Spanish Sentences using mientras
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The While I buy the tickets, you buy the newspaper.
I have seen three bullfights while you were in the Canaries.
Blanca used to cook while Rosa Maria would wash and iron.
While Teresa was cooking supper, we set the table.
While she was looking at her purchases, victoria was talking.
We had to wait and wait while the doctor was seeing my sister.
I was studying while you were playing in the yard.
While she keeps training and we keep running, time goes by.
For as long as you don't know how to highlight the defects, you won't know how to haggle.
While they were fishing they talked about the soccer game.
While he's here, you won't have to worry about accommodation.
Sometimes, while it cools, it may be covered with a cloth
This flight is direct, while this other makes a stop in London.
While you live in Madrid, you won't have problems with accomodation.
While you make (pack) the suitcases, I am going to buy a gift.
I used to swim while you were tanning on the beach.
Stay still while I shine this light in your eye.
I can't do anything if they don't give me the answer.
I never fire anybody as long as he/she gets along with the other employees.
My brother cut himself while he was fixing up his bike.
The men smoke some cigarettes while the children eat some chocolates.
While you are taking this medicine, you should not...
She reads a book while he has to write a letter.
As long as he is not here we can do whatever we want.
As long as he is in a bad mood, it is better to leave him alone.
As long as you do what she wants, she will leave you alone.
Please hold while we transfer you to the central office.
The girl sang (was singing) while we danced (were dancing).
While I continued reading the report, the accountant finished making out the balance sheet.
While I'm reading the newspaper, you're going to the dentist's.
Mientras tanto, la enfermera empuja la silla de ruedas.
In the meantime, the nurse pushes the wheel chair.
Podemos hablar con él mientras está en su despacho.
We can talk to him while he's in his office.
Podriamos hablarle mientras esta en su despacho.
We could talk to him while he's at his office.
Acostumbra a leer el periódico mientras come.
He usually reads the paper while he eats.
Pedro persiguió al ladrón mientras su hermano llamaba a la policia.
Pedro pursued the thief while his brother called the police.
Mientras Rosario hablaba con Susana.
While Rosario was talking with Susana.
Yo tuve un hermano iba por los montes mientras yo dormía.
I had a brother that used to walk in the forest while I slept.
Abriré la puerta mientras vosotros salís de aquí.
I will open the door while you leave from here.
¿Qué hizo Ud. mientras su esposa se arreglaba para ir al baile?
What did you do while your wife was getting ready to go to the dance?
Mientras ella se arreglaba, vi dos películas en la televisión.
While she was getting ready, I saw two movies on T.V.
Dos personas han fallecido este sábado mientras trabajaban en la extinción de incendios.
Two people have died this Saturday while working in the extintion of the fire.
Un trabajador muerto y otro herido mientras trabajaban en el edificio.
One dead worker and another injured while they were working on the building.
Mientras durasen las fiestas habría vino y comida para todos.
While the festivities lasted, there would be food and wine for everyone.
Los niños sonríen mientras se visten.
The children smile while they get dressed.
Mientras ellas estaban de vacaciones, sus abuelos les llamaban casi a diario.
While they were on vacation their grandparents called them almost daily.
El pobre carpintero estaba callado mientras lo acusaban.
The humble carpenter was silent while they were accusing him.
Mientras jugábamos en la arena, nuestro padre leía.
While we were playing in the sand, our father was reading.
Mientras nadaba, recordaba los viejos tiempos.
While I was swimming, I remembered the good old days.
Leer sólo mientras lo sintáis.
Read while you feel like it.
¿Qué ocurrirá mientras tanto?
What will happen in the meantime?
Mientras la competencia...
While competition is given high...
Pero, ¿qué ocurre mientras tanto?
But what happens in the meantime?
Mientras tanto se transfieren datos.
There are in the meantime transfers of data.
Mientras dure la actual situación …
As long as the present situation persists …
Todo ello ocurre mientras hablamos.
This is happening as we speak.
¿Qué hace usted mientras tanto?
What are you doing in the interim?
Mientras antes lo haga, mejor.
The sooner it happens, the better.
¡Guarden silencio mientras estoy hablando!
Let me have quiet to speak!
Mientras vacilamos, mientras tergiversamos, mientras debatimos, la que se muere es África.
For, while we are hesitating, while we are shilly-shallying, while we are discussing, Africa is dying.
Mientras tanto, apoyemos este primer paso.
In the meantime, let us support this first step.
Mientras exista ese régimen, perdurará la inestabilidad.
As long as this regime continues to exist, so will the instability in this region.
¿Qué puede hacer la Comisión mientras tanto?
What can the Commission do in the meantime?
Mientras tanto ustedes planteaban: ¿qué podemos hacer?
In the meantime, you ask what we are able to do.
Por mientras, nadie sabe lo que pasa.
During that time nobody knows what is happening.
No habrá paz mientras continúen estos atentados.
There can be no peace as long as they continue.
La UE ahorrará mientras que no se amplíe.
The EU saves money all the time it does not enlarge.
mientras por ahí lo criticaban sin perdón,
While those around him carped and slanged,
Mientras tanto, la destrucción de vidas continúa.
Meanwhile, the destruction of lives goes on.
Mientras exista la zonificación, será ineficaz.
So long as there is zoning it will be ineffective.
Mientras haya un ejército ocupante no habrá prosperidad.
As long as there is an occupying army, there will be no prosperity.
Mientras tanto ha dimitido el Gobierno libanés.
The Lebanese Government has since resigned.
Mientras tanto, ha surgido otro problema.
Another problem has meanwhile cropped up.
Y seguirá haciéndolo mientras sea necesario.
It will continue to do so for as long as is necessary.
Mientras nosotros esperamos, la realidad avanza.
While we wait, reality moves on.
Mientras estén ahí, suponen un enorme problema.
While they are there, they are a huge problem.
Estamos tocando la lira mientras arde Roma.
We are fiddling while Rome burns.
Mientras hablo, él se dirige hacia allí.
He is on his way there as I speak.
Mientras tanto, señor Presidente, ¿qué podemos hacer?
What can we do in the meantime, Mr President?
Entonces, ¿qué deberíamos hacer mientras tanto?
What should we do in the meantime, though?
Mientras tanto, nuestras relaciones comerciales prosperan.
Meanwhile, our trade relations are blooming.
Mientras tanto, nos reservamos nuestra posición.
In the meantime we will reserve our position.
Mientras más los utilizamos, más eficaces resultan.
The more we use them, the more effective they become.
Eviten cambiar de idioma mientras hablan.
Avoid changing language when you speak.
Mientras escuchaba el debate, me he planteado dos preguntas.
While listening to the debate, two questions occurred to me.
Europa debe avergonzarse mientras exista esta ley.
Europe should be ashamed as long as this law exists.
Lo hizo una noche, mientras ella dormía.
He did it one night; he did it while she was sleeping.
Mientras tanto, podemos hacer muchas cosas.
Pending this, there is much we can do.
Mientras más se hace, más se quiere.
A lot done; a lot more to do.
Todo esto mientras Hungría preside el Consejo.
All of that, too, while Hungary is holding the presidency of the Council.
Mientras tanto, ¡bienvenidas sean las task forces!
It is good to have the task forces for the time being!
Mientras tanto, mi Grupo se abstendrá.
Until that happens, my group will abstain.
¿A que va a servir mientras tanto esta resolución?
In the meantime, what purpose will this resolution have served?
Mientras tanto, se impone la mayor vigilancia.
From now until then, the greatest possible vigilance is required.
Mientras el equipo no funcionó, me sentí verdaderamente capitidisminuido.
But while the equipment did not work, I felt severely handicapped.
Mientras esto continúe no habrá terminado la guerra.
As long as this situation continues the war will not be over.
Mientras tanto, el sector ha madurado.
But the sector has now grown up.
Mataba mientras lo hacía el nazismo.
It was killing while Nazism killed.
Mientras no se modifique, yo lo cumplo.
Unless they are changed, I do what they say.
Mientras tanto, les expongo algunas orientaciones.
In the meantime, here are a few pointers.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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