecha, el Consejo no ha prestado atención a estas peticiones.
To date, the Council has failed to heed these calls.
Hasta la fecha, el Consejo no ha prestado atención a estas peticiones.
To date, the Council has failed to heed these calls.
Hasta ahora, hemos prestado mucha atención a la tecnología.
Hitherto, we have devoted great attention to technology.
Muchas gracias, señor Presidente, por la atención que me han prestado.
Thank you very much, Mr President, for the attention of the Members of this House.
Otros diputados a esta Cámara no parecen haber prestado oído.
Others in this House do not seem to have been listening.
Innumerables asesores han prestado apoyo logístico a la oposición en Ucrania.
Innumerable advisors have given logistical support to the opposition in Ukraine.
No siempre ha prestado a su flanco meridional la atención que merecía.
It has not always given its southern flank the attention it deserved.
¿No debería haber prestado el informe más atención a esta enfermedad?
Should the report not have devoted more attention to this disease?
Me alegro que el ponente haya prestado atención a esta cuestión.
I am pleased that the rapporteur has devoted his attention to this issue.
Agradecemos el apoyo prestado por el Parlamento Europeo a estas iniciativas.
We are grateful for the support of the European Parliament in these efforts.
Se ha prestado especial atención a los derechos de los pacientes.
Special attention was paid to patients' rights.
La Presidencia finlandesa ha prestado mucha atención a estos temas.
These themes have attracted a growing amount of attention during the Finnish Presidency.
También he prestado mucha atención al comentario sobre el nacionalismo.
I also paid close attention when the comment about nationalism was made.
La Comisión ha prestado apoyo financiero al Tribunal desde 2002.
The Commission has been providing financial assistance to the court since 2002.
Hemos prestado especial atención a la cuestión de la equidad.
We have paid particular attention to fairness.
La Presidencia eslovena ha prestado especial atención a los Balcanes Occidentales.
The Slovenian Presidency has given the Western Balkans special attention.
La capacidad para pedir prestado es clave en este aspecto.
The ability to borrow money is key here.
¿A lo mejor pidieron prestado el dinero a un banco?
Perhaps the money was borrowed from a bank?
Ha prestado oídos sordos a todos nuestros argumentos: resulta absolutamente incomprensible.
You turn a deaf ear to all our arguments: this is absolutely incomprehensible.
Además, se ha prestado especial atención a las normas.
In addition, there was a special focus on rules.
Son personas a las que no se les ha prestado ayuda.
These are people who have not been helped.
La Comisión Europea no ha prestado atención a esta evolución.
The European Commission has disregarded these developments.
Pedimos prestado para pagar las pensiones de hoy.
We borrow in order to pay today's pensions.
Ya hemos prestado ayuda a Japón de forma muy concreta.
We have already provided Japan with assistance in a very concrete way.
Todos los Grupos nos han prestado su apoyo.
We have received support from all the other groups.
Este gobierno podía haber prestado un mejor servicio a su país.
This government could have done its own country a better service.
Nosotros, dentro de la Unión Europea, la hemos prestado erróneamente. '
We in the European Union have granted it in the wrong way.
No lo han hecho con dinero propio, sino prestado.
They have not done it with their own money, but with loans.
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