Spanish Sentences using inevitable
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The Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Es inevitable
it cannot be helped
Es inevitable.
There is no escaping this.
¿Es técnicamente inevitable?
Is it not technically avoidable?
Semejante política no es inevitable.
Such a policy is not a foregone conclusion.
Es necesario e inevitable.
That is both necessary and inevitable.
Esta tragedia, lamentablemente, no era inevitable.
This tragedy was not, unfortunately, inevitable.
La consideramos inevitable y necesaria.
We regard it as inevitable and necessary.
Rechazamos la lógica de la guerra inevitable.
We reject the logic of inevitable war.
No se trata de una incertidumbre técnica inevitable.
This is not about unavoidable technical uncertainty.
Pero eso tendría una consecuencia inevitable.
There would be an inevitable consequence of doing so, however.
¿Se trata de un proceso inevitable?
Is this an inevitable process?
El proceso será desagradable, pero es inevitable.
The process will be painful, but it is inevitable.
¿Se trata de un acontecimiento inevitable?
Is this an unavoidable development?
Esto es algo inevitable si esta modificación se lleva a efecto.
This type of situation will become inevitable if this amendment is put into practice.
Al final del reglamento que examinamos aparece la inevitable comitología.
At the end of the present Regulation, the inevitable comitology crops up.
No podemos estarlo totalmente y quizás sea incluso inevitable.
We cannot be entirely satisfied, but then that may have been inevitable.
Acaba de decir que la contaminación es inevitable.
You said just now that contamination is unavoidable.
El resto vendrá dado como una consecuencia inevitable.
The rest will follow as an inevitable consequence.
A algunos la guerra nos parece inevitable, a otros no nos lo parece.
Some of us consider war inevitable, some of us do not.
Es inevitable que algunos no estén satisfechos con la legislación propuesta.
There are some inevitably who will not be satisfied with the legislation that is put forward.
La liberalización es sin duda inevitable; es un paso obligado.
Liberalisation is certainly inevitable; it has got to come.
Si se aprobaran estas enmiendas, la conciliación resultaría inevitable.
Should these amendments be adopted, conciliation would appear inevitable.
Por lo tanto, es inevitable que surjan disputas.
It is therefore inevitable that disputes will arise.
La necesidad de reforma del sector del azúcar es inevitable.
The need for reform of the sugar sector is inevitable.
La desaparición de franjas completas de costa es inevitable.
The disappearance of whole swathes of coastline is inevitable.
Sin embargo, la elevación de las tensiones no es inevitable.
Rising tensions are not a given, however.
El proceso de globalización a escala mundial es inevitable.
The worldwide process of globalisation is inevitable.
Además, el riesgo de choque entre generaciones es inevitable.
In addition, the risk of a clash between the generations is inevitable.
Es inevitable que nuestros debates tengan siempre una componente nacional.
It is inevitable that our debates should always have a national component.
Usted solo quiere menos y lo presenta como algo inevitable.
You only want less, and you present this as an inevitable development.
Podría incluso decir que es inevitable para el medio ambiente.
I might even say it is inevitable for the environment.
¿Cuánta intolerancia va a estar causada por esta consecuencia inevitable?
How much bigotry is going to be caused by this inevitable consequence?
La segmentación es inevitable en un mundo tan diverso.
Segmentation is inevitable in our diverse world.
Se requerirá liderazgo, o posiblemente el inevitable colapso económico.
It will take leadership, or possibly the inevitable economic meltdown.
Debido al diseño del ICD, el vacío legislativo era inevitable.
Given the design of the DCI, the legislative gap was inevitable.
Es simplemente inevitable que se siga desarrollando de forma segura.
Its further safe development is simply unavoidable.
La salida de Gbagbo resulta, por tanto, inevitable.
Mr Gbagbo's departure is therefore inevitable.
Esa es una realidad inevitable, la cuestión es cuándo.
That is an inevitable reality - the question is 'when?'
Sin embargo, será inevitable realizar una reprogramación de la deuda.
However, a rescheduling of debt will be unavoidable.
Existen varios motivos por los que dicho fracaso es inevitable.
There are several reasons why this failure is inevitable.
Permítanme, sin embargo, mostrarles mi personal e inevitable amargura.
But allow me to convey to them a certain sense of bitterness which I cannot help but feel.
Esos jóvenes ahora están muertos, posiblemente debido a ese cambio inevitable.
Those young people are dead, possibly because of that unavoidable change.
Es un sistema duro, seguramente muy duro, pero es inevitable.
This system is a hard one, undoubtedly, perhaps a very hard one, but an inevitable one.
Creo, efectivamente, que un boicot de petróleo es inevitable.
I think an oil boycott must indeed be unavoidable.
También será inevitable una mayor eficiencia en las transacciones financieras.
Greater efficiency in financial transactions will also be inevitable.
En este sentido, la competencia fiscal es inevitable.
Tax competition is inevitable in this sense.
El uso de estas sustancias hace inevitable su transporte.
Using these substances means that they have to be transported.
Apoyamos la salida de la Comisión como un hecho inevitable.
We endorse the departure of the entire Commission as something which is inevitable.
Existe una inevitable, y de hecho necesaria, área de coincidencia con instrumentos existentes.
There is an inevitable, indeed necessary, area of overlap with existing instruments.
Es inevitable que algunas industrias pierdan por ello sus restituciones a la exportación.
It is inevitable that some industries will lose their export subsidies in the process.
No podemos seguir aceptándolo como un designio inevitable, sino que debemos procurar evitarlo.
We must no longer accept this as a stroke of fate but must do something about it.
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