Spanish Sentences using nos
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The We liked the job and the salary seemed to be very good, but the working hours didn't suit us.
Doña Genoveva had suggested that we go by ship and return by plane.
Nos gustaría pagar por separado.
We’d like to pay separately.
Nos preocupa el futuro.
We worry about the future.
Nos habíamos confundido y casi nos perdíamos.
We got confused, and we almost got lost.
Ellos nos aconsejaron no salir de noche.
They advised us not to go out at night.
Nosotros nos acostamos a la media noche.
We go to bed at midnight.
A nosotros no nos apetece el pulpo.
We really aren't fond of octopus.
Nos apetece salir.
We feel like going out.
El nos los va a dar mañana.
He is going to give them to us tomorrow.
Nos comunicamos por correo electrónico.
We communicate by e-mail.
Ellos nos la van a mandar mañana.
They are going to send it to us tomorrow.
nos recomendó su empresa.
Your company was recommended to us by
Nos piden que estemos a tiempo.
They ask that we be on time.
Nos gusta viajar en carro.
We like to travel by car.
Nos quedamos dormidos en el sofá.
We fell asleep on the couch.
¡No nos engañemos!
Let us make no mistake!
¡No nos engañemos!
You see we are not under any illusions!
No nos engañemos.
Let us make no bones about it.
Nos oponemos.
We say no to this.
No nos parece.
We do not think so.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not fool ourselves.
Nos interesa.
It is in our interests.
No nos equivoquemos.
Let us make no mistake.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not deceive ourselves.
No nos equivoquemos.
Let us make no mistake.
No nos decepcionemos.
Let us not deceive ourselves.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not fool ourselves.
Nos equivocábamos.
We were wrong to think that.
No nos engañemos.
We must not kid ourselves.
No nos equivoquemos.
Make no mistake about that.
No nos convenció.
He did not persuade us.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not fool ourselves.
Nos alegra.
We are very happy about this.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not fool ourselves.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not fool ourselves.
No nos engañemos.
We should be under no illusion.
No nos equivoquemos.
Let us not be mistaken.
No nos agrada.
We are unhappy with it.
¡No nos engañemos!
We have nothing to teach each other on this point!
No nos engañemos.
Let there be no mistake about it.
No nos engañemos.
Let us make no mistake.
No nos engañemos.
We cannot hide behind words!
No nos engañemos.
Let us make no mistake.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not bury our heads in the sand.
No nos engañemos.
We must not be taken in by this.
Nos alegramos.
We are delighted to hear it.
No nos engañemos.
Let us not try and kid ourselves.
"Nos toman o nos dejan".
Take us or leave us" .
No nos interesa que nos den el cambiazo.
We are not interested in buying a pig in a poke.
Esta crisis nos preocupa y nos entristece.
We are concerned by this crisis, and we are saddened by it.
Señor Nicolaï, nos gustaría que nos respondiera.
On that, Mr Nicolaï, we would appreciate some answers.
Nos temíamos lo peor, y no nos equivocamos.
We feared the worst. We were not wrong.
Estos símbolos nos unen, no nos dividen.
These symbols unite, not divide, us.
No nos aferremos a causas que nos perjudican tanto.
Let us no longer cherish causes which are so detrimental to us.
No nos hacemos ningún favor y nos engañamos.
We shall be doing ourselves no favours, and we shall be denying our own principles.
Esto nos extraña y nos preocupa mucho.
That surprises us and worries us a great deal.
Si nos callamos, nos convertimos en cómplices.
By being silent, we become accomplices.
¿Nos debilita o nos fortalece su construcción?»
Does its construction strengthen or weaken us?
No nos podemos despedir precisamente cuando nos guste.
We cannot take our leave when it suits us.
No nos podemos permitir esperar.
We cannot afford to wait.
No siempre nos resultan favorables.
They do not always turn out to be to our advantage.
Etiquetado, cuánto nos importas...
When labelling comes in the door, sense flies out the window...
Para eso nos eligen.
Which is why we have been elected.
Informes no nos faltan.
We certainly have no lack of reports.
No nos equivoquemos de debate.
Let us make no mistake as to what is at issue here.
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