Spanish Sentences using ley
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The Nobody agreed with the new law; however, they decided to go ahead.
It is a violation of the law if you do not earn $5.15 per hour.
El Parlamento ha aprobado la ley.
Parliament has passed the law.
Ya se había burlado de la ley muchas veces.
He had already evaded the law many times.
La semana pasada la oposición votó en contra de la nueva ley.
Last week the opposition voted against the new law.
¿Por qué paramos cuando no viene otro carro? Paramos porque es la ley.
Why do we stop when there is no other car coming. We stop because that is the law.
Usted no debe infringir la ley.
You must not break any laws.
Nosotros estamos aquí para hacer cumplir la ley.
We are here to enforce the law.
Tú infringiste la ley.
You broke the law.
Esto es contra la ley.
That is against the law.
La ley es la ley.
The law is the law.
Una ley incierta es una mala ley.
Uncertain law is bad law.
La ley nos importa.
The law matters to us.
No obstante, la ley no funciona.
Nonetheless, the law is not working.
Necesitamos una ley, no reglas.
We need a law, not rules.
Esta ley sigue vigente.
The law is still in place.
Siempre he acatado la ley.
I have always observed the law.
No así la ley D'Amato.
That is not the case with the D'Amato legislation.
A continuación, una ley ...
Thus, in order to continue a law would have to again...
Han acatado la ley.
They have abided by the rules.
Es una ley de Dios, una ley de la naturaleza.
This is a divine law and a law of nature.
Una ley apresurada suele ser una mala ley.
Hurried law is usually bad law.
Esta ley tiene un nombre: la ley de la jungla.
This law has a name: the law of the jungle.
Esa ley existía antes de la Ley Helms-Burton.
This legislation existed prior to the Helms-Burton Act.
Esta Ley de seguridad interior es una ley arbitraria.
This Internal Security Act is an arbitrary law.
Hay que respetar la ley.
The law must be respected.
Es la ley del género.
It is the law of the genre.
¡El IRA no es la ley!
The IRA is not the law!
Es una ley poco satisfactoria.
This is an unsatisfactory law.
Y prefieren una sola ley.
They prefer to have one piece of legislation.
La ley nos permite hacerlo".
The law entitles us to do so'.
Ley aplicable en materia matrimonial (
Applicable law in matrimonial matters (
Se ajustan totalmente a la ley.
They are fully compliant with the law.
Estamos ante una ley excelente.
We have an excellent piece of legislation.
¿Qué dice exactamente esta ley?
What exactly does that Act state?
Es la ley del embudo.
This is clearly a question of double standards.
El cambio de la ley es fundamental.
Change in the law is fundamental.
No estoy proponiendo que infrinjamos la ley.
I am not suggesting that we contravene legislation.
Esta ley no ha sido aprobada todavía.
This bill has not yet been adopted.
Esta ley tiene que serle de utilidad.
Copyright law must serve the rightholder.
La ley sobre blasfemia debe ser derogada.
The Blasphemy Act must be repealed.
No respeta el derecho internacional ni la ley.
It is not complying with international law or with its own laws.
Creemos que han violado ustedes la ley.
We believe that you are in breach of the law!
Como Comisión no pueden ustedes violar la ley.
As the Commission, you may not break the law.
Kofi Annan representa la ley. Bush no.
Kofi Annan represents the law, Bush does not.
Todos deben ser iguales ante la ley.
Everybody must be equal before the law.
¿No está Dios por encima de la ley?
Is God not above the law?
«Hágase la ley», reza el programa.
‘Let there be law’, the programme goes.
La Ley patriota y otras medidas no funcionan.
The Patriot Act and other measures do not work.
Esta ley debe proteger al consumidor vulnerable.
This law must protect the vulnerable consumer.
Estaban sometidos a la ley de otro.
They were subjected to the law of someone else.
La ley de desarrollo asimétrico es inexorable.
The law of asymmetrical development is inexorable.
La ley es clara y vinculante.
The law is unambiguous and binding.
Para eso no hace falta ninguna ley europea.
No European law is needed for that.
Acuden a nosotros cuando la ley no funciona.
They come to us when the law is not working.
O enmendar la discriminatoria Ley electoral.
Or to amend the discriminatory Elections Act.
Lo importante es el respeto a la ley.
The important thing is respect for the law.
Por supuesto, se debe respetar la ley.
This law must naturally be respected.
Ley aplicable a las obligaciones contractuales (Roma I) (debate)
Law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) (debate)
Ley aplicable a las obligaciones contractuales (Roma I) (votación)
Law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) (vote)
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