Spanish Sentences using piano
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The Do you think it would disturb the neighbors if I played the piano?
We will not be able to move the piano unless someone helps us.
Licha was very sorry that I'd sold the piano.
¿Sabe usted tocar el piano?
Do you know how to play the piano?
Yo no habría puesto el piano en el rincón.
I wouldn't have put the piano in the corner.
Vendimos el piano el viernes pasado.
We sold the piano las Friday.
Yo solía tocar el piano cuando tenía seis años.
I used to play the piano when I was six years old.
A menudo era acompañado al piano por su hermana.
He was often accompanied by his sister on the piano.
Su hermana lo acompañaba al piano.
His sister used to accompany him on the piano.
Ella va a tocar el piano.
She is going to play the piano.
Vamos a mover el piano a otro cuarto.
We are going to move the piano to another room.
¿Cuánto le costó el piano al Sr. Cervantes?
How much did the piano cost Mr. Cervantes?
Me gustaría aprender a tocar el piano.
I would like to learn to play the piano.
Me gustaria que la niña aprendiera a tocar el piano.
I would like to have the child learn to play the piano.
El piano no cabe por esa puerta.
The piano won't go through that door.
Yo no habría puesto el piano en el rincón; lo habría puesto cerca de la ventana.
I wouldn't have put the piano in the corner; I would have put it near the window.
Ellos lo devolvieron, y así es como suena el piano.
They paid back and that is how the piano plays.
Lamento que el registro no sea obligatorio, pero como dice el adagio: "Chi va piano va sano".
I regret that registration is not mandatory, but as the saying goes: 'Chi va piano va sano'.
Lamento que el registro no sea obligatorio, pero como dice el adagio: "Chi va piano va sano".
I regret that registration is not mandatory, but as the saying goes: 'Chi va piano va sano'.
El Parlamento y el Consejo comparten piano y taburete para ejecutar una pieza «a cuatro manos».
The Parliament and the Council share piano and stool in playing a "duet' .
La Sra. Dührkop, cuando era ponente, comparó las relaciones armoniosas con una sinfonía tocada en un piano de cola.
Mrs Dührkop, when she was the rapporteur, likened the harmonious relationships to a symphony being played on a grand piano.
Señora Presidenta, señoras y señores, un proverbio alemán dice que no tiene ningún sentido matar al pianista cuando el piano está desafinado.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, as the saying goes, there is no point shooting the pianist because the piano is out of tune.
Durante doce años ha habido una práctica en este Parlamento que algunas personas describen en plan de broma diciendo que equivale a «tocar el piano».
For twelve years there has been a practice in this Parliament, which some people jokingly describe as 'playing the piano' .
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