Spanish Sentences using menor
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The waiting time is shorter during lower volume of incoming calls.
The price of the trip to Panama is less than the one to Brazil.
Al menor ruido
at the slightest noise
Mi hermano menor
my younger brother
Ella es menor de lo que parece.
She's younger than she looks.
Al menor ruido
at the slightest noise
Elena acuesta a su hija menor.
Elena puts her youngest daughter to bed.
Manuel es menor que Beba y yo soy mayor que Manuel.
Manuel is younger than Beba and I am older than Manuel.
Conlleva menor tiempo de hospitalización.
It entails less hospital time.
No me cabe la menor duda.
I don't have the slightest doubt.
No cabe la menor duda.
There can be no doubt.
Represento a Małopolskie (Polonia Menor).
I represent Małoplolska (Lesser Poland).
No hay la menor ambigüedad.
There is absolutely no ambiguity there.
No cabe la menor duda.
There is no question whatsoever about this.
No es una cuestión menor.
This is no small matter.
No tienen la menor idea.
They are quite at a loss.
No es una tarea menor.
This is no mean task.
No tenga la menor duda.
You can be absolutely certain of that.
No existe la menor posibilidad.
There is no question about it.
Un menor nivel de desarrollo significa menor grado de salud.
Less development means less health.
Por último una cuestión menor.
I would like to finish off on a minor point.
Pero es un aspecto menor.
But that is a very small point.
No debe haber la menor duda.
There must be no doubt.
Es posible que no fuera menor.
It is possible that he was not a minor.
Tienen menor bienestar social, tienen menor seguridad, menor libertad, tanto palestinos como israelíes.
Regardless of the method of comparison used, it is clear that both groups have lost out as regards social welfare, freedom and security.
Y no es la menor de las cosas.
And this is no small matter.
No tengo la menor duda al respecto.
I have no doubt about that at all.
De eso no nos cabe la menor duda.
There is no doubt about that.
Por ello podemos tolerar un menor rigor.
We can thus tolerate a lesser degree of rigour.
También son con menor frecuencia trabajadoras autónomas.
They are also less often self-employed.
No tiene la menor idea sobre ellas.
They have not even the vaguest idea about some of them.
¿El porcentaje es mayor o menor?
Is the percentage higher or lower?
El coste incremental es mucho menor.
The incremental cost is much lower.
La de menor flexibilidad es la cuatro.
The least flexibility is in section four.
Turquía es un país de Asia Menor.
Turkey is a country in Asia Minor.
El Consejo no mostró la menor flexibilidad.
The Council did not show any flexibility.
No cabe la menor duda de eso.
There is absolutely no doubt about that.
Además, introduce algunas modificaciones de menor importancia.
It also introduces some minor modifications.
Y me preocupa especialmente el Derecho del menor.
What concerns me in particular is the issue of the rights of the child.
No debería existir la menor duda al respecto.
Of that there should be no doubt whatsoever.
Es su trabajo, no me cabe la menor duda.
That is their job, I have no doubt.
Se tratará de un mal menor.
That will be the lesser evil.
De hecho, no existe la menor controversia.
In fact, it is completely uncontroversial.
Si fuera italiano, no habría la menor controversia.
If he was Italian there would be no dispute at all.
Hay algunas otras enmiendas de menor importancia.
There are a few other, less important, amendments.
No tengo el menor medio para defenderme.
I do not have the slightest means of defending myself.
De esto no cabe la menor duda.
That is not in question.
No debe existir la menor duda al respecto.
There is no doubt on that point.
No tengo la menor duda al respecto.
I do not have any doubts about that whatsoever.
Se debería ejercer la menor discriminación posible y por el menor tiempo posible.
Any discrimination should be kept to a minimum and should be as short-lived as humanly possible.
Sin embargo, no debemos hacernos ilusiones. Un menor peso de la OMC no equivale a una menor globalización.
But we shouldn' t fool ourselves: less WTO does not automatically mean less globalisation.
La abstinencia como política para la droga no ha conducido a una menor dependencia ni a una menor criminalidad como tampoco a una menor prostitución ni a una reducción del llamado crimen organizado.
A drugs policy of abstinence has led neither to fewer addicts nor to less crime; neither has it led to less drug-related prostitution nor reduced so-called organised crime.
El menor accidente es presentado como una catástrofe ecológica irreversible.
The most minor of accidents is depicted as an irreparable ecological disaster.
¡Todos deseamos un crecimiento sostenido y un menor desempleo!
Healthy growth and low unemployment are what we all want.
No tengan la menor duda de que la resolución legislativa caería.
Be in no doubt about that, this legislation would fall.
La UE no tiene la menor competencia en esa esfera.
The EU has no competence in this area whatsoever.
He oído incluso recientemente invocaciones a una menor burocracia bruselense, a menores complicaciones.
Recently, I even heard calls for less of the Brussels bureaucracy, for fewer complications.
De hecho, se trata de un Chile de menor dimensión.
In fact, it is another Chile written small.
Hoy el resultado es más centralismo y menor democracia parlamentaria.
At present, the outcome is more centralism and less parliamentary democracy.
Esperamos poder concluir la tarea en el menor plazo posible.
We hope we will be successful as soon as possible.
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