Spanish Sentences using preferido
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The Although we had advised him to go to Granada, he has preferred to go to Madrid.
E.T. es mi extraterrestre preferido.
E.T. is my favorite alien.
Muchas personas han preferido alquilar el videocasete que ir al cine.
Many people have prefered renting the video to going to the theater.
Mi actor preferido es Antonio Banderas.
My favorite actor is Antonio Banderas.
El alimento preferido del oso panda es la hoja de bambú.
The panda's favourite food is bamboo shoots.
Es natural que haya preferido pasarla con ellos.
It's only natural that she would prefer to spend Christmas with them.
Hubiéramos preferido desarrollar esto.
We would have wanted to develop this somewhat more.
Por estas razones, he preferido abstenerme.
For these reasons, I preferred to abstain.
Sin embargo, he preferido ser pragmático.
However, I have taken the pragmatic view.
Cada país tiene su pabellón preferido.
Each country tends to have their preferred flag use.
Hubiéramos preferido votar las enmiendas de compromiso.
We would have preferred to have voted on the compromise amendments.
Yo habría preferido que las hubiera escuchado.
I should have preferred him to have listened to them.
Personalmente, hubiera preferido plazos más largos.
Personally, I would have liked longer deadlines.
Hubiera preferido que fueran algo más ambiciosos.
I would like them to be a little more ambitious.
Yo habría preferido que estuviera claramente separado.
I would have preferred it to be clearly separated.
Hubiera preferido que se lograra para 2012.
I would prefer to see this achieved by 2012.
Desde luego, yo hubiera preferido esa opción.
I certainly would have preferred that option.
Personalmente habría preferido un calendario detallado.
Personally, I should very much have preferred a detailed timetable.
Ha preferido dárselo al Sr. Gollnisch.
It chose instead to give its time to Mr Gollnisch.
Es lo que hubiera preferido la Comisión.
That is what the Commission would have liked best.
Naturalmente, yo hubiera preferido un plazo más corto.
I, of course, would have preferred a shorter time.
Hubiera preferido discutir un texto que fuera algo más matizado.
I would have far preferred discussing a text which strikes more of a balance.
Habríamos preferido más concentración y una clara lista de prioridades.
We would have preferred a more concentrated approach and a clear list of priorities.
Personalmente, habría preferido un compromiso de mayor alcance.
I too would have preferred a more far-reaching compromise.
En realidad, yo habría preferido la primera fórmula.
Actually, I would have preferred it the other way round.
Usted ha mencionado a Montesquieu y alguien más ha preferido a Maquiavelo.
You mentioned Montesquieu, and someone else wanted Machiavelli.
Asimismo, habríamos preferido que no se incluyeran algunas secciones del informe.
There are also sections of the report that we would rather have done without.
Asimismo, habríamos preferido que no se incluyeran algunas secciones del informe.
There are also sections of the report that we would rather have done without.
Habría preferido abordar este tema de otro modo.
I would have preferred to deal with this subject in a different manner.
Hubiera preferido hacer más hincapié en la sustitución.
I would have preferred stronger emphasis on substitution.
Por mi parte, habría preferido una legislación más severa.
I would have preferred stricter legislation.
He preferido por consiguiente votar en contra de este informe.
I have therefore chosen to vote against this report.
Por supuesto, habríamos preferido que la publicidad indirecta estuviese prohibida.
Of course we would have preferred product placement to be prohibited.
En este punto yo hubiese preferido un enfoque más ambicioso.
I would have preferred a more ambitious approach here.
Determinadas personas habrían preferido un enfoque aún más ambicioso.
Some would have preferred an even more ambitious approach.
Yo hubiera preferido que se acabara con toda esta locura.
I would have preferred the entire folly of that waste to have been overturned.
Lo hubiera preferido ver hecho a nivel europeo desde el principio.
I would have preferred to see this done at European level from the word go.
Europa no es el destino preferido entre nuestros propios ciudadanos.
Europe is not the preferred destination amongst our own people.
Hubiéramos preferido que se hubiera apresurado a hacer su trabajo.
We would have preferred her to hurry out there to do her job.
Es más, he preferido abstenerme durante la votación sobre este informe.
Moreover, I preferred to abstain during the vote on this report.
Imagino que este es el enfoque preferido de la Comisión.
I imagine this is the Commission's favoured approach.
Yo habría preferido que los acuerdos fueran vinculantes y no voluntarios.
I would have preferred the agreements to be binding rather than voluntary.
Personalmente, en mi calidad de ponente, yo hubiese preferido no incluirlas.
As rapporteur I wold personally have preferred holding companies not to be included.
Hubiera preferido que hubiera sido de otra forma.
I would have much preferred it to be otherwise.
Esto es bueno así y por esta razón lo hemos preferido también.
This is a good approach and that is why we have also supported it.
Lo habrían preferido antes que ser enviados a países extraños situados a miles de kilómetros de distancia.
They would have much preferred this than to have been sent thousands of kilometres away to distant countries.
Mi Grupo parlamentario hubiera preferido que no hubiéramos terminado con resoluciones este, de por si interesante, debate.
My group would have preferred it if we had not concluded this, in itself interesting, debate with resolutions.
Yo hubiese preferido ciertamente otra alternativa, pero acepto la decisión de la mayoría.
I should really have liked things to have worked out differently, but I accept the majority decision.
Hubiera preferido una resolución más firme, pero sé lo difícil que es conseguir eso.
I would have preferred a stronger resolution but I know how difficult it is to achieve that.
Habríamos preferido que el Consejo nos hubiera informado antes al respecto.
We would have preferred to have been informed of this earlier by the Council.
(IT) Señor Presidente, he votado a favor del informe Stauner, aunque hubiera preferido votar con mayor convicción.
(IT) Mr President, I voted for the Stauner report, although I would have liked to have been able to be more whole-hearted about it.
La mayoría anglosajona de esta Asamblea ha preferido la solidaridad atlantista a la europea.
Most of the Members in this House from the United Kingdom have put solidarity with the US before solidarity with Europe.
Hubiéramos preferido que, en diversos ámbitos, los resultados hubieran llegado más lejos.
We would, in various areas, have preferred results that went further.
Yo habría preferido un instrumento más fuerte, cuyo efecto fuese inmediato.
I would have preferred a stronger instrument, with immediate effect.
Solo me gustaría decir que aunque me parece bien, habría preferido un debate más estratégico.
I would just like to say that although I am happy with it, I would have preferred a more strategic debate.
¿Habrían preferido quizás algunos que aumentaran las discrepancias y se echara más leña al fuego?
Perhaps some people would have preferred to widen the gap, to add more fuel to the fire?
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