Spanish Sentences using ni
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Don't accept packages or suitcases from strangers.
Don't take coffee or sodas because caffeine causes jet lag.
Neither you nor anybody understand what I am going to do.
I'm not bringing either refreshments or sandwiches for anyone.
...and not answer any questions or make any statements.
Third World countries are not independent either politically or economically.
My friend, whose father is a dentist, doesn't have any cavities. (f)
You left so quickly that I didn't even have time to talk to you.
Although she does not know how to read or write, she is happy.
Mom did not bring cookies neither refreshments for the trip.
In the past, we didn't have have cell phones, nor computers, nor the internet
A year ago he didn't even have anything to eat and now he is rich.
Years ago the car and the computer didn't used to exist.
Does María help her sister? No, she doesn’t help her at all but her brother helps her.
Neither he told me he had bought a car, nor that he had been fired from work.
Todavía no. No he leído ni siquiera la primera página.
Not yet. I haven't even read the first page.
A algunas personas no les gusta abrazar ni ser abrazadas.
Some people don't like to hug or to be hugged.
Nuestro equipo no ha ganado ni un partido.
Our team hasn't won even one game.
El tiempo está muy agradable; no hace mucho calor, ni mucho frio.
The weather is very nice; it is neither too hot nor too cold.
No tengo energías ni para levantarme de la cama.
I haven't even the energy to get out of bed.
Yo no se ni para que perdéis el tiempo hablando del tema.
I don't know why you loose your time talking about the topic.
¡No dan ni las gracias (por nada)!
They don’t even give thanks (for anything)!
No aceptaría ni en un millón de años.
I wouldn't accept it in a million years.
¿Caminan a casa de la escuela? No, ni siquiera caminan esa distancia.
Do they walk home from school? No, they don’t even walk that far.
No creo que tratase de espíritus ni de fantasmas.
I don't think it was about spirits or ghosts.
¿No te da ni una pizca de lástima verlo así?
It doesn't make you feel a drop of sorrow to see it like this?
Dice el doctor que no podrás tomar ni leche ni jugo de naranja.
The doctor says you can't drink either milk or orange juice.
La temporada pasada el equipo no gano ni una vez.
Last season the team didn't even win once.
Ni Cristóbal ni Pedro solicitaron ese empleo.
Neither Cristóbal nor Pedro applied for that job.
El subgerente nunca nos saludaba ni a Amparo ni a mí.
The assistant manager never used to say hello to Amparo or me.
Es tan bueno que no engañaría ni a una mosca.
He's so good that he couldn't upset a fly.
Es un dolor constante, no me deja ni dormir.
It's a constant pain, it doesn't even let me sleep.
No sabemos ni a que hora ni que día.
We don't know what time nor what day.
No había ni un asiento libre.
There wasn't a single free seat.
No he mantenido ni un momento de reposo.
I haven’t rested not even for a moment.
No te voy a dar ni un mordisco.
I'm not going to give you the smallest bite.
Esa compañía esta por ir a la bancarrota, yo no invertiría ni un centavo en ella.
That company is about to go bankrupt, I wouldn't invest a cent in it.
No intento defender ni justificar lo que hacen.
I'm not trying to defend or justify what they're doing.
Que ni se te ocurra pintar la sala de rojo.
Don't even think about painting the living room red.
No me acuerdo de su cara ni de su nombre.
I don't remember his name or his face.
No me atrevería ni a robar un chicle.
I wouldn't dare to even steal a piece of gum.
Ni más ni menos.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Ni ustedes ni yo.
I can do no more about it than you.
Ni más ni menos.
No more and no less.
Ni más, ni menos.
No more and no less.
Ni más ni menos.
No more and no less.
No hay ni «is» ni «should».
There is no "is' or "should' .
No sería ni sensato, ni prudente, ni estratégico.
It would not be sensible, it would not be prudent, it would not be tactical.
¡Ni hablar!
Not a hope in hell!
No es suficiente, ni sencillo, ni lógico, ni transparente, ni justo.
It is not adequate and it is not simple, logical, transparent or fair.
Ni es coherente ni decente.
There is neither coherence nor human decency here.
No son ni expulsables ni regularizables.
They can no longer be expelled, nor can their situation be regularised.
Ni graves ni menos graves.
There have been neither serious nor less serious problems in this area.
No somos ni israelíes ni palestinos.
We are neither Israelis nor Palestinians.
No era ni eficaz ni rentable.
It was neither effective nor economic.
No somos ni juez ni parte.
We are neither the judge nor one of the parties.
No soy ni científico ni funcionario.
I am neither a scientist nor an administrative officer.
No son ni cristiano-demócratas ni socialistas.
They are neither Christian Democrat nor Socialist.
No soy ni eurófoba ni euroalérgica.
I am no Europhobe nor am I Euroallergic.
Aquí no hay norte ni sur ni este ni oeste ni países pobres ni países ricos.
Here there is no North, South, East or West. There are no rich countries or poor countries.
Ni alegría ni progreso ni respuesta siquiera: no sé.
No joy, no progress, perhaps even no response - I do not know.
No se necesitan ni afirmaciones generales, ni insultos, ni insinuaciones.
We do not need any generalisations or insults nor do we need insinuation.
Tsiakourmas, claro está, no es ni Dreyfus ni Flaubert ni Zola.
Tsiakourmas is, of course, no Dreyfus, Zola or Flaubert.
La Fortaleza Europa no implica ni libertad, ni seguridad, ni justicia.
Fortress Europe involves neither freedom, nor security nor justice.
Ni solidaridad, ni prosperidad ni seguridad, en absoluto.
Not solidarity, prosperity or security at any rate.
Éstas no han sido ni transparentes, ni honestas, ni democráticas.
They were neither transparent nor honest nor democratic.
Rusia no es ni Polonia, ni Hungría, ni Checoslovaquia, etcétera.
Russia is not Poland or Hungary or Czechoslovakia, for example.
La respuesta no es ni afirmativa ni negativa.
- (PT) The answer is neither yes nor no.
Este Parlamento no tiene ni mayoría ni minoría.
This Parliament has no clear majority or minority.
Ni añade ni sustrae nada al problema.
It neither adds to nor subtracts from the problem.
No estoy ni condenando ni emitiendo juicios.
I am not criticising or passing judgment.
La propuesta no fue ni repartida ni debatida.
The proposal was neither circulated nor debated.
Por lo tanto, ni liberalización ni competencia.
There will therefore be neither liberalisation nor competition.
Esta medida no sería ni práctica ni productiva.
This action would be neither practical nor productive.
Ni más ni menos que eso.
Nothing less, but nothing more.
Esto no sería ni comunismo ni capitalismo.
This would be neither Communism nor capitalism.
Ni Bruselas ni Francfort pueden equivocarse.
Neither Brussels nor Frankfurt could get it wrong.
Ni nos interesa a nosotros ni interesa a nadie.
That is not in our, or anyone’s, interest.
Esto no sería ni rápido ni fácil.
This would be neither quick nor easy.
No es ni una vitamina ni un mineral.
It is neither a vitamin nor a mineral.
Ni he sido consultado ni he recibido explicaciones.
I have not been consulted and I have not been given any explanation.
Es ni más ni menos que escandaloso.
This is nothing short of scandalous.
Eso no es ni realista ni práctico.
That is neither realistic nor practicable.
Esto no es coherente, ni científico, ni justo.
This is inconsistent, unscientific and unfair.
Esto, ni es aceptable ni debería serlo.
This is not and should not be acceptable.
Esto no es ni social ni medioambientalmente respetuoso.
This is neither socially nor environmentally-minded.
No estoy ni a favor ni en contra.
I am neither against nor for.
Su juicio no fue ni justo ni transparente.
Her trial was neither fair nor transparent.
No resulta ni apropiado ni necesario volver a plantearlo.
It is neither appropriate nor necessary to restate this.
No queremos ni donaciones ni liberalidades, ¡y punto!
We do not want any gifts or hand-outs, anything at all is too much.
Señor Presidente, no soy ni racista, ni xenofobo.
Mr President, I am neither a racist nor a xenophobe.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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