Spanish Sentences using persona
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The It was very hard to find a trustworthy person to leave the children with.
Do you know if you have been in contact with a person with TB?
His behavior demonstrated that he is a fine person.
There is a suspicious person entering the building.
If Irma had been at home that day, she would have received the flowers herself.
The average person spends two weeks waiting for a traffic light to change.
Did you come with someone here? Is someone with you?
Will you check the custody status of this person?
Is there any one we may call in case of an emergency?
Is there any one we may call if there is an emergency?
A 75 year old person will have slept about 23 years.
A 75 year old person will have slept about 23 years.
We give a recompense to which ever person finds the assassin.
José is a very calm person, but today he is upset.
Therefore, the person that makes the reports is not responsible.
Does anyone at work or in your family have a cough?
Buscan una persona con un perfil específico.
They're looking for someone with a specific profile.
Ninguna persona quiere pagar el precio de ese traje tan caro.
No one wants to pay that much for that suit.
Una persona distinguida
a fine person
Siempre hemos admirado una persona sincera.
We have always admired a sincere person.
Estar enfadado con una persona
to be angry with someone
Estar enfadado con una persona
to be angry with someone
Es bueno seguir el corazón. ¿Seguirás el corazón o seguirás otra persona?
It is good to follow the heart. Will you follow your heart or will you follow another person?
No buscamos una persona con tu perfil.
We're not looking for someone with your profile.
Llevarse bien con una persona
to be on good terms with
Acudir en socorro de una persona
to rush to aid
Bueno, entonces, yo voy a hablar con la persona para hacerle su cita.
Okay, then I will talk to the person in charge to make your appointment.
Tender la mano a una persona
to give a helping hand to
Eres la persona más inoportuna del mundo.
You are the most inconsiderate person in the world.
Desear suerte a una persona
to wish good luck
Es difícil soportar una persona tan maleducada.
It's hard to put up with someone so rude.
Luisa no es una persona de confianza.
Luisa is not a person to be trusted.
Hablar con una persona
to talk to someone
Yo necesito reportar a una persona perdida, a mi hijo Roberto.
I need to report a lost person, my son Robert.
¿Todavía no la has conocido en persona?
You still haven't met in person?
¡Esta persona necesita aire ahora!
This person needs air now!
Pedir consejo a una persona
to ask someone's advice
¿Cuánto es la cuota por persona?
How much is the charge per person?
Volver la espalda a una persona
to turn one's back on someone
Es una persona muy influyente en nuestra sociedad.
She's a very influential person in our society.
Es una persona que atesoraba grandes cualidades.
He is a person that has great qualities.
Es una persona que no se arregla mucho entre semana.
She's someone who doesn't get dolled up during the week.
Poner nerviosa a una persona
to get on someone's nerves
No he conocido persona más entrometida en toda mi vida.
I've never known anyone so nosy in my entire life.
Llevarse bien con una persona
to be on good terms with
¿De verdad eres una persona tímida?
Are you really a shy person?
Ninguna persona quiere pagar el precio de ese traje tan caro.
No one wants to pay that much for that suit.
Una persona así/ Una persona como ésa
such a person
La persona que admiro es mi tío Felipe.
The person (that, whom) I admire is my uncle Philip.
Tender la mano a una persona
to give a helping hand to
Me pareció una persona muy agradable.
He seemed a very nice person.
No soy una persona promedio.
I do not qualify as an average person.
¿Quién es esta persona?
Let me tell you something about him.
Era realmente una persona luchadora, pero jamás una persona obstinada.
She really had a great fighting spirit, but at the same time she was flexible and ever cheerful.
Toda persona tiene derecho a ello.
Everyone is entitled to this.
¿Ante quién respondería esta persona?
To whom would this person be accountable?
El cuerpo, la persona no son una mercancía.
The body and the human person are not commodities.
¿Por qué abandona una persona su país?
Why does anyone leave their homeland?
Por mí puede ser la misma persona.
In fact, as far as I am concerned, this could be one and the same person.
Toda persona tiene derecho a su unicidad.
Every human being has the right to uniqueness.
Otro punto controvertido es la persona responsable.
Another point of controversy concerned the responsible person.
Le he preguntado quién era esa persona.
I asked who that person was.
Eso equivaldría a no auxiliar a una persona en peligro.
This would amount to failing to help a person in danger.
Me gustaría hablar con esa mujer en persona.
I would be interested to talk to this woman in person.
Para los griegos es persona non grata.
For the Greek people he is persona non grata.
Creo que es usted justo esa persona.
I believe that you are just that person.
Lamenta mucho no poder estar aquí en persona.
He very much regrets that he is unable to be here himself.
Lamentablemente, solo una persona sobrevivió al impacto.
Unfortunately, only one person survived the disaster.
Tememos a la persona que posee las armas.
We fear the person in possession.
Una persona hace una elección personal.
An individual makes a personal choice.
Esta persona tiene derecho a realizar dicha elección.
He or she is entitled to exercise that choice.
La persona entra en Europa para trabajar.
The person enters Europe to work.
No me apresuraría a criticar esa actitud en cualquier persona.
I would be slow to denigrate that attitude in anybody.
"Cada persona es un mundo nuevo.
'Every person is a new world.
Comisaria, usted es una persona muy ecuánime.
Commissioner, you are a very fair-minded person.
Cualquier persona cabal rechaza sus opiniones.
His views are repugnant to all reasonable people.
Normalmente usted es una persona muy sensata.
You are usually such a sensible person.
Funciona con una persona, pero no con otra.
It works on one person, but does not work on another.
Es usted una persona de gran calidad.
You are a man of great quality.
Obviamente, dependerá de dónde vaya esa persona.
That is an interesting question because it depends, of course, on where he is going to.
(NL) Señor Presidente, soy una persona optimista.
(NL) Mr President, I am a positive person.
La Comisaria Georgieva estará allí en persona.
Commissioner Georgieva will be present in person.
No soy la persona adecuada para tratar eso.
I am not the right person to deal with on that score.
Una persona drogodependiente nunca puede ser libre.
A person dependent on drugs can never be free to exercise such control.
Sin embargo, esta persona prueba suerte.
He is trying his luck anyway.
Ser una persona desplazada es algo terrible.
It is a terrible thing to be displaced.
Usted, la Comisión, no usted como persona.
You the Commission, again not you personally.
La persona no vive solamente de dinero.
People do not live on money alone.
No se trata solamente de una persona.
It is not only a question of one person.
No entiendo cómo esa persona consiguió el permiso.
I am at a loss to understand how this individual got permission.
Cada persona que muere es una persona de más que muere.
Every person killed is one too many.
Estamos necesitados de contactos de persona a persona, y no solamente del contacto con la máquina.
We need links between people and not just to machines.
En tercer lugar, y sobre todo, aún no se conoce ningún caso de transmisión de persona a persona.
Third, and most important, there is still no known case of transmission from human being to human being.
Se ha informado de ocho contagios de persona a persona, en un caso incluso a un trabajador sanitario.
Eight human-to-human transmissions have been reported, in one instance even to a health-care worker.
Lo consideramos la persona idónea para erradicar los cárteles.
We look to him as the man to root out cartels.
¿Qué ocurrió con la persona responsable del error de cálculo?
What happened to the person who was responsible for that miscalculation?
Ha dado trascendencia a una persona que no la merece.
It has given stature to an individual who does not deserve that stature.
Con que la persona en cuestión se identifique es suficiente.
If someone has identified themselves, surely that is sufficient?
Kofi Annan es una persona buena y honrada.
Kofi Annan is a good and honourable man.
Existe una diferencia entre una persona y un animal.
There is a difference between humans and animals.
Si una persona es titular de un pasaporte, puede utilizarlo.
If one holds a passport, one can use it.
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