Spanish Sentences using medicina
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The I hope that Mary can find the medicine that you need.
I am going to give you a medication to disolve blood clots in arteries.
I need the doctor's prescription in order to buy the medicine.
We are going to give you medicine to lower your blood pressure.
I don't think that medicine cures the flu but at least it will help control the symptoms.
John will feel better if he takes the medicine that the doctor prescribed.
John would feel better if he took the medicine that the doctor prescribed.
John would have felt better if he had taken the medicine that the doctor prescribed.
The nurse is going to give me a prescription to buy the medicine in the drug store.
I don't think that medicine cures the flu but at least it helps control the symptoms.
The doctor said that the medicine was going to relieve the headache.
I'm going to give you a medicine that you should place under your tongue.
I was hoping that the medicine would relieve the headache.
You would have felt better if you had taken the medicine.
Thank you, I am going to have a cheesesteak and I will take the medication after.
I don't like to take medicine unless it is totally necessary.
While you are taking this medicine, you should not...
¿Tomaste la medicina?
Did you take the medicine?
Si usted toma mucha medicina, se va a sobredosificar.
If you take too much medicine, you will overdose.
Ellos piensan en estudiar medicina.
They think (intend) to study medicine.
Yo estoy viendo la medicina en la farmacia.
I am looking for the medicine at the pharmacy.
El doctor dice que Juan necesita tomar la medicina.
The doctor says that John needs to take the medicine.
El doctor quiere que Juan tome la medicina.
The doctor wants John to take the medicine.
Yo no puedo comprar la medicina porque no puedo ir a la farmacia.
I can't buy the medicine because I can't go to the drug store.
¿Tienes el dinero para comprar la medicina?
Do you have the money to buy the medicine?
María dice que ella te puede dar el dinero para comprar la medicina para Juan.
Mary says that she can give you the money to buy the medicine for John.
Yo voy a comprar la medicina si María me da el dinero.
I am going to buy the medicine if Mary gives me the money.
María, ¿Me puedes dar el dinero para comprar la medicina?
Mary, can you give me the money to buy the medicine?
Yo espero que María me dé el dinero porque yo no puedo comprar la medicina que Juan necesita.
I hope that Mary gives me the money because I can't buy the medicine that John needs.
María te va a dar el dinero para comprar la medicina.
Mary is going to give you the money to buy the medicine.
Yo tengo que comprar una medicina para bajar la fiebre.
I have to buy a medicine to relieve the fever.
¿Vas a poder comprar la medicina que Juan necesita?
Are you going to be able to buy the medicine that John needs?
Tú estás trayendo la medicina al paciente.
You are bringing the medication to the patient.
La Dra. Pirela está empleando los últimos adelantos de la medicina.
Dr. Pirela is using the latest medicinal discoveries.
¿Sabes cuánto cuesta la medicina?
Do you know how much the medicine costs?
Yo no sé si María me va a poder dar el dinero para comprar la medicina.
I don't know if Mary is going to be able to give me the money to buy the medicine.
Yo espero que tú puedas comprar la medicina que Juan necesita.
I hope that you can buy the medicine that John needs.
Yo espero que tú la puedas comprar porque el doctor dice que Juan necesita tomar la medicina hoy.
I hope that you can buy it because the doctor says that John needs to take the medicine today.
Yo no sé si la farmacia tiene la medicina que Juan necesita.
I don't know if the drug store has the medicine that John needs.
¿Cómo se llama la medicina que Juan necesita?
What's the name of the medicine that John needs?
Yo creo que la medicina se llama "Zithromax."
I believe that the medicine is called "Zithromax."
Su padre quería que ella estudiara medicina.
Her father wanted her to study medicine.
El deseo de sus padres ha influido en su decisión de estudiar medicina.
His parent’s desire has influenced his decision to study medicine.
Yo espero que la medicina baje la fiebre.
I hope that the medicine relieves the fever.
Busqué la medicina en todas las farmacias del centro.
I looked for the medicine in all the downtown drugstores.
Oscar y yo estudiamos un libro sobre medicina.
Oscar and I study a book about medicine
Ella está pidiendo medicina para el enfermo.
She is asking for medication for the patient.
El doctor confunde la medicina del paciente.
The doctor made a mistake with the patient's medicine
Él vendedor de medicina le miente a mi cuñado.
The medicine salesman lies to my brother inlaw.
José estudia un libro sobre medicina.
José studies a book about medicine.
Yo tengo que comprar la medicina que María necesita.
I have to buy the medicine that Mary needs.
El doctor quiere que yo compre la medicina que María necesita.
The doctor wants me to buy the medicine that Mary needs.
Yo tengo que tomar la medicina.
I have to take the medicine.
¿Compraste la medicina?
Did you buy the medicine?
Yo no sé si Juan compró la medicina que María necesitaba.
I don't know if John bought the medicine that Mary needed.
El doctor quiere que María tome la medicina.
The doctor wants Mary to take the medicine.
El doctor quería que María tomara la medicina.
The doctor wanted Mary to take the medicine.
Yo creía que María iba a tomar la medicina.
I thought that Mary was going to take the medicine.
Esta pastilla alivia el dolor y también la medicina baja la fiebre.
This pill relieves the pain and also the medicine lowers the fever.
El doctor creía que yo iba a poder comprar la medicina en la farmacia.
The doctor thought that I was going to be able to buy the medicine in the drug store.
Yo espero que la medicina alivie el dolor de cabeza.
I hope that the medicine relieves the headache.
El segundo punto es la medicina complementaria.
My second point relates to complementary medicine.
Biología y medicina (Convenio sobre bioética)
Biology and medicine (Bioethics Convention)
Biología y medicina (Convenio sobre bioética) (continuación)
Biology and medicine (Bioethics Convention) (continuation)
Se opta por socializar la medicina.
Medicine is to be given the socialist treatment.
Se cimentará la medicina de dos clases.
A two-tier system of health care will be firmly established.
(SK) Señora Presidenta, me gustaría señalar un hecho que vincula la medicina veterinaria a la medicina humana.
(SK) Madam President, I would like to point out one fact which links veterinary medicine to human medicine.
Debemos asegurarnos de no nos auto prescribirnos la medicina equivocada.
We must make sure that we do not prescribe ourselves the wrong medicine.
En lugar de balas, deberíamos emplear la medicina.
Instead of bullets we should be using medicine.
Y lo mismo digo respecto a la medicina privada.
And I would say the same with regard to private medicine.
He tomado nota de los comentarios hechos sobre la medicina complementaria.
On the issue of complementary medicine, I have noted the comments made.
Esto es el polo opuesto a la medicina, es asesinato.
That is the precise opposite of medicine - it is murder.
En estas elecciones apenas se ha hablado de medicina.
This time, medicine is scarcely being mentioned as the elections take place.
Lamentablemente, no hay ninguna medicina adecuada para una situación así.
Unfortunately, there is no suitable medicine for such a situation.
La tecnología genética representa una revolución en la medicina.
Genetic engineering represents a revolution in medicine.
Esto no es un rechazo de la llamada medicina blanda.
This is not a rejection of so-called gentle medicine.
Esta es una medicina que perjudica al pequeño agricultor.
That is a remedy which inflicts further damage on small farmers.
Hipócrates exigió hace 2000 años: la alimentación debe ser vuestra medicina y la medicina debe ser vuestra alimentación.
Two thousand years ago, Hippocrates said that food should be our medicine and medicine our food.
Lo repito: la medicina del Siglo XXI debe ser una medicina más resueltamente centrada en la prevención.
I repeat: medicine in the twenty-first century must be more resolutely focused on prevention.
Hay millones de personas en la Unión Europea que han tenido experiencias muy positivas con la medicina complementaria y alternativa, sin olvidar tampoco a la medicina ecológica.
We have millions of people in the European Union who have had very positive experiences with complementary and alternative medicine, not forgetting environmental medicine.
El dicho "Toda la medicina del mundo no puede reemplazar al ejercicio, pero el ejercicio puede remplazar a toda la medicina del mundo" es eterno.
The saying 'all the medicine in the world cannot replace exercise, but exercise can replace all the medicine in the world' is timeless.
Propongo que se cree una agencia europea de la medicina de la reproducción y las biotecnologías.
I propose that a European Agency for reproductive and biotechnological medicine be created.
Por último, la cualificación del personal del Centro de Medicina de la Transfusión.
Finally, the qualifications of blood establishment staff.
La enmienda 33 restringiría la formación de la 'persona responsable' a la de un doctor en medicina.
Amendment No 33 would restrict the qualifications of the 'responsible person' to that of a medical doctor.
Hay c) marcas que exigen una identidad absoluta, por ejemplo, en la medicina.
There are c) trade marks that require absolute identity, in medicine for example.
No debemos sólo concentrarnos en la medicina, debemos concentrarnos también en la construcción de estructuras.
We must not only concentrate on medicine. We must, of course, also concentrate on restructuring.
La clonación terapéutica abre todo un nuevo espacio para el conocimiento humano y la medicina.
Therapeutic cloning opens up a whole new area for human knowledge and medicine.
La disparidad es particularmente acusada en los campos de la biotecnología y la medicina.
The disparity is particularly striking in the fields of biotechnology and medicine.
Y esa no es la medicina adecuada en una situación de estancamiento económico.
That is hardly the right medicine in a situation of economic stagnation.
La medicina regenerativa en Europa está empezando a rezagarse con respecto a los Estados Unidos y Asia.
Regenerative medicine in Europe is beginning to lag behind the US and Asia.
La medicina preventiva debe ser accesible para todos, tengan mucho o poco dinero.
Preventive medicine should be made available to everyone, no matter how much money they have.
Para nosotros, lo fundamental es fomentar la medicina complementaria y alternativa.
Support for complementary and alternative medicine is quite central for us.
Y ahí debe haber un hueco para la medicina complementaria y alternativa.
Complementary and alternative medicine must of course have its place there.
Más de 100 millones de ciudadanos comunitarios utilizan ya la medicina complementaria, cuya popularidad crece rápidamente.
Over 100 million EU citizens are already using complementary medicine and its popularity is growing rapidly.
No debemos olvidar que el compromiso activo con nuestra propia salud es siempre la mejor medicina.
We must never forget that active involvement in our own health is always the best medicine.
La propuesta de la Comisión no aborda una medicina concreta como tal.
The Commission proposal does not deal with specific medicine as such.
Pero a pesar de los avances que ha realizado la medicina, las enfermedades modernas siguen dando miedo.
But despite the advances that medicine has made, modern diseases still inspire fear.
Derogación de la Directiva 84/539/CEE del Consejo (aparatos eléctricos utilizados en medicina veterinaria) (votación)
Electro-medical equipment used in veterinary medicine (vote)
La transplantología es una de las ramas de la medicina que más rápidamente se está desarrollando.
Transplantology is one of the most rapidly growing branches of medicine.
Por último, señor Schulz, será un placer darle a probar su propia medicina.
Lastly, Mr Schulz, I can happily give you a taste of your own medicine.
Hipócrates dijo una vez que para estudiar medicina es necesario estudiar el clima.
Hippocrates once said that to study medicine you have to study the climate.
No debemos olvidar a los médicos y a los estudiantes de medicina, ya que esta victoria también es suya.
Doctors and medical students must not be forgotten, since this victory is also for them.
Existen nanopartículas en la medicina, pero sabemos muy poco sobre sus efectos toxicológicos.
There are nanoparticles in medicine, but we know very little about their toxicological effects.
Tal vez un debate libre sea la medicina más poderosa contra el extremismo y la violencia.
A free debate is perhaps the most powerful medicine against extremism and violence.
En Polonia he distribuido chapas y pulseras que animan a apoyar la medicina de los trasplantes.
In Poland, I have distributed badges and bracelets which encourage support of transplantation medicine.
¿Hay un deseo de erradicar el sector de la medicina natural?
Is there a desire to eradicate the natural medicines sector?
Pues sencillamente el uso irresponsable de antibióticos en la medicina veterinaria.
Simply through the irresponsible use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine.
Alrededor del 50 % de los antibióticos recetados en Europa se utilizan en medicina veterinaria.
Around 50% of the antibiotics prescribed in Europe are used in veterinary medicine.
Es preciso poner límites a la libertad de la ciencia, la investigación y la medicina.
We must not say yes to every possibility: science, research and medicine must have their limits.
Todos sabemos que la medicina no es una ciencia cartesiana como las matemáticas.
We all know that medicine is not a cartesian science, like mathematics.
No le suministraron su medicina y el lugar donde está enterrado es secreto.
He did not receive his medicine, and his burial was kept secret.
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