Spanish Sentences using interior
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I love the way that designer decorates the interior.
You should know, however, that the coastal areas offer more opportunities than the inland areas.
Inside the plane you cannot use electronic devices
Last year my grandma gave me underwear as always.
I need paint for the interior, for a new house.
En la floristería puedes encontrar plantas de interior, de exterior y otros productos especializados.

At the florist's you can find indoor and outdoor plants as well as other specialized products
Interiormente / En el interior
within / inside
Necesita pintura para interior o exterior?
Do you need paint for inside or outside?
No hace falta que planche la ropa interior.
You don't have to iron undergarments.
¿Estaría el Ministro del Interior en la reunión?
I wonder if the Minister of Interior was at the meeting.
Tenemos el mercado interior.
We have the internal market.
Por tanto, desmotivación interior.
It is therefore demoralising on the inside.
Hablamos del mercado interior.
We are talking about the internal market.
Necesitamos el mercado interior.
The internal market is something which we need.
Cuarto: interior y justicia.
Fourth, home affairs and justice.
Existía un Ministerio de Comercio Interior pero no existía comercio interior.
There was a Ministry of Internal Trade, but there was no internal trade.
Estrategia para el mercado interior
Strategy for Europe' s Internal Market
No se trata del mercado interior.
It has nothing to do with the internal single market.
Señorías, el mercado interior no funciona.
Ladies and gentlemen, the internal market does not work.
Esto destruye el mercado interior.
That smashes the Internal Market to bits.
El mercado interior está creciendo.
The internal market is growing.
Necesitamos completar el mercado interior.
We need to complete the internal market.
Ya nada es exclusivamente interior.
Nothing is simply domestic any more.
Queremos un mercado interior europeo.
We want a European internal market.
¿Es eso política interior española?
Is that Spanish internal politics?
Mercado interior de la electricidad (
Internal market in electricity (
Mercado interior del gas natural (
Internal market in natural gas (
Mercado interior de la electricidad (
Common rules for the internal market in electricity (
Mercado interior del gas natural (
Internal market in natural gas (
Asunto: Ampliación y seguridad interior
Subject: Enlargement and internal security
Mercado interior del gas natural
The internal market in natural gas
Pero miremos a nuestro interior también.
But let us look inwards as well.
He dicho proyección exterior y dimensión interior.
I have referred to our external presence and to the internal dimension.
También afecta a una cuestión de mercado interior.
It also addresses an internal market issue.
Aquí, es importante mantener el mercado interior.
Here, it is important for us to retain the internal market.
No se trata del mercado interior europeo.
This is not about transactions in the single internal market.
Estrategia para el mercado interior de servicios
Internal market strategy for services
Tenemos en nuestro interior la otra crisis.
And then we have another crisis within Europe.
Los socialistas desean un verdadero mercado interior.
The Socialists do want to achieve a real internal market.
Dicho mercado interior, ¿acaso hoy no existe?
Does not this internal market exist today?
Es un elemento central del mercado interior.
That is a central feature of the internal market.
Todavía no tenemos un mercado interior de servicios.
We do not yet have an internal market for services.
Ellos están preocupados por el mercado interior.
They are concerned about the internal market.
También debe producirse desde el interior.
It may also take place from the inside.
En Europa tenemos un mercado interior.
In Europe we have an internal market.
Por eso decimos «sí» al mercado interior.
That is why we say 'yes' to the internal market.
Este informe trata del mercado interior.
This report is about the internal market.
Tenemos que consolidar plenamente el mercado interior.
We have to ensure that the internal market is fully completed.
Usted ha mencionado el mercado interior.
You mentioned the internal market.
No existe alternativa a la liberalización del mercado interior.
There is no alternative to the liberalisation of the Internal Market.
¿Qué entendemos por seguridad interior o exterior?
What do we mean by internal or external security?
El mercado interior no autoriza a engañar a los consumidores.
The internal market is not a licence for misleading consumers.
La ampliación refuerza el mercado interior.
Enlargement strengthens the internal market.
El mercado interior refuerza la competitividad.
The internal market strengthens competitiveness.
La primera se refiere a asuntos de interior.
The first relates to internal matters.
Será positivo para el mercado interior europeo.
It would be good for the European internal market.
A fin de cuentas tenemos un mercado interior.
At the end of the day we have one internal market.
La seguridad interior es uno de ellos.
Internal security is one of these areas.
Servicios en el mercado interior (debate)
Services in the internal market (debate)
Servicios en el mercado interior (votación)
Services in the internal market (vote)
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